Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

Ejemplo de lo que hacen ALGUNOS (que no todos) para justificar sus "paychecks":

Life on Earth originally came from Mars, new study suggests

Evidence is mounting that we are all Martians. According to new research presented at the annual Goldschmidt geochemistry conference in Florence, there is compelling evidence that life on Earth was kick-started by a meteorite from Mars bearing simple, RNA-based organisms. Furthermore, the same research also indicates that the ancient, primordial surface of Earth would’ve been inhospitable to the formation of the building blocks of life (RNA, DNA, and proteins) — therefore, the only way that life could’ve begun more than three billion years ago is if it arrived here from Mars.

As far as we know, life began on Earth roughly 3.5 billion years ago. The leading theory on how life begun is abiogenesis — that life spontaneously formed from organic compounds, which themselves spontaneously formed. What we don’t know is whether abiogenesis occurred here on Earth, or whether it occurred elsewhere in the universe and then was deposited here via a meteorite (exogenesis/panspermia). Now, according to the findings of Steven Benner of The Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology in Florida, conditions here on Earth would’ve made it impossible for these organic compounds to make the leap to life — while the conditions on Mars would’ve been just right.

Basically, Benner postulates that RNA — the single-stranded, non-helical version of DNA that was probably the first building block of life — could only have been created in the presence of highly oxidized molybdenum and boron. Boron minerals could’ve helped early organic compounds to form into carbohydrate rings, and oxygenized molybdenum could’ve acted as a template for forming those carbohydrates into ribose, and thus RNA.
An artist's concept of Mars' west hemisphere, billions of years ago, when it still had its oceans and atmosphere

An artist’s concept of Mars’ west hemisphere, billions of years ago, when it still had its oceans and atmosphere

According to Benner, three billion years ago, back before Earth had an oxygen-rich atmosphere, this form of molybdenum wasn’t available. Likewise, Earth was completely covered in water, and boron is currently only found in extremely dry places. On the other hand, four billion years ago — long before life is believed to have started here on Earth — we believe that Mars had an oxygen-rich atmosphere, and dry areas where boron could form in high concentrations. If simple RNA-based organisms did actually form on Mars, then it wouldn’t be too hard for it to hitch a ride to Earth on a meteorite.

This theory, if it’s correct, raises an interesting question: If life started on Mars, where is it now? Mars once had an atmosphere and surface water, but lost both a long time ago. We know that life is incredibly rugged, though, and capable of surviving in some of the most inhospitable environments imaginable, such as the vacuum of space or in darkness under miles of ice. If life did form on Mars, it’s entirely possible that it’s still there. Unfortunately, our current crop of rovers, such as Curiosity, aren’t outfitted with microbe-hunting gear — but the next rover, due to land on Mars in 2020, will have a microscope and other tools to search for fossils and other biosignatures.

Este sin contar los millones que se han gastado en el SETI para hallar nada. ... pero bueno... y siguen pidiendo "aportes" y donaciones.

...... y se me olvidaba que las farmacéuticas son tan honestas todas ellas. :)
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

Estás equivocado..
Los cientificos son honestos..
Ellos calculan,miden..y se avienen a las medidas que obtienen.

supongamos que las leyes de la Naturaleza fueron siempre iguales..(mas que una suposición debe ser así, de lo contrario habría un caos.,etc, etc.)
miremos los oceános salados.
Sabemos que las sales son arratradas por los ríos.Calculemos cuantaa agua vierten los rios a los mares por año.
Medimos la cantidad de sal que tiene un litro de agua de rio.
Ahora calculemos cuanta sal llevan al año a los mares..
Como el mar tiene XXXXXX kg de sal, las cuentas dan que los rios tienen que haber estado fluyendo 30 millones de años..
Entonces la conclusion es que la Tierra tiene por lo menos esa edad..
¿Ves que simple?

Idem con el Big-Bang..
Vemos que las galaxias se alejan a XXX velocidad..Ejemplo:una que está a 500 millones de años luz.
Si se aleja a XXX km por hora de nosotros,Si la velocidad fue mas o menos la misma, calculamos y nos da que hace 10.000 millones de años estaba junto a nosotros.
Toda la materia estaba reunida en un punto hace 10.000 millones de años.
¿Ves que simple?
¿Donde esta la mala fe en los cálculos que te he mostrado?

Supongamos que yo llego a mi casa y hay un recipiente lleno con agua debajo de una canilla goteando. Yo calculo la cantidad de gotas que caen por minuto y así concluyo que la canilla estuvo goteando durante 2 días. Ahora bien, lo que yo OBSERVO en el presente es un recipiente lleno con agua bajo una canilla goteando, pero no estuve OBSERVANDO si en el pasado esa canilla siempre estuvo goteando y si ese recipiente estuvo allí desde hace dos días. Supongamos que llega mi hermana y me dice: "hace cinco minutos llené ese recipiente y lo dejé bajo esa canilla que gotea". Mis suposiciones terminan siendo falsas porque yo no tenía los datos necesarios acerca de qué sucedió en el pasado. Los científicos pueden conjeturar qué es lo que pudo suceder en el mundo para que las cosas estén como ahora están, pero para esto, deben basar sus cálculos en la teoría de UNIFORMITARISTA, o sea, deben especular con que el mundo siempre estuvo igual y nada cambió.

De por sí, pensar que las leyes de la naturaleza nunca cambiaron es algo que ya descartaron la mayoría de los científicos. Hoy se sabe que la velocidad de la luz está disminuyendo, que el magnetismo terrestre está decayendo, que la velocidad de giro de la Tierra se está reduciendo, hubieron cambios atmosféricos y muchos otros cambios en la Tierra en muy poco tiempo. Estos factores, por sí solos, hacen que sea casi imposible calcular cualquier fecha pasada. Se sabe de rocas volcánicas de 200 años de antigüedad que dieron miles de millones de años a través de los fechados radiométricos. Entonces ¿por qué se sigue usando la datación radiométrica? Fácil: porque los científicos son DESHONESTOS y la datación radiométrica les "ayuda" a hacer creer al mundo que la teoría de la edad de los fósiles y las capas geológicas es cierta. Dicen que un fósil tiene 200.000.000 de años porque se halló en una capa geológica de esa época, pero si preguntas ¿cómo sabes que esa capa geológica tiene 200 millones de años?, te dirán ¡Porque los fósiles que encontramos allí son de esa época! Toda la teoría evolucionista está plagada de razonamientos circulares que se auto-refutan.

Ahora bien, más allá de los cambios que viene sufriendo la Tierra, ¿qué tal si Dios creó todo con la forma y función adecuada? No es que Dios hizo parecer las cosas viejas para confundir al ser humano, pero ¿cómo sobreviviría el ser humano si era creado como bebé? ¿Qué comería si los vegetales estuviesen en etapa de semilla? ¿Qué señales verían en el cielo si la luz de las estrellas aún no llegaba hasta ellos? Dios, en su sabiduría, creó todo con "apariencia de vejez" no para confundir a los científicos de hoy, sino para que el ser humano disfrutara de una creación en pleno apogeo ya desde el principio de Su existencia. Lo que los ateos toman como "necedad" en Dios, es más sabio que todas sus conjeturas, tal como lo dice la Biblia:

1 Corintios 1:25-26 (RV-1960)
(25) Porque lo insensato de Dios es más sabio que los hombres, y lo débil de Dios es más fuerte que los hombres.
(26) Pues mirad, hermanos, vuestra vocación, que no sois muchos sabios según la carne, ni muchos poderosos, ni muchos nobles;

Oseas 14:8-9 (RV-1960)
¿Quién es sabio para que entienda esto, y prudente para que lo sepa? Porque los caminos de Jehová son rectos, y los justos andarán por ellos; mas los rebeldes caerán en ellos.
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

[h=1] La geología secular admite la formación rápida de cañones por megainundaciones[/h] 21 junio 2010 — Es difícil negar la formación cataclísmica de cañones cuando se tiene la evidencia delante mismo. Observemos lo que sucedió en Texas hace pocos años, según lo comunica PhysOrg:

En el verano de 2002, una semana de lluvias torrenciales en el centro de Texas llevó al Lago Canyon —el embalse de la Presa Canyon— a rebosar y derramarse por su aliviadero y seguir aguas abajo por el valle del río Guadalupe en un desvío planificado para salvar la presa de una rotura catastrófica. La inundación, que persistió durante seis semanas, privó al valle de sus algarrobos, robles y suelo; destruyó un puente, y arrancó y arrastró peñascos de dimensiones de un metro del suelo. También, en una extraordinaria demostración de la potencia de las aguas embravecidas, esta inundación excavó un cañón de una longitud de 2,2 kilómetros y de 7 metros de profundidad en el lecho de roca.

Vista aérea del Lago Canyon y su presa en el río Guadalupe en el Condado Comal, Texas, EE. UU. Fotografía: USACE

En realidad el cañón se formó en solo tres días, según Science Daily. Live Science también informaba acerca de este hecho, y decía: «Algunos de los cañones más espectaculares de la Tierra y de Marte se formaron probablemente en un parpadeo de tiempo geológico, según sugiere un nuevo estudio que ha desvelado claves de su formación en el corazón profundo de Texas».

Esta clase de inundaciones cataclísmicas y sus cañones resultantes no son cosa desconocida en tiempos históricos, pero lo nuevo es que los geólogos están tomando nota y aplicando la lección del Lago Canyon a grandes megainundaciones prehistóricas en la Tierra e incluso en Marte. PhysOrg añadía: «Nuestro punto de vista tradicional acerca de los profundos cañones fluviales, como el caso del Gran Cañón, es que fueron tallados lentamente, según el flujo regular y ocasionalmente de moderadas crecidas de ríos erosiona la roca durante períodos de millones de años». Citando a Michael Lamb de Caltech, coautor de un artículo en Nature Geoscience,[SUP]1[/SUP] el artículo afirmaba que este no es siempre el caso: «Sabemos que algunos grandes cañones han sido tallados por grandes sucesos de inundaciones cataclísmicas durante la historia de la Tierra».
Lamb proseguía explicando que no es fácil distinguir entre un cañón formado por fuerzas cataclísmicas de otro formado gradualmente:
Desafortunadamente, estas megainundaciones cataclísmicas —que pueden también haber tallado unos espectaculares cañones en Marte– dejan generalmente pocas huellas que permitan distinguirlas de sucesos más lentos. «Hay muy pocos ejemplos modernos de megainundaciones», dice Lamb, «y estos sucesos no son generalmente observados, de modo que el proceso por el que sucede la erosión no se comprende bien». Sin embargo, dice, «los indicios que quedan atrás, como peñascos e islas de sedimentos con forma hidrodinámica, sugieren la presencia de agua en rápido movimiento» —aunque no nos revela nada acerca del marco cronológico durante el que corrió el agua.
Lamb encontraba que un proceso como el de «excavación» –en el que peñascos arrancados del lecho rocoso se convirtieron en enormes mazos en la corriente, y que cascadas retrocediendo por la erosión llevaron a la rápida erosión descendente del cañón. Y manifiesta la esperanza de que las características que se observan en el Lago Canyon servirán de ayuda para la interpretación de las huellas de megainundaciones en la Tierra y en Marte. Este es el resumen del artículo de Lamb y Fonstad:
Se cree que los cañones profundos de ríos se forman lentamente a lo largo del tiempo geológico (véase, por ejemplo, ref. 1 [el Gran Cañón]), cortado por corrientes moderadas que reaparecen periódicamente cada pocos años, 2, 3. En contraste, algunos de los cañones más espectaculares en la Tierra y en Marte fueron probablemente tallados de forma rápida durante antiguas megainundaciones[SUP]4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12[/SUP]. La cuantificación de la descarga de la inundación y de la mecánica de la erosión que operó durante tales acontecimientos se ve dificultada porque carecemos de análogos modernos. La Garganta del Lago Canyon, Texas, fue tallada en 2002 durante una sola inundación cataclísmica[SUP]13[/SUP]. Este suceso nos ofrece una rara oportunidad para analizar la formación de los cañones y poner a prueba las técnicas de reconstrucción paleohidráulicas bajo unas condiciones topográficas e hidráulicas conocidas. Aquí usamos modelos topográficos digitales e imágenes aéreas en los rangos visible e infrarrojo tomadas antes y después de la inundación, mediciones de campo y modelado de transporte de sedimentos para demostrar que la inundación desplazó peñascos de un metro de diámetro, excavó alrededor de 7 m de piedra caliza y transformó un valle con un recubrimiento de manto vegetal en un cañón tallado en un lecho rocoso en sólo alrededor de 3 días. Encontramos que la morfología del cañón depende en gran medida del tipo de roca: la excavación de bloques de piedra caliza produjo cascadas, canales internos y terrazas de valles en artesa en el lecho rocoso, mientras que la abrasión de aluviones cementados esculpió paredes, pozos de erosión e islas con formas hidrodinámicas. La formación del cañón fue tan rápida que la erosión pudo haber quedado limitada por la capacidad de la corriente de transportar sedimentos. Sugerimos que nuestros resultados podrían mejorar las reconstrucciones hidráulicas de similares megainundaciones en la Tierra y en Marte.
Sus referencias incluían el artículo de J H Bretz acerca de las scablands acanaladas de Washington y otras investigaciones sobre las inundaciones del lago Bonneville, pero ningún trabajo por parte de geólogos creacionistas que han postulado la formación rápida del Gran Cañón por una megainundación debida a la rotura de una presa natural. No consideran el Gran Cañón en este artículo aparte de decir en la introducción que «Se cree que la mayoría de los cañones fluviales excavados en roca fueron tallados lentamente a lo largo de millones de años (por ejemplo, el Gran Cañón, en los EE. UU., ref. 1) por corrientes moderadas que se repiten cada tantos años». No dicen si están de acuerdo con tal opinión ahora a la luz de su propio trabajo.
Lamb y Fonstad describían en el artículo lo difícil que es distinguir procesos lentos de los rápidos:
Es difícil identificar factores morfológicos en la Garganta del Lago Canyon que indiquen la formación del cañón durante un suceso de 3 días de duración, en contraste a una inundación de mayor duración o con sucesos múltiples. Por ejemplo, los canales interiores, knickpoints y terrazas se forman a menudo lentamente a lo largo del tiempo geológico en respuesta a cambios climáticos o a constricción tectónica, pero en la Garganta del Lago Canyon y en otras megainundaciones tienen que haberse formado rápidamente mediante inestabilidades intrínsecas en los procesos de erosión. A veces se infiere de una garganta estrecha que representa una erosión lenta y persistente, mientras que la Garganta del Lago Canyon fue formada en cuestión de días. Está claro que se precisa de modelos para la velocidad de erosión del lecho rocoso para calcular la duración necesaria de la inundación para excavar un cañón de un volumen conocido. Aunque se han realizado notables progresos, no existen modelos mecanísticos bien probados de erosión del lecho rocoso mediante excavación durante megainundaciones.
Hicieron lo mejor que pudieron para conseguir una «teoría semiempírica» de capacidad de transporte de sedimentos para dar cuenta de la rápida erosión de la Garganta del Lago Canyon. Aparentemente no era la resistencia del lecho rocoso lo que limitó la erosión, sino la capacidad del agua de desgajar y mover grandes bloques de roca: «Así, parece verosímil que la erosión de roca bien articulada debido a grandes inundaciones podría ser extremadamente rápida, de modo que la formación de los cañones queda limitada por la capacidad de la inundación de transportar los bloques excavados más que por el proceso mismo de excavación». Queda por ver si este va a ser el único sorprendente giro de paradigma a partir de este ejemplo observado de una rápida formación de un cañón. Puede que sea hora ya de cambiar muchos de los carteles de interpretación de los parques nacionales.

1. Lamb y Fonstad, «Rapid formation of a modern bedrock canyon by a single flood event». Nature Geoscience, Publicado en línea: 20 de junio de 2010 | doi:10.1038/ngeo894.
¿Que quiere decir con lo de que no se comprende bien? Si el geólogo secular hubiera estado leyendo las revistas creacionistas que han estado publicando investigaciones desde hace décadas, y que van muy por delante en este tema, no se sentirían tan despistados. Las revistas Creation Research Society Quarterly, Journal of Creation, y otras revistas con revisión por pares, escritas por científicos creacionistas que realizan investigaciones en campo y con doctorados en sus disciplinas, han estado hablando durante años y años acerca de la potencia de los procesos cataclísmicos para producir el Gran Cañón y otros grandes accidentes geográficos en sólo días y semanas debido a la rotura de presas y otros procesos de megainundaciones. No se trata de nada nuevo, pero las revistas seculares y los medios de comunicación de masas actúan como si lo fuese. Está bien que por fin la multitud secular, todavía medio amodorrada en su ensueño lyelliano, caiga en la conciencia de la realidad (más vale tarde que nunca), pero, ¿qué de dar crédito a quien crédito es debido? Los autores diluvialistas de artículos acerca de este tema deberían reunirse y entrar en la oficina de Lamb con los montones de sus artículos sobre formación cataclísmica de cañones por megainundaciones, apilarlos sobre su escritorio, y preguntarle: «¿Dónde ha estado usted metido todos estos años?»


Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

La geología secular admite la formación rápida de cañones por megainundaciones

21 junio 2010 — Es difícil negar la formación cataclísmica de cañones cuando se tiene la evidencia delante mismo. Observemos lo que sucedió en Texas hace pocos años, según lo comunica PhysOrg:

En el verano de 2002, una semana de lluvias torrenciales en el centro de Texas llevó al Lago Canyon —el embalse de la Presa Canyon— a rebosar y derramarse por su aliviadero y seguir aguas abajo por el valle del río Guadalupe en un desvío planificado para salvar la presa de una rotura catastrófica. La inundación, que persistió durante seis semanas, privó al valle de sus algarrobos, robles y suelo; destruyó un puente, y arrancó y arrastró peñascos de dimensiones de un metro del suelo. También, en una extraordinaria demostración de la potencia de las aguas embravecidas, esta inundación excavó un cañón de una longitud de 2,2 kilómetros y de 7 metros de profundidad en el lecho de roca.
Vista aérea del Lago Canyon y su presa en el río Guadalupe en el Condado Comal, Texas, EE. UU. Fotografía: USACE

En realidad el cañón se formó en solo tres días, según Science Daily. Live Science también informaba acerca de este hecho, y decía: «Algunos de los cañones más espectaculares de la Tierra y de Marte se formaron probablemente en un parpadeo de tiempo geológico, según sugiere un nuevo estudio que ha desvelado claves de su formación en el corazón profundo de Texas».

Esta clase de inundaciones cataclísmicas y sus cañones resultantes no son cosa desconocida en tiempos históricos, pero lo nuevo es que los geólogos están tomando nota y aplicando la lección del Lago Canyon a grandes megainundaciones prehistóricas en la Tierra e incluso en Marte. PhysOrg añadía: «Nuestro punto de vista tradicional acerca de los profundos cañones fluviales, como el caso del Gran Cañón, es que fueron tallados lentamente, según el flujo regular y ocasionalmente de moderadas crecidas de ríos erosiona la roca durante períodos de millones de años». Citando a Michael Lamb de Caltech, coautor de un artículo en Nature Geoscience,[SUP]1[/SUP] el artículo afirmaba que este no es siempre el caso: «Sabemos que algunos grandes cañones han sido tallados por grandes sucesos de inundaciones cataclísmicas durante la historia de la Tierra».
Lamb proseguía explicando que no es fácil distinguir entre un cañón formado por fuerzas cataclísmicas de otro formado gradualmente:
Desafortunadamente, estas megainundaciones cataclísmicas —que pueden también haber tallado unos espectaculares cañones en Marte– dejan generalmente pocas huellas que permitan distinguirlas de sucesos más lentos. «Hay muy pocos ejemplos modernos de megainundaciones», dice Lamb, «y estos sucesos no son generalmente observados, de modo que el proceso por el que sucede la erosión no se comprende bien». Sin embargo, dice, «los indicios que quedan atrás, como peñascos e islas de sedimentos con forma hidrodinámica, sugieren la presencia de agua en rápido movimiento» —aunque no nos revela nada acerca del marco cronológico durante el que corrió el agua.
Lamb encontraba que un proceso como el de «excavación» –en el que peñascos arrancados del lecho rocoso se convirtieron en enormes mazos en la corriente, y que cascadas retrocediendo por la erosión llevaron a la rápida erosión descendente del cañón. Y manifiesta la esperanza de que las características que se observan en el Lago Canyon servirán de ayuda para la interpretación de las huellas de megainundaciones en la Tierra y en Marte. Este es el resumen del artículo de Lamb y Fonstad:
Se cree que los cañones profundos de ríos se forman lentamente a lo largo del tiempo geológico (véase, por ejemplo, ref. 1 [el Gran Cañón]), cortado por corrientes moderadas que reaparecen periódicamente cada pocos años, 2, 3. En contraste, algunos de los cañones más espectaculares en la Tierra y en Marte fueron probablemente tallados de forma rápida durante antiguas megainundaciones[SUP]4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12[/SUP]. La cuantificación de la descarga de la inundación y de la mecánica de la erosión que operó durante tales acontecimientos se ve dificultada porque carecemos de análogos modernos. La Garganta del Lago Canyon, Texas, fue tallada en 2002 durante una sola inundación cataclísmica[SUP]13[/SUP]. Este suceso nos ofrece una rara oportunidad para analizar la formación de los cañones y poner a prueba las técnicas de reconstrucción paleohidráulicas bajo unas condiciones topográficas e hidráulicas conocidas. Aquí usamos modelos topográficos digitales e imágenes aéreas en los rangos visible e infrarrojo tomadas antes y después de la inundación, mediciones de campo y modelado de transporte de sedimentos para demostrar que la inundación desplazó peñascos de un metro de diámetro, excavó alrededor de 7 m de piedra caliza y transformó un valle con un recubrimiento de manto vegetal en un cañón tallado en un lecho rocoso en sólo alrededor de 3 días. Encontramos que la morfología del cañón depende en gran medida del tipo de roca: la excavación de bloques de piedra caliza produjo cascadas, canales internos y terrazas de valles en artesa en el lecho rocoso, mientras que la abrasión de aluviones cementados esculpió paredes, pozos de erosión e islas con formas hidrodinámicas. La formación del cañón fue tan rápida que la erosión pudo haber quedado limitada por la capacidad de la corriente de transportar sedimentos. Sugerimos que nuestros resultados podrían mejorar las reconstrucciones hidráulicas de similares megainundaciones en la Tierra y en Marte.
Sus referencias incluían el artículo de J H Bretz acerca de las scablands acanaladas de Washington y otras investigaciones sobre las inundaciones del lago Bonneville, pero ningún trabajo por parte de geólogos creacionistas que han postulado la formación rápida del Gran Cañón por una megainundación debida a la rotura de una presa natural. No consideran el Gran Cañón en este artículo aparte de decir en la introducción que «Se cree que la mayoría de los cañones fluviales excavados en roca fueron tallados lentamente a lo largo de millones de años (por ejemplo, el Gran Cañón, en los EE. UU., ref. 1) por corrientes moderadas que se repiten cada tantos años». No dicen si están de acuerdo con tal opinión ahora a la luz de su propio trabajo.
Lamb y Fonstad describían en el artículo lo difícil que es distinguir procesos lentos de los rápidos:
Es difícil identificar factores morfológicos en la Garganta del Lago Canyon que indiquen la formación del cañón durante un suceso de 3 días de duración, en contraste a una inundación de mayor duración o con sucesos múltiples. Por ejemplo, los canales interiores, knickpoints y terrazas se forman a menudo lentamente a lo largo del tiempo geológico en respuesta a cambios climáticos o a constricción tectónica, pero en la Garganta del Lago Canyon y en otras megainundaciones tienen que haberse formado rápidamente mediante inestabilidades intrínsecas en los procesos de erosión. A veces se infiere de una garganta estrecha que representa una erosión lenta y persistente, mientras que la Garganta del Lago Canyon fue formada en cuestión de días. Está claro que se precisa de modelos para la velocidad de erosión del lecho rocoso para calcular la duración necesaria de la inundación para excavar un cañón de un volumen conocido. Aunque se han realizado notables progresos, no existen modelos mecanísticos bien probados de erosión del lecho rocoso mediante excavación durante megainundaciones.
Hicieron lo mejor que pudieron para conseguir una «teoría semiempírica» de capacidad de transporte de sedimentos para dar cuenta de la rápida erosión de la Garganta del Lago Canyon. Aparentemente no era la resistencia del lecho rocoso lo que limitó la erosión, sino la capacidad del agua de desgajar y mover grandes bloques de roca: «Así, parece verosímil que la erosión de roca bien articulada debido a grandes inundaciones podría ser extremadamente rápida, de modo que la formación de los cañones queda limitada por la capacidad de la inundación de transportar los bloques excavados más que por el proceso mismo de excavación». Queda por ver si este va a ser el único sorprendente giro de paradigma a partir de este ejemplo observado de una rápida formación de un cañón. Puede que sea hora ya de cambiar muchos de los carteles de interpretación de los parques nacionales.

1. Lamb y Fonstad, «Rapid formation of a modern bedrock canyon by a single flood event». Nature Geoscience, Publicado en línea: 20 de junio de 2010 | doi:10.1038/ngeo894.
¿Que quiere decir con lo de que no se comprende bien? Si el geólogo secular hubiera estado leyendo las revistas creacionistas que han estado publicando investigaciones desde hace décadas, y que van muy por delante en este tema, no se sentirían tan despistados. Las revistas Creation Research Society Quarterly, Journal of Creation, y otras revistas con revisión por pares, escritas por científicos creacionistas que realizan investigaciones en campo y con doctorados en sus disciplinas, han estado hablando durante años y años acerca de la potencia de los procesos cataclísmicos para producir el Gran Cañón y otros grandes accidentes geográficos en sólo días y semanas debido a la rotura de presas y otros procesos de megainundaciones. No se trata de nada nuevo, pero las revistas seculares y los medios de comunicación de masas actúan como si lo fuese. Está bien que por fin la multitud secular, todavía medio amodorrada en su ensueño lyelliano, caiga en la conciencia de la realidad (más vale tarde que nunca), pero, ¿qué de dar crédito a quien crédito es debido? Los autores diluvialistas de artículos acerca de este tema deberían reunirse y entrar en la oficina de Lamb con los montones de sus artículos sobre formación cataclísmica de cañones por megainundaciones, apilarlos sobre su escritorio, y preguntarle: «¿Dónde ha estado usted metido todos estos años?»


Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

Sobre la honestidad de algunos científicos ¿qué responde a ésto?

[h=2]El origen de la vida[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto afirman que el experimento de Miller-Urey de 1953 muestra cómo pudieron haberse formado en la Tierra primitiva los ladrillos de la vida, cuando las condiciones en la Tierra primitiva probablemente no tenían nada que ver con las usadas en el experimento y el origen de la vida continúa siendo un misterio?
[h=2]El árbol de la vida de Darwin[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto no explican que en la “Explosión Cámbrica” todos los grupos de animales más importantes aparecen juntos y completamente formados en el registro fósil, en lugar de ramificarse a partir de un antepasado común, contradiciendo así el árbol evolutivo de la vida?
[h=2]Homología[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto definen homología como la similitud producida por la ascendencia común, y luego afirman que es una evidencia para la ascendencia común, lo cual es un argumento circular, que se disfraza de evidencia científica?
[h=2]Los Embriones de los Vertebrados[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto usan dibujos de similitudes en los embriones de los animales vertebrados como prueba de su ascendencia común, a pesar de que los biólogos ya saben desde hace más de un siglo que estos embriones no se parecen en sus primeras etapas y que estos dibujos son falsos?
[h=2]Archaeopteryx[/h] ¿Por qué en los libros de texto se muestra a este fósil como el eslabón perdido entre los dinosaurios y las aves modernas, a pesar de que éstas probablemente no sean descendientes de él y sus supuestos antepasados no aparecen hasta millones de años después?
[h=2]Polillas de Abedul[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto usan imágenes de las polillas del abedul, que se encuentran camufladas sobre troncos de árboles, como prueba de la selección natural, cuando los biólogos saben desde la década de 1980 que éstas no suelen posarse sobre los troncos de los árboles y que estas fotos están manipuladas a propósito?
[h=2]Pinzones de Darwin[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto afirman que los cambios en el pico de los pinzones de las Galápagos, durante una fuerte sequía, puede explicar el origen de las especies por selección natural a pesar de que los cambios revirtieron una vez que la sequía terminó, y no hubo ningún avance evolutivo?
[h=2]Cambios en las moscas de la fruta[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto usan las moscas de la fruta que tienen un par de alas extra, como una prueba de que las mutaciones del ADN pueden suministrar materias primas para la evolución, a pesar de que estas alas no tienen músculos y estos mutantes están discapacitados y no pueden sobrevivir fuera del laboratorio?
[h=2]El origen del hombre[/h] ¿Por qué se utilizan los dibujos de simios con fisonomía humanoide como medio para justificar las afirmaciones materialistas de que sólo somos animales y de que nuestra existencia es un mero accidente, cuando los expertos en fósiles no pueden ni siquiera ponerse de acuerdo sobre cuáles fueron nuestros antepasados o qué aspecto tenían?
[h=2]¿Es la evolución es un hecho?[/h] ¿Por qué se nos dice que la teoría de la evolución de Darwin es un hecho científico a pesar de que muchas de sus afirmaciones se basan en tergiversaciones de los hechos?

Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

[h=1] AIP (106): La geología se hunde en el fango[/h] Pregunta: ¿Cuál es la roca sedimentaria más abundante en el mundo? Pregunta de seguimiento: ¿Qué sucedería a la ciencia de la geología si la teoría de consenso de cómo se depositó esta roca sedimentaria más abundante resultase falsa? Preparémonos para un cambio de paradigma: los experimentos han demostrado errores en suposiciones largo tiempo aceptadas acerca de la formación de las lutolitas.

Formación de lutolita en la playa oriental de Lyme Regis, Dorset,
Inglaterra. Imagen: Ballista.

Aquí tenemos lo que dicen Macquaker y Bohacs en Science[SUP]1[/SUP] acerca de un artículo en el mismo número por Schieber, Southand y Thaisen:[SUP]2[/SUP] «En la página 1760 de este número, Schieber et al. documentan un mecanismo para la deposición de fango que se enfrenta con la opinión convencional». Más adelante: «Estos resultados llegan en un momento en el que la ciencia de las lutolitas hace frente a un cambio del paradigma». Lo que descubrieron es que «las lutolitas pueden depositarse bajo condiciones más energéticas de lo que se supone generalmente, lo que exige una reevaluación de muchos registros geológicos».
La lutolita está compuesta de partículas muy finas, generalmente de micrones de diámetro. Pensemos en diminutas partículas de arcilla en agua turbia en el océano o en un lago, que va asentándose lentamente en el fondo en aguas tranquilas. Durante largos períodos, el fango va acumulándose lentamente, micra a micra, milímetro a milímetro, dejando estratos muy finos (láminas). Se compacta y comprime, y a veces se seca. De ahí es de donde proceden la lutolita y la pizarra. Esto es lo que creían. Schieber y su equipo decidieron poner a prueba estas ideas con experimentos en canales experimentales en el laboratorio. En experimentos anteriores se empleaban bombas centrífugas, pero éstas tienen una tendencia a disgregar los terrones de partículas de arcilla, llamados flóculos. Pero son estos flóculos los que resultan esenciales para comprender el transporte y la deposición del fango.
Esta vez, el equipo usó un «canal experimental» en la Universidad de Indiana especialmente diseñado para eliminar la disgregación de los flóculos. Descubrieron que las corrientes veloces pueden estratificar los depósitos de fango de maneras que imitan la deposición lenta en aguas calmadas. Aquí tenemos el resumen:
Las lutolitas constituyen la mayoría del registro geológico. Sin embargo, es difícil reconstruir el complejo proceso de la deposición del fango en el laboratorio, como la agregación de partículas en flóculos. Mediante el uso de estudios con canales experimentales, hemos investigado el transporte y la deposición de cargas de flóculos de arcilla y concluimos que esto tiene lugar a velocidades de flujo que transportan y depositan arena. Los flóculos susceptibles de deposición se forman sobre una amplia gama de condiciones experimentales, lo que sugiere un proceso subyacente universal. Se desarrollan ondulaciones floculares en foresets de bajo ángulo y capas de fango que aparecen laminadas después de compactación postdeposicional, pero las capas retienen señales de capas de ondulaciones de flóculos que serían detectables en el registro litológico. Debido a que durante largo tiempo se creía que las lutolitas registraban condiciones de baja energía de los medios costeros y de aguas profundas, nuestros resultados demandan la reevaluación de las interpretaciones publicadas de antiguas sucesiones de lutolitas y de las condiciones paleoceanográficas derivadas.
Una razón de que la teoría estuviese enturbiada es que hay 32 variables que tener en cuenta. Se trata fundamentalmente de un sistema complejo. La formación de flóculos, por ejemplo, depende de variables como «la velocidad de deposición, el tamaño de los flóculos, la distribución de tamaños de grano, el comportamiento del intercambio iónico, y el contenido orgánico», así como la concentración de las partículas y la intensidad de la turbulencia. Otras variables que afectan al resultado incluyen propiedades electromagnéticas, el material biológico presente, la composición química, y más. Los científicos hicieron todo lo que pudieron para controlar las variables. Probaron con agua destilada, agua procedente de lagos y agua salada, con diversos tipos de partículas de fangos. Observaron lo que sucedía en todas partes del canal experimental, incluyendo observaciones desde el fondo hacia arriba, y examinaron los flóculos con microscopios electrónicos.
Antes, los geólogos pensaban que la lutolita tuvo que ser depositada en agua tranquila debido a que las corrientes perturbarían el fango previamente depositado en el lecho marino o lacustre. No es cierto. Estos experimentos han demostrado que el fango laminado puede depositarse bajo corrientes lo suficientemente intensas para transportar partículas de arena —de órdenes de magnitud mayor que las partículas de fango. Los flóculos pueden en realidad crecer hasta el tamaño de las partículas de arena.
Se puede tener un vislumbre de las implicaciones de este cambio de paradigma a partir de las siguientes citas:

  • Hace un siglo, Henry Clifton Sorby, uno de los pioneros de la geología, observó que el estudio de los fangos era uno de los temas más desafiante de la geología sedimentaria. Hoy, con nuestro conocimiento claramente expandido, los sedimentos fangosos siguen siendo considerados sistemas sumamente complejos que pueden involucrar tantas como 32 variables y parámetros para una caracterización fisicoquímica satisfactoria. Investigaciones adicionales pueden clarificar interdependencias entre una cantidad de estos parámetros y puede permitirnos que consideremos una cantidad menor de variables, pero la complejidad fundamental de los sedimentos fangosos probablemente permanecerá
  • Las lutolitas constituyen hasta dos tercios del registro sedimentario y se puede mantener que son el tipo más mal comprendido de rocas sedimentarias. Las sucesiones de lutolitas contienen una abundancia de características sedimentarias que proporcionan información acerca de condiciones de deposición y de la historia sedimentaria, pero por ahora carecemos de la información que nos permitiría relacionar las características que se observan en el registro de las rocas con conjuntos mensurables de variables físicas en medios modernos.
  • Parece que independientemente de lo que causa la floculación en un experimento determinado, la floculación proporciona partículas propensas a la deposición sin fallar a través de una amplia gama de condiciones experimentales.
  • Nuestras observaciones no respaldan la noción de que los fangos puedan depositarse solo en medios tranquilos sólo con corrientes intermitentes débiles. En lugar de ello, el transporte de cargas sedimentarias de fango floculado y su deposición tiene lugar a velocidades de corrientes que también transportarían y depositarían arena. Las capas de arcilla pueden acrecer a partir de ondulaciones de flóculos migrantes bajo corrientes en rápido movimiento en la gama de velocidades de 10 cm/s a 26 cm/s, una gama que probablemente se expandirá cuando se exploren flujos con mayores concentraciones de sedimentos.
  • Mientras que las capas de arcilla que se formaron en nuestros experimentos se componen de láminas inclinadas en dirección de la corriente, aparecen con una laminación paralela cuando quedan plenamente compactadas (Fig. 4A). Debido a que las ondulaciones de flóculos están espaciadas a 30 ó 40 cm, los sedimentos antiguos con este origen probablemente también aparecerán con laminaciones paralelas (Fig. 4C).
  • La detección de los fangos acrecidos de ondulaciones en el registro exigirá unos criterios cuidadosamente definidos, que todavía se tienen que desarrollar.
  • En el curso de dos décadas de estudios detallados de pizarras y de lutolitas, uno de nosotros ha visto formaciones de capas de una amplitud baja comparable (Fig. 4D) en unidades de pizarra que se depositaron en una amplia variedad de ambientes. ... Esto sugiere que la acreción de fango a partir de ondulaciones migratorias de flóculos ocurrió probablemente a lo largo de la historia geológica.
  • Muchas antiguas unidades de pizarra, cuando se hayan examinado con cuidado, pueden llegar a revelar que se acumularon de la manera en que se ilustra aquí, en lugar de haberse asentado principalmente a partir de suspensiones en lento movimiento o estáticas. Esto, a su vez, probablemente exigirá la reevaluación de la historia sedimentaria de grandes secciones del registro geológico.

Como si estas cuestiones no fuesen suficientemente desmoralizantes, Macquaker y Bohacs añadían este pensamiento:
Los resultados demandan una reevaluación crítica de todas las lutolitas anteriormente interpretadas como resultado de una deposición continua bajo aguas calmadas. Esta clase de rocas se usan ampliamente para inferir climas, condiciones oceánicas y variaciones orbitales del pasado.
Resumiendo, se ha erigido una gigantesca torre de interpretaciones, que abarca campos tan diversos como el cambio climático, la historia de la tierra e incluso dinámicas del sistema solar, sobre una suposición errónea: que las lutolitas siempre se depositaron lentamente en aguas calmadas. Ahora que se ha demostrado que esta suposición carece de fundamento, no son solo los geólogos los que tendrán que considerar un cambio de paradigma.
Hablando de fango, Live Science informaba del descubrimiento de olas submarinas de fango en el Ártico, una «sorpresa inesperada». En una enigmática inversión de la historia anterior, los científicos creían que se precisaba de fuertes corrientes para tales fenómenos: «Los investigadores creían que el Ártico era demasiado plácido para producir las olas de fango», decía el artículo. «Los científicos no están seguro de qué las formó.» Con excusas a Thomas Kuhn, quizá lo hizo otro cambio de paradigma.

1. Macquaker and Bohacs, «Geology: On the Accumulation of Mud», Science, 14 diciembre 2007: Vol. 318. no. 5857, pp. 1734-1735, DOI: 10.1126/science.1151980.
2. Schieber, Southard and Thaisen, «Accretion of Mudstone Beds from Migrating Floccule Ripples», Science, 14 diciembre 2007: Vol. 318. no. 5857, pp. 1760-1763, DOI: 10.1126/science.1147001.
Una rápida operación de conversión muestra que 25 cm/sec es alrededor de 800 m/h, una corriente lenta. Pero como ellos dicen, la velocidad podría ser revisada hacia arriba cuando se ensayen fluidos con concentraciones más elevadas. Además, las corrientes podrían ser más rápidas en la superficie que en el fondo oceánico. Más consecuencias tiene el hecho de que casi durante un siglo unas suposiciones han constituido el fundamento geológico que es más como un fango fluido que una sólida roca.
Un rápido examen de las capas del Gran Cañón revela que las siguientes (desde el fondo hasta la parte superior) contiene pizarras y lutolitas: el grupo Unkar, la formación Bass, la pizarra Hakatai, la formación Dox (la más gruesa de las formaciones), el grupo Chuar, la pizarra de Bright Angel, El grupo Supai y la formación Hermit. Representan miles de metros de sedimentos. Frente a la anterior postura de que se habían formado en mares tranquilos y plácidos, ahora es posible reinterpretarlas como depositadas bajo corrientes de agua. ¿Podrán ahora los geólogos diluvialistas decirle a sus rivales uniformistas: «Ya os lo decíamos»?
Lo que este anuncio implica debería enviar ondas de choque a través de la geología y de las ciencias de la tierra. Los geólogos han estado examinando las lutolitas buscando claves acerca de la historia de su deposición. Los químicos han examinado las lutolitas buscando claves acerca de la historia química de la tierra y de sus océanos. Los oceanógrafos han estado examinando las lutolitas buscando claves sobre ciclos y patrones del plancton. Los meteorólogos han estado examinando las lutolitas buscando claves de la historia del clima. Los biólogos han buscado fósiles en las lutolitas buscando claves de la historia de la evolución. Los físicos han estado examinando las lutolitas buscando claves acerca de la historia del geomagnetismo. Hasta los científicos planetarios han examinado las lutolitas buscando claves sobre la historia orbital de la Tierra. Todos ellos daban por supuesto que las lutolitas habían dejado un registro fiable de una tranquila deposición bajo condiciones de aguas tranquilas. ¿Y ahora? Si su metodología no los lleva junto a aguas tranquilas, no podrá restaurar sus almas.
Puede resultar que los geólogos puedan salvar las apariencias con experimentos adicionales, o que puedan argumentar que hay unos límites estrechos bajo los que se pueden formar las lutolitas que no distan demasiado del paradigma del agua quieta. Recordemos, sin embargo, que las lutolitas son muy complejas, con al menos 32 parámetros que considerar. Estos son los parámetros conocidos: ¿y qué sucede con los desconocidos? ¿Hasta qué punto pueden los geólogos inferir condiciones en el pasado «leyendo» las rocas cuando no conocen el lenguaje? ¿Y qué seguridad pueden tener ahora de que futuros experimentos no vayan a trastornar el paradigma actual, incluso de forma más radical?
Aquí tenemos importantes lecciones acerca de la filosofía de la ciencia: en particular, la diferencia fundamental entre las ciencias basadas en la observación directa y las ciencias históricas. Incluso con experimentos cuidadosamente controlados como estos no se puede demostrar que la Formación Dox o que la Pizarra de Bright Angel fueron depositadas bajo condiciones comparables. Los experimentos de laboratorio son solo simulaciones. Muchos parámetros no se pueden controlar; y otros ni siquiera se conocen. La ciencia puede afirmar con una cierta confianza que esta o aquella roca está compuesta de cuarzo o montmorillonita o caliza en el presente. La descripción de su procedencia y de cómo llegó a ser es una investigación completamente diferente. ¿Por qué debería la geología limitarse a la observación de los recursos y procesos presentes?
En 1825, Granville Penn, un geólogo británico creyente en la Biblia, escribió que intentar comprender el registro de las rocas sólo en base a exploraciones de campo sería como tratar de comprender la historia de Roma estudiando las ruinas esparcidas por el imperio sin acceso a historiadores romanos como Tácito. La geología, razonaba él, es una ciencia compuesta: «Es a la vez física e histórica, porque busca la verdad histórica de unos datos físicos». Decía así:
Es evidente para la razón que la certidumbre relativa a un hecho del pasado —como el modo por el que todas las existencias materiales fueron formadas al principio, o fueron realmente alteradas posteriormente— ha de ser una certidumbre histórica: por ello mismo, el asunto no es ya tema de una inducción filosófica o científica, sino de prueba histórica, exige un declarante fidedigno y competente que establezca su verdad. Ahora bien, el declarante que podría establecer un hecho respecto al verdadero modo de las primeras formaciones tiene que haber sido un testigo de dicho modo; pero el único testigo del modo de las primeras formaciones o creaciones fue el Creador mismo.
(citado en Terry Mortenson, The Great Turning Point [Master Books, 2004], p. 64.) Su argumento es que en lugar de restringirse a unos recursos insuficientes para ninguna prueba, los geólogos deberían estar dispuestos a usar los mismos modos de evaluación histórica de las fuentes disponibles que usaría un historiador para reconstruir la historia de una civilización del pasado. Sería una insensatez que un historiador de Roma ignorase a Tácito, Julio César, Livio o Cicerón, incluso si estas fuentes fuesen consideradas sesgadas o incompletas. Los registros de testigos oculares de Roma no pueden proporcionar información exhaustiva, pero proporcionan puntos de referencia para un marco básico de investigación. ¿Acaso no es una metodología superior para un historiador recurrir tanto a los documentos escritos disponibles como a los monumentos?
De manera similar, razonaba Penn, las obras de Moisés, aunque no son un libro de texto de geología, proporcionan suficientes puntos de intersección de acontecimientos geológicos con la historia humana a partir de los que comenzar a edificar un sistema geológico. En la década de 1830, los geólogos comenzaron a abandonar esta metodología —no porque los datos les obligasen a ello, sino debido a que tomaron una decisión de estudiar solo los «monumentos». Bien, ya vemos a dónde ha llevado. Este es sólo un ejemplo (proponemos otros casos al lector, que encontrará siguiendo el vínculo de Geología Histórica – y éstos son sólo casos recientes, entre ellos, especialmente, el enigma de las areniscas ultrapuras presentes en todo el mundo). La lectura de artículos de geología es parecido a leer artículos sobre evolución darwinista: un poco de datos, mucho cuentismo, y frecuentes anuncios de que todo lo que se sabía era incorrecto.
Proponemos un cambio de perspectiva. En un mundo paralelo, fuera de las instituciones geológicas establecidas que siguieron a Lyell, Darwin y Huxley entregándose totalmente al materialismo del siglo 19, permanece en pie un cuerpo activo de geólogos creacionistas que siguen trabajando dentro del paradigma del registro histórico escrito. Examinando sus escritos, no se observan fallos por lo que hace a rigor científico. A menudo se dan vivos debates acerca de cómo deben interpretarse ciertas formaciones. Frecuentemente exponen por qué las interpretaciones de ciertas interpretaciones de los geólogos seculares son insostenibles ante las pruebas que se desprenden de las observaciones. Muchos de los geólogos creacionistas tienen grados de doctorado, y algunos tienen más experiencia en trabajos de campo que sus colegas seculares. Visitan yacimientos de gran interés por toda América, Australia y el resto del mundo, los investigan cuidadosamente, e interpretan los mismos datos —a través del cristal de otra visión del mundo. ¿Suena a interesante? ¿Cansado del método secularista tan a menudo inconsecuente? Aquí proponemos dos revistas en inglés donde el lector podrá examinar la alternativa: la revista trimestral Creation Research Society Quarterly y la revista Journal of Creation. Estas dos revistas técnicas de ciencia en general publican frecuentemente interesantes e informativos artículos sobre geología e historia de la tierra. En castellano recomendamos una excelente introducción en línea, Geología — ¿Actualismo o Diluvialismo?, así como otros títulos relevantes.

Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

AIP (106): La geología se hunde en el fango

Pregunta: ¿Cuál es la roca sedimentaria más abundante en el mundo? Pregunta de seguimiento: ¿Qué sucedería a la ciencia de la geología si la teoría de consenso de cómo se depositó esta roca sedimentaria más abundante resultase falsa? Preparémonos para un cambio de paradigma: los experimentos han demostrado errores en suposiciones largo tiempo aceptadas acerca de la formación de las lutolitas.

Formación de lutolita en la playa oriental de Lyme Regis, Dorset,
Inglaterra. Imagen: Ballista.

Aquí tenemos lo que dicen Macquaker y Bohacs en Science[SUP]1[/SUP] acerca de un artículo en el mismo número por Schieber, Southand y Thaisen:[SUP]2[/SUP] «En la página 1760 de este número, Schieber et al. documentan un mecanismo para la deposición de fango que se enfrenta con la opinión convencional». Más adelante: «Estos resultados llegan en un momento en el que la ciencia de las lutolitas hace frente a un cambio del paradigma». Lo que descubrieron es que «las lutolitas pueden depositarse bajo condiciones más energéticas de lo que se supone generalmente, lo que exige una reevaluación de muchos registros geológicos».
La lutolita está compuesta de partículas muy finas, generalmente de micrones de diámetro. Pensemos en diminutas partículas de arcilla en agua turbia en el océano o en un lago, que va asentándose lentamente en el fondo en aguas tranquilas. Durante largos períodos, el fango va acumulándose lentamente, micra a micra, milímetro a milímetro, dejando estratos muy finos (láminas). Se compacta y comprime, y a veces se seca. De ahí es de donde proceden la lutolita y la pizarra. Esto es lo que creían. Schieber y su equipo decidieron poner a prueba estas ideas con experimentos en canales experimentales en el laboratorio. En experimentos anteriores se empleaban bombas centrífugas, pero éstas tienen una tendencia a disgregar los terrones de partículas de arcilla, llamados flóculos. Pero son estos flóculos los que resultan esenciales para comprender el transporte y la deposición del fango.
Esta vez, el equipo usó un «canal experimental» en la Universidad de Indiana especialmente diseñado para eliminar la disgregación de los flóculos. Descubrieron que las corrientes veloces pueden estratificar los depósitos de fango de maneras que imitan la deposición lenta en aguas calmadas. Aquí tenemos el resumen:
Las lutolitas constituyen la mayoría del registro geológico. Sin embargo, es difícil reconstruir el complejo proceso de la deposición del fango en el laboratorio, como la agregación de partículas en flóculos. Mediante el uso de estudios con canales experimentales, hemos investigado el transporte y la deposición de cargas de flóculos de arcilla y concluimos que esto tiene lugar a velocidades de flujo que transportan y depositan arena. Los flóculos susceptibles de deposición se forman sobre una amplia gama de condiciones experimentales, lo que sugiere un proceso subyacente universal. Se desarrollan ondulaciones floculares en foresets de bajo ángulo y capas de fango que aparecen laminadas después de compactación postdeposicional, pero las capas retienen señales de capas de ondulaciones de flóculos que serían detectables en el registro litológico. Debido a que durante largo tiempo se creía que las lutolitas registraban condiciones de baja energía de los medios costeros y de aguas profundas, nuestros resultados demandan la reevaluación de las interpretaciones publicadas de antiguas sucesiones de lutolitas y de las condiciones paleoceanográficas derivadas.
Una razón de que la teoría estuviese enturbiada es que hay 32 variables que tener en cuenta. Se trata fundamentalmente de un sistema complejo. La formación de flóculos, por ejemplo, depende de variables como «la velocidad de deposición, el tamaño de los flóculos, la distribución de tamaños de grano, el comportamiento del intercambio iónico, y el contenido orgánico», así como la concentración de las partículas y la intensidad de la turbulencia. Otras variables que afectan al resultado incluyen propiedades electromagnéticas, el material biológico presente, la composición química, y más. Los científicos hicieron todo lo que pudieron para controlar las variables. Probaron con agua destilada, agua procedente de lagos y agua salada, con diversos tipos de partículas de fangos. Observaron lo que sucedía en todas partes del canal experimental, incluyendo observaciones desde el fondo hacia arriba, y examinaron los flóculos con microscopios electrónicos.
Antes, los geólogos pensaban que la lutolita tuvo que ser depositada en agua tranquila debido a que las corrientes perturbarían el fango previamente depositado en el lecho marino o lacustre. No es cierto. Estos experimentos han demostrado que el fango laminado puede depositarse bajo corrientes lo suficientemente intensas para transportar partículas de arena —de órdenes de magnitud mayor que las partículas de fango. Los flóculos pueden en realidad crecer hasta el tamaño de las partículas de arena.
Se puede tener un vislumbre de las implicaciones de este cambio de paradigma a partir de las siguientes citas:

  • Hace un siglo, Henry Clifton Sorby, uno de los pioneros de la geología, observó que el estudio de los fangos era uno de los temas más desafiante de la geología sedimentaria. Hoy, con nuestro conocimiento claramente expandido, los sedimentos fangosos siguen siendo considerados sistemas sumamente complejos que pueden involucrar tantas como 32 variables y parámetros para una caracterización fisicoquímica satisfactoria. Investigaciones adicionales pueden clarificar interdependencias entre una cantidad de estos parámetros y puede permitirnos que consideremos una cantidad menor de variables, pero la complejidad fundamental de los sedimentos fangosos probablemente permanecerá
  • Las lutolitas constituyen hasta dos tercios del registro sedimentario y se puede mantener que son el tipo más mal comprendido de rocas sedimentarias. Las sucesiones de lutolitas contienen una abundancia de características sedimentarias que proporcionan información acerca de condiciones de deposición y de la historia sedimentaria, pero por ahora carecemos de la información que nos permitiría relacionar las características que se observan en el registro de las rocas con conjuntos mensurables de variables físicas en medios modernos.
  • Parece que independientemente de lo que causa la floculación en un experimento determinado, la floculación proporciona partículas propensas a la deposición sin fallar a través de una amplia gama de condiciones experimentales.
  • Nuestras observaciones no respaldan la noción de que los fangos puedan depositarse solo en medios tranquilos sólo con corrientes intermitentes débiles. En lugar de ello, el transporte de cargas sedimentarias de fango floculado y su deposición tiene lugar a velocidades de corrientes que también transportarían y depositarían arena. Las capas de arcilla pueden acrecer a partir de ondulaciones de flóculos migrantes bajo corrientes en rápido movimiento en la gama de velocidades de 10 cm/s a 26 cm/s, una gama que probablemente se expandirá cuando se exploren flujos con mayores concentraciones de sedimentos.
  • Mientras que las capas de arcilla que se formaron en nuestros experimentos se componen de láminas inclinadas en dirección de la corriente, aparecen con una laminación paralela cuando quedan plenamente compactadas (Fig. 4A). Debido a que las ondulaciones de flóculos están espaciadas a 30 ó 40 cm, los sedimentos antiguos con este origen probablemente también aparecerán con laminaciones paralelas (Fig. 4C).
  • La detección de los fangos acrecidos de ondulaciones en el registro exigirá unos criterios cuidadosamente definidos, que todavía se tienen que desarrollar.
  • En el curso de dos décadas de estudios detallados de pizarras y de lutolitas, uno de nosotros ha visto formaciones de capas de una amplitud baja comparable (Fig. 4D) en unidades de pizarra que se depositaron en una amplia variedad de ambientes. ... Esto sugiere que la acreción de fango a partir de ondulaciones migratorias de flóculos ocurrió probablemente a lo largo de la historia geológica.
  • Muchas antiguas unidades de pizarra, cuando se hayan examinado con cuidado, pueden llegar a revelar que se acumularon de la manera en que se ilustra aquí, en lugar de haberse asentado principalmente a partir de suspensiones en lento movimiento o estáticas. Esto, a su vez, probablemente exigirá la reevaluación de la historia sedimentaria de grandes secciones del registro geológico.

Como si estas cuestiones no fuesen suficientemente desmoralizantes, Macquaker y Bohacs añadían este pensamiento:
Los resultados demandan una reevaluación crítica de todas las lutolitas anteriormente interpretadas como resultado de una deposición continua bajo aguas calmadas. Esta clase de rocas se usan ampliamente para inferir climas, condiciones oceánicas y variaciones orbitales del pasado.
Resumiendo, se ha erigido una gigantesca torre de interpretaciones, que abarca campos tan diversos como el cambio climático, la historia de la tierra e incluso dinámicas del sistema solar, sobre una suposición errónea: que las lutolitas siempre se depositaron lentamente en aguas calmadas. Ahora que se ha demostrado que esta suposición carece de fundamento, no son solo los geólogos los que tendrán que considerar un cambio de paradigma.
Hablando de fango, Live Science informaba del descubrimiento de olas submarinas de fango en el Ártico, una «sorpresa inesperada». En una enigmática inversión de la historia anterior, los científicos creían que se precisaba de fuertes corrientes para tales fenómenos: «Los investigadores creían que el Ártico era demasiado plácido para producir las olas de fango», decía el artículo. «Los científicos no están seguro de qué las formó.» Con excusas a Thomas Kuhn, quizá lo hizo otro cambio de paradigma.

1. Macquaker and Bohacs, «Geology: On the Accumulation of Mud», Science, 14 diciembre 2007: Vol. 318. no. 5857, pp. 1734-1735, DOI: 10.1126/science.1151980.
2. Schieber, Southard and Thaisen, «Accretion of Mudstone Beds from Migrating Floccule Ripples», Science, 14 diciembre 2007: Vol. 318. no. 5857, pp. 1760-1763, DOI: 10.1126/science.1147001.
Una rápida operación de conversión muestra que 25 cm/sec es alrededor de 800 m/h, una corriente lenta. Pero como ellos dicen, la velocidad podría ser revisada hacia arriba cuando se ensayen fluidos con concentraciones más elevadas. Además, las corrientes podrían ser más rápidas en la superficie que en el fondo oceánico. Más consecuencias tiene el hecho de que casi durante un siglo unas suposiciones han constituido el fundamento geológico que es más como un fango fluido que una sólida roca.
Un rápido examen de las capas del Gran Cañón revela que las siguientes (desde el fondo hasta la parte superior) contiene pizarras y lutolitas: el grupo Unkar, la formación Bass, la pizarra Hakatai, la formación Dox (la más gruesa de las formaciones), el grupo Chuar, la pizarra de Bright Angel, El grupo Supai y la formación Hermit. Representan miles de metros de sedimentos. Frente a la anterior postura de que se habían formado en mares tranquilos y plácidos, ahora es posible reinterpretarlas como depositadas bajo corrientes de agua. ¿Podrán ahora los geólogos diluvialistas decirle a sus rivales uniformistas: «Ya os lo decíamos»?
Lo que este anuncio implica debería enviar ondas de choque a través de la geología y de las ciencias de la tierra. Los geólogos han estado examinando las lutolitas buscando claves acerca de la historia de su deposición. Los químicos han examinado las lutolitas buscando claves acerca de la historia química de la tierra y de sus océanos. Los oceanógrafos han estado examinando las lutolitas buscando claves sobre ciclos y patrones del plancton. Los meteorólogos han estado examinando las lutolitas buscando claves de la historia del clima. Los biólogos han buscado fósiles en las lutolitas buscando claves de la historia de la evolución. Los físicos han estado examinando las lutolitas buscando claves acerca de la historia del geomagnetismo. Hasta los científicos planetarios han examinado las lutolitas buscando claves sobre la historia orbital de la Tierra. Todos ellos daban por supuesto que las lutolitas habían dejado un registro fiable de una tranquila deposición bajo condiciones de aguas tranquilas. ¿Y ahora? Si su metodología no los lleva junto a aguas tranquilas, no podrá restaurar sus almas.
Puede resultar que los geólogos puedan salvar las apariencias con experimentos adicionales, o que puedan argumentar que hay unos límites estrechos bajo los que se pueden formar las lutolitas que no distan demasiado del paradigma del agua quieta. Recordemos, sin embargo, que las lutolitas son muy complejas, con al menos 32 parámetros que considerar. Estos son los parámetros conocidos: ¿y qué sucede con los desconocidos? ¿Hasta qué punto pueden los geólogos inferir condiciones en el pasado «leyendo» las rocas cuando no conocen el lenguaje? ¿Y qué seguridad pueden tener ahora de que futuros experimentos no vayan a trastornar el paradigma actual, incluso de forma más radical?
Aquí tenemos importantes lecciones acerca de la filosofía de la ciencia: en particular, la diferencia fundamental entre las ciencias basadas en la observación directa y las ciencias históricas. Incluso con experimentos cuidadosamente controlados como estos no se puede demostrar que la Formación Dox o que la Pizarra de Bright Angel fueron depositadas bajo condiciones comparables. Los experimentos de laboratorio son solo simulaciones. Muchos parámetros no se pueden controlar; y otros ni siquiera se conocen. La ciencia puede afirmar con una cierta confianza que esta o aquella roca está compuesta de cuarzo o montmorillonita o caliza en el presente. La descripción de su procedencia y de cómo llegó a ser es una investigación completamente diferente. ¿Por qué debería la geología limitarse a la observación de los recursos y procesos presentes?
En 1825, Granville Penn, un geólogo británico creyente en la Biblia, escribió que intentar comprender el registro de las rocas sólo en base a exploraciones de campo sería como tratar de comprender la historia de Roma estudiando las ruinas esparcidas por el imperio sin acceso a historiadores romanos como Tácito. La geología, razonaba él, es una ciencia compuesta: «Es a la vez física e histórica, porque busca la verdad histórica de unos datos físicos». Decía así:
Es evidente para la razón que la certidumbre relativa a un hecho del pasado —como el modo por el que todas las existencias materiales fueron formadas al principio, o fueron realmente alteradas posteriormente— ha de ser una certidumbre histórica: por ello mismo, el asunto no es ya tema de una inducción filosófica o científica, sino de prueba histórica, exige un declarante fidedigno y competente que establezca su verdad. Ahora bien, el declarante que podría establecer un hecho respecto al verdadero modo de las primeras formaciones tiene que haber sido un testigo de dicho modo; pero el único testigo del modo de las primeras formaciones o creaciones fue el Creador mismo.
(citado en Terry Mortenson, The Great Turning Point [Master Books, 2004], p. 64.) Su argumento es que en lugar de restringirse a unos recursos insuficientes para ninguna prueba, los geólogos deberían estar dispuestos a usar los mismos modos de evaluación histórica de las fuentes disponibles que usaría un historiador para reconstruir la historia de una civilización del pasado. Sería una insensatez que un historiador de Roma ignorase a Tácito, Julio César, Livio o Cicerón, incluso si estas fuentes fuesen consideradas sesgadas o incompletas. Los registros de testigos oculares de Roma no pueden proporcionar información exhaustiva, pero proporcionan puntos de referencia para un marco básico de investigación. ¿Acaso no es una metodología superior para un historiador recurrir tanto a los documentos escritos disponibles como a los monumentos?
De manera similar, razonaba Penn, las obras de Moisés, aunque no son un libro de texto de geología, proporcionan suficientes puntos de intersección de acontecimientos geológicos con la historia humana a partir de los que comenzar a edificar un sistema geológico. En la década de 1830, los geólogos comenzaron a abandonar esta metodología —no porque los datos les obligasen a ello, sino debido a que tomaron una decisión de estudiar solo los «monumentos». Bien, ya vemos a dónde ha llevado. Este es sólo un ejemplo (proponemos otros casos al lector, que encontrará siguiendo el vínculo de Geología Histórica – y éstos son sólo casos recientes, entre ellos, especialmente, el enigma de las areniscas ultrapuras presentes en todo el mundo). La lectura de artículos de geología es parecido a leer artículos sobre evolución darwinista: un poco de datos, mucho cuentismo, y frecuentes anuncios de que todo lo que se sabía era incorrecto.
Proponemos un cambio de perspectiva. En un mundo paralelo, fuera de las instituciones geológicas establecidas que siguieron a Lyell, Darwin y Huxley entregándose totalmente al materialismo del siglo 19, permanece en pie un cuerpo activo de geólogos creacionistas que siguen trabajando dentro del paradigma del registro histórico escrito. Examinando sus escritos, no se observan fallos por lo que hace a rigor científico. A menudo se dan vivos debates acerca de cómo deben interpretarse ciertas formaciones. Frecuentemente exponen por qué las interpretaciones de ciertas interpretaciones de los geólogos seculares son insostenibles ante las pruebas que se desprenden de las observaciones. Muchos de los geólogos creacionistas tienen grados de doctorado, y algunos tienen más experiencia en trabajos de campo que sus colegas seculares. Visitan yacimientos de gran interés por toda América, Australia y el resto del mundo, los investigan cuidadosamente, e interpretan los mismos datos —a través del cristal de otra visión del mundo. ¿Suena a interesante? ¿Cansado del método secularista tan a menudo inconsecuente? Aquí proponemos dos revistas en inglés donde el lector podrá examinar la alternativa: la revista trimestral Creation Research Society Quarterly y la revista Journal of Creation. Estas dos revistas técnicas de ciencia en general publican frecuentemente interesantes e informativos artículos sobre geología e historia de la tierra. En castellano recomendamos una excelente introducción en línea, Geología — ¿Actualismo o Diluvialismo?, así como otros títulos relevantes.

Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

[h=4]1 - EVOLUTIONISTS EXPLAIN THEIR OBJECTIVE[/h] There are reasons why evolutionists are so concerned to hold on to a theory that has no evidence to support it, one which has been repeatedly disproved. These are important reasons. This section explains why these men cling so fanatically to a falsehood.
Objective: Men do not want to be responsible to anyone for their actions.
<dir> "[Man] stands alone in the universe, a unique product of a long, unconscious, impersonal, material process with unique understanding and potentialities. These he owes to no one but himself and it is to himself that he is responsible. He is not the creature of uncontrollable and undeterminable forces, but he is his own master. He can and must decide and make his own destiny."—*George G. Simpson, "The World into which Darwin Led Us," in Science, 131 (1980), p. 968.
</dir>Objective: Separation from God and identification with the brute.
<dir> "The real issue is whether man must think God’s thought after him in order to understand the world correctly or whether man’s mind is the ultimate assigner of meaning to brute and orderless facts . . Evolutionary thought is popular because it is a world view which facilitates man’s attempt to rid himself of all knowledge of the transcendent Creator and promises to secure man’s autonomy."—G.L. Bahnsen, "On Worshipping the Creature Rather Than the Creator," in Journal of Christian Reconstruction, 1 (1974), p. 89.
</dir>Objective: Sexual freedom.
<dir> "I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption . . The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not concerned exclusively with a problem in pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do . . For myself, as no doubt for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom."—*Aldous Huxley, "Confessions of a Professed Atheist," Report: Perspective on the News, Vol. 3, June, 1966, p. 19. [Grandson of evolutionist *Thomas Huxley and brother of evolutionist *Julian Huxley. *Aldous Huxley was one of the most influential writers and philosophers of the 20th century.]
</dir>Objective: A way to hide from God.
<dir> "Darwinism removed the whole idea of God as the creator of organisms from the sphere of rational discussion. Darwin pointed out that no supernatural designer was needed; since natural selection could account for any new form of life, there is no room for a supernatural agency in its evolution."—*Julian Huxley, "At Random, A Television Preview," in Evolution after Darwin (1960), p. 41.
</dir>Objective: We can choose to live like animals and not mind it.
<dir> "In the world of Darwin man has no special status other than his definition as a distinct species of animal. He is in the fullest sense a part of nature and not apart from it. He is akin, not figuratively but literally, to every living thing, be it an ameba, a tapeworm, a flea, a seaweed, an oak tree, or a monkey—even though the degrees of relationship are different and we may feel less empathy for forty-second cousins like the tapeworms than for, comparatively speaking, brothers like the monkeys."—*George Gaylord Simpson, "The World into Which Darwin Led Us," Science 131 (1960), p. 970.
</dir>Objective: Men would rather have the forbidden tree than the presence of God.
<dir> "With this single argument the mystery of the universe is explained, the deity annulled, and a new era of infinite knowledge ushered in."—*Ernst Haeckel, The Riddle of the Universe (1899), p. 337.
</dir>Objective: It will help destroy religion.
<dir> "Beyond its impact on traditional science, Darwinism was devastating to conventional theology."—*D. Nelkin, Science Textbook Controversies and the Politics of Equal Time (1977), p. 11.
[h=4]2 - THE BEST EVIDENCES OF EVOLUTION[/h] Throughout this set of books we have found that there are no genuine evidences that any aspect of evolutionary theory is scientifically correct. Yet the evolutionists themselves have, at last, produced five reasons why they believe evolution to be true. Here they are:
1 - We know that evolution is true because living things have parents.
<dir> "No one has ever found an organism that is known not to have parents, or a parent. This is the strongest evidence on behalf of evolution."—*Tom Bathell, "Agnostic Evolutionists," Harper’s, February 1985, p. 81.
</dir> 2 - We know that evolution is true because living things have children.
<dir> "The theory of neo-Darwinism is a theory of the evolution of the population in respect to leaving offspring and not in respect to anything else . . Everybody has it in the back of his mind that the animals that leave the largest number of offspring are going to be those best adapted also for eating peculiar vegetation or something of this sort, but this is not explicit in the theory . . There you do come to what is, in effect, a vacuous statement: Natural selection is that some things leave more offspring than others; and it is those that leave more offspring [that are being naturally selected], and there is nothing more to it than that. The whole real guts of evolution—which is how do you come to have horses and tigers and things—is outside the mathematical theory."—*C.H. Waddington, quoted by Tom Bethell, in "Darwin’s Mistake," Harper’s Magazine, February 1978, p. 75.
</dir> 3 - We know that evolution is true because there are perfections.
<dir> "So natural selection as a process is okay. We are also pretty sure that it goes on in nature although good examples are surprisingly rare. The best evidence comes from the many cases where it can be shown that biological structures have been optimized—that is, structures that represent optimal engineering solution to the problems that an animal has of feeding or escaping a predator or generally functioning in its environment . . The presence of these optimal structures does not, of course, prove that they developed through natural selection, but it does provide strong circumstantial argument."—*David M. Raup, "Conflicts between Darwin and Paleontology," Bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History, January 1979, pp. 25-28.
</dir> 4 - We know that evolution is true because there are imperfections.
<dir> "If there were no imperfections, there would be no evidence to favor evolution by natural selection over creation."—*Jeremy Cherfas, "The Difficulties of Darwinism," New Scientist, Vol. 102 (May 17, 1984), p. 29. [*Cherfas was reporting on special lectures by *S.J. Gould at Cambridge University. Notice what this expert said: Apart from imperfections, there is no evidence.]
"The proof of evolution lies in imperfection."—*Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda’s Thumb (1980).
</dir> 5 - We know that evolution is true because species become extinct.
<dir> "The best clincher is extinction. For every species now in existence, roughly ninety-nine have become extinct. The question of why they have become extinct is of enormous importance to evolutionists. It has been studied by many men, but a convincing answer has not been found. It remains unclear why any given species has disappeared."—*David Raup, "Conflicts between Darwin and Paleontology," Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, January 1979, p. 29.
"[Charles] Darwin wrote to him [Thomas Huxley about his remarks about a certain extinct bird], ‘Your old birds have offered the best support to the theory of evolution.’ "—*G.R Taylor, Great Evolution Mystery (1983), p. 119.
[h=4]3 - SCIENTISTS SPEAK AGAINST EVOLUTION[/h] Earnest, conscientious scientists have something far different to say about evolutionary theory. These are men, highly competent in their respective fields, who can see the flaws in evolution far better than the man on the street. Here is what they would like to tell you.
After more than a century of research, no one has yet figured out how evolution could have occurred.
<dir> "The evolution of the animal and plant worlds is considered by all those entitled to judgment to be a fact for which no further proof is needed. But in spite of nearly a century of work and discussion there is still no unanimity in regard to the details of the means of evolution."—*Richard Goldschmidt, "Evolution, as Viewed by One Geneticist," in American Scientist, Vol. 409, January 1952, p. 84.
</dir> A leading scientist of our time has this to say:
<dir> "Evolution is baseless and quite incredible."—*Ambrose Flemming, president, British Association for Advancement of Science, in The Unleashing of Evolutionary Thought.
</dir> Evolutionary theory is nothing more than a myth, and concerned scientists recognized it needs to be obliterated in order for science to progress. *Grasse is a leading French scientist:
<dir> "Today our duty is to destroy the myth of evolution, considered as a simple, understood and explained phenomenon which keeps rapidly unfolding before us. Biologists must be encouraged to think about the weaknesses and extrapolations that the theoreticians put forward or lay down as established truths. The deceit is sometimes unconscious, but not always, since some people, owing to their sectarianism, purposely overlook reality and refuse to acknowledge the inadequacies and falsity of their beliefs."—*Pierre-Paul Grasse, Evolution of Living Organisms (1977), p. 8.
</dir> A growing number of scientists consider it the primary work of science to defend this foolish theory. For this reason it is ruining scientific research and conclusions in our modern world.
<dir> "It is not the duty of science to defend the theory of evolution, and stick by it to the bitter end, no matter which illogical and unsupported conclusions it offers. On the contrary, it is expected that scientists recognize the patently obvious impossibility of Darwin’s pronouncements and predictions . . Let’s cut the umbilical cord that tied us down to Darwin for such a long time. It is choking us and holding us back."—*L.L. Cohen, Darwin Was Wrong: A Study in Probabilities (1985).
</dir>Not one smallest particle of scientific evidence has been found in support of evolutionary theory.
<dir> " ‘Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con men, and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact.’ [Tahmisian called it] a tangled mishmash of guessing games and figure juggling."—*Fresno Bee, August 20, 1959, p. 1-B [quoting *T.N. Tahmisian, physiologist for the Atomic Energy Commission].
"The reader . . may be dumbfounded that so much work has settled so few questions."—*Science, January 22, 1965, p. 389.
</dir> The truth about the precarious position of the theory, and the falsity of the evidence in its behalf, is kept from science students—and even Ph.D. graduates. An evolutionist who teaches in a university speaks:
<dir> "I personally hold the evolutionary position, but yet lament the fact that the majority of our Ph.D. graduates are frightfully ignorant of many of the serious problems of the evolution theory. These problems will not be solved unless we bring them to the attention of students. Most students assume evolution is proved, the missing link is found, and all we have left is a few rough edges to smooth out. Actually, quite the contrary is true; and many recent discoveries . . have forced us to re-evaluate our basic assumptions."—*Director of a large graduate biology department, quoted in Creation: The Cutting Edge (1982), p. 28.
</dir> *Singer admits there is no evidence for such an incredible theory, but he is unwilling to consider any other possibility.
<dir> "Evolution is perhaps unique among major scientific theories in that the appeal for its acceptance is not that there is evidence of it, but that any other proposed interpretation of the data is wholly incredible."—*Charles Singer, A Short History of Science to the Nineteenth Century, 1941.
</dir> Thinking scientists increasingly question such an obsolete theory.
<dir> "Evolution . . is not only under attack by fundamentalist Christians, but is also being questioned by reputable scientists. Among paleontologists, scientists who study the fossil record, there is growing dissent from the prevailing view of Darwinism."—*James Gorman, "The Tortoise or the Hare?" Discover, October 1980, p. 88.
</dir> *Jastrow, a leading astronomer, admits that the evidence lies with Creation, not with evolution.
<dir> "Scientists have no proof that life was not the result of an act of creation."—*Robert Jastrow, The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe (1981), p. 19.
</dir> *Bonner makes a broad admission.
<dir> "One is disturbed because what is said gives us the uneasy feeling that we knew it for a long time deep down but were never willing to admit this even to ourselves. It is another one of those cold and uncompromising situations where the naked truth and human nature travel in different directions.
"The particular truth is simply that we have no reliable evidence as to the evolutionary sequence of invertebrate phyla. We do not know what group arose from what other group or whether, for instance, the transition from Protozoa occurred once, or twice, or many times . . We have all been telling our students for years not to accept any statement on its face value but to examine the evidence, and therefore, it is rather a shock to discover that we have failed to follow our own sound advice."—*John T. Bonner, book review of Implications of Evolution by *G.A. Kerkut, in American Scientist, June 1961, p. 240. [*John Bonner is with the California Institute of Technology.]
</dir> *Simpson, a leading evolutionist writer of the mid-20th century, says it is time to give up trying to find a mechanism for evolutionary origins or change.
<dir> "Search for the cause of evolution has been abandoned. It is now clear that evolution has no single cause."—*G.G. Simpson, Major Features, pp. 118-119.
"It might be argued that the theory is quite unsubstantiated and has status only as a speculation."—*George G. Simpson, Major Features, pp. 118-119.
</dir>Simpson tried harder than most evolutionists to defend evolution. Commenting on one of *Simpson’s earlier efforts to present evolutionary causes, Entomology Studies recognized it as but another in the confusing use of empty words to supply the place of solid evidence.
<dir> "When Professor [*George Gaylord] Simpson says that homology is determined by ancestry and concludes that homology is evidence of ancestry, he is using the circular argument so characteristic of evolutionary reasoning. When he adds that evolutionary developments can be described without paleontological evidence, he is attempting to revive the facile and irresponsible speculation which through so many years, under the influence of the Darwinian mythology, has impeded the advance of biology."—*"Evolution and Taxonomy," Studia Entomologica, Vol. 5, October 1982, p. 567.
</dir> *Thompson, a leading scientist, was asked to write the introduction for a new printing of *Darwin’s Origin of the Species. But Thompson’s Introduction proved to be a stunning attack on evolutionary theory.
<dir> "Modern Darwinian paleontologists are obliged, just like their predecessors and like Darwin, to water down the facts with subsidiary hypotheses, which, however plausible, are in the nature of things unverifiable . . and the reader is left with the feeling that if the data do not support the theory they really ought to . . This situation, where scientific men rally to the defense of a doctrine they are unable to define scientifically, much less demonstrate with scientific rigor, attempting to maintain its credit with the public by the suppression of criticism and the elimination of difficulties, is abnormal and undesirable in science."—*W.R. Thompson, "Introduction," Origin of Species; statement reprinted in Journal of the American Affiliation, March 1960.
</dir> Although they fear to say too much openly, *Denton reveals that there are a surprising number of biologists who cannot accept the foolishness of Darwinian theory.
<dir> "Throughout the past century there has always existed a significant minority of first-rate biologists who have never been able to bring themselves to accept the validity of Darwinian claims. In fact, the number of biologists who have expressed some degree of disillusionment is practically endless."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 327.
</dir> *Denton says that the evolutionary myth has always been a problem to scientists. The "evolutionary crisis" is nothing new.
<dir> "The overriding supremacy of the myth has created a widespread illusion that the theory of evolution was all but proved one hundred years ago and that all subsequent biological research—paleontological, zoological and in the newer branches of genetics and molecular biology—has provided ever-increasing evidence for Darwinian ideas. Nothing could be further from the truth.
"The fact is that the evidence was so patchy one hundred years ago that even Darwin himself had increasing doubts as to the validity of his views, and the only aspect of his theory which has received any support over the past century is where it applies to microevolutionary phenomena. His general theory, that all life on earth had originated and evolved by a gradual successive accumulation of fortuitous mutations, is still, as it was in Darwin’s time, a highly speculative hypothesis entirely without direct factual support and very far from that self-evident axiom some of its more ‘aggressive advocates’ would have us believe."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 327.
</dir> Kenyon, a West Coast scientist, summarizes some of the evidence against evolutionary theory.
<dir> "Laboratory data and theoretic arguments concerning the origin of the first life lead one to doubt the evolution of subsequent forms of life. The fossil record and other lines of evidence confirm this suspicion. In short, when all the available evidence is carefully assessed in toto [in the whole, entirely], the evolutionary story of origins appears significantly less probable than the creationist view."—Dean Kenyon, Creationist View of Biological Origins, NEXA Journal, Spring 1984, p. 33 [San Francisco State University].
</dir> *Macbeth says that when men cling to an outworn theory with no supporting evidence, the problem is within the mind. They are entrenched dogmatists, fearful to consider alternative facts and conclusions.
<dir> "When the most learned evolutionists can give neither the how nor the why, the marvels seem to show that adaptation is inexplicable. This is a strange situation, only partly ascribable to the rather unscientific conviction that evidence will be found in the future. It is due to a psychological quirk."—*Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried (1971), p. 77.
</dir> *Bonner declares there is no evidence that any species descended from any other species.
<dir> "The particular truth is simply that we have no reliable evidence as to the evolutionary sequence . . One can find qualified, professional arguments for any group being the descendant of almost any other."—*J. Bonner, "Book Review," American Scientist 49:1961, p. 240.
</dir> There are no facts supporting the evolutionary claim that any species ever changed into any other.
<dir> "The German zoologist, Bernhard Rensch [1959], was able to provide a long list of leading authorities who have been inclined to the view that macroevolution [changes across species] cannot be explained in terms of microevolutionary processes [changes within species], or any other currently known mechanisms. These dissenters cannot be dismissed as cranks, creationists, or vitalists, for among their ranks are many first-rate biologists."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 86.
</dir> All that the evolutionists can point to is change within species; they have no evidence of change across species.
<dir> "The very success of the Darwinian model at a microevolutionary [sub-species] level . . only serves to highlight its failure at a macroevolutionary [across species] level."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 344.
</dir> There is no evidence on the origin of species.
<dir> "The facts fail to give any information regarding the origin of actual species, not to mention the higher categories."—*Richard Goldschmidt, The Natural Basis of Evolution, p. 165.
</dir> Instead of intergraded changes from one species to another, we only find distinct species types.
<dir> "Increase of knowledge about biology has tended to emphasize the extreme rigidity of type, and more and more to discount the idea of transmutation from one type to another—the essential basis of Darwinism."—*McNair Wilson, "The Witness of Science," in the Oxford Medical Publications (1942).
</dir> Evolutionary theory cannot square with scientific facts.
<dir> "The theory of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer square with practical scientific knowledge."—*Albert Fleishman, zoologist.
</dir> Evolutionary theory faces a granite wall.
<dir> "Where are we when presented with the mystery of life? We find ourselves facing a granite wall which we have not even chipped . . We know virtually nothing of growth, nothing of life."—*W. Kaempffert, "The Greatest Mystery of All: the Secret of Life," New York Times.
</dir> *Toulmin senses that a supernatural power must be at work. The intricate galactic systems, the environment on Earth, the myriads of carefully designed plants and animals; it all points to a super-powerful, massively intelligent Creator.
<dir> "It seems to me astronomy has proven that forces are at work in the world that are beyond the present power of scientific description; these are literally supernatural forces, because they are outside the body of natural law."—*S. Toulmin, "Science, Philosophy of," in Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. 18 (15th ed. 1974), p. 389.
</dir> The two great riddles for evolutionists are these: "Nothing cannot become something"—a Big Bang cannot turn nothing into stars.
<dir> "Nobody can imagine how nothing could turn into something. Nobody can get an inch nearer to it by explaining how something could turn into something else."—*G.K. Chesterton (1925).
</dir> Not a single fact in nature confirms it.
<dir> " ‘The Darwinian theory of descent has not a single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of scientific research, but purely the product of imagination.’ "—*Dr. Fleishmann, quoted in F. Meldau, Why We Believe in Creation, Not Evolution, p. 10 [Erlangen zoologist].
Evolution, which is supposed to be caused by accidents, is itself headed for a collision.
"For all its acceptance in the scientific works as the great unifying principle of biology, Darwinism, after a century and a quarter, is in a surprising amount of trouble."—*Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe (1982), p. 12.
</dir> The problems are too severe and unsolvable.
<dir> "Nearly all [evolutionist biologists] take an ultimately conservative stand, believing that [the problems] can be explained away by making only minor adjustments to the Darwinian framework. In this book . . I have tried to show why I believe that the problems are too severe and too intractable to offer any hope of resolution in terms of the orthodox Darwinian framework."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 16.
</dir> The theory is totally inadequate.
<dir> "The theory of evolution is totally inadequate to explain the origin and manifestation of the inorganic world."—*Sir Ambrose Fleming, F.R.S., quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1968), p. 91 [discoverer of the thermionic valve].
</dir> One of the outstanding scientists of the 19th century said this:
<dir> " ‘Science positively demands creation.’ "—Lord Kelvin, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1988), p. 94.
</dir> Biological specialists recognize that the theory is inadequate.
<dir> "The theories of evolution, with which our studious youth have been deceived, constitute actually a dogma that all the world continues to teach: but each, in his specialty, the zoologist or the botanist, ascertains that none of the explanations furnished is adequate . . It results from this summary: the theory of evolution is impossible."—*P. Lemoine, "Introduction: De l’evolution," Encyclopedie Francaise, Vol. 5 (1937), p. 8.
</dir> It is all one big scientific mistake.
<dir> "The theory [of evolution] is a scientific mistake."—*Louis Agassiz, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1986), p. 139. [Agassiz was a Harvard University professor.]
</dir> It is a tottering mass of speculation.
<dir> "To my mind, the theory does not stand up at all."—*H. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks at Evolution," Physics Bulletin 31 (1980), p. 138.
</dir> How to make a pseudoscience:
<dir> "Present-day ultra-Darwinism, which is so sure of itself, impresses incompletely informed biologists, misleads them, and inspires fallacious interpretations . .
"Through use and abuse of hidden postulates, of bold, often ill-founded extrapolations, a pseudoscience has been created. It is taking root in the very heart of biology and is leading astray many biochemists and biologists, who sincerely believe that the accuracy of fundamental concepts has been demonstrated, which is not the case."—*Pierre P. Grasse, The Evolution of Living Organisms (1977), p. 202.
</dir> A mass of opinions heavily burdened with hypothesis.
<dir> "From the almost total absence of fossil evidence relative to the origin of the phyla, it follows that any explanation of the mechanism in the creative evolution of the fundamental structural plans is heavily burdened with hypothesis. This should appear as an epigraph to every book on evolution. The lack of direct evidence leads to the formulation of pure conjecture as to the genesis of the phyla; we do not even have a basis to determine the extent to which these opinions are correct."—*P.P. Grasse, Evolution of Living Organisms (1977), p. 31.
</dir> There are so many ways to disprove it.
<dir> "I can envision observations and experiments that would disprove any evolutionary theory I know."—*Stephen Jay Gould, "Evolution as Fact and Theory," Discover 2(5):34-37 (1981).
</dir> Forty years work and completely failed.
<dir> "My attempts to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than 40 years have completely failed. At least I should hardly be accused of having started from any preconceived anti-evolutionary standpoint."—*H. Nilsson, Synthetic Speciation (1953), p. 31.
</dir> "Not the slightest basis for the assumption."
<dir> "It is almost invariably assumed that animals with bodies composed of a single cell represent the primitive animals from which all others derived. They are commonly supposed to have preceded all other animal types in their appearance. There is not the slightest basis for this assumption."—*Austin Clark, The New Evolution (1930), pp. 235-236.
</dir> The head of the paleontology department of a major U.S. museum speaks:
<dir> "It’s true that for the last eighteen months or so I’ve been kicking around non-evolutionary or even antievolutionary ideas . .
"So that is my first theme: that evolution and creation seem to be sharing remarkable parallels that are increasingly hard to tell apart. The second theme is that evolution not only conveys no knowledge but it seems somehow to convey anti-knowledge."—*Colin Patterson, Address at the American Museum of Natural History (November 5, 1981).
</dir> In the study of natural history, we only find degeneration, extinction, and sub-species changes.
<dir> "The majority of evolutionary movements are degenerative. Progressive cases are exceptional. Characters appear suddenly that have no meaning toward progress [i.e., that do not evolve into anything else] . . The only thing that could be accomplished by slow changes would be the accumulation of neutral characteristics without value for survival."—*John B.S. Haldane, quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 91 [English geneticist].
</dir> More like medieval astrology than 20th-century science.
<dir> "Despite the fact that no convincing explanation of how random evolutionary processes could have resulted in such an ordered pattern of diversity, the idea of uniform rates of evolution is presented in the literature as if it were an empirical discovery. The hold of the evolutionary paradigm is so powerful that an idea which is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious twentieth-century scientific theory has become a reality for evolutionary biologists . . We face great, if not insurmountable conceptual, problems in envisaging how the gaps could have been bridged in terms of gradual random processes. We saw this in the fossil record, in the case of the avian [bird] lung, and in the case of the wing of the bat. We saw it again in the case of the origin of life and we see it here in this new area of comparative biochemistry [molecular biochemistry] . . Yet in the face of this extraordinary discovery, the biological community seems content to offer explanations which are no more than apologetic tautologies [circular reasonings]."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1988), p. 308.
</dir> Sub-species changes are worlds apart from providing an explanation for cross-species changes.
<dir> "The facts of microevolution [change within the species] do not suffice for an understanding of macroevolution [theorized change from one species to another]."—*Richard Goldschmidt, Material Basis of Evolution (1940).
</dir>Just as much of a puzzle now as ever before . . Only explainable on sociological grounds.
<dir> "All in all, evolution remains almost as much of a puzzle as it was before Darwin advanced his thesis. Natural selection explains a small part of what occurs: the bulk remains unexplained. Darwinism is not so much a theory, as a sub-section of some theory as yet unformulated . .
" ‘I for one . . am still at a loss to know why it is of selective advantage for the eels of Comacchio to travel perilously to the Sargasso sea . .’ complains Bertalanffy. ‘I think the fact that a theory so vague, so insufficiently verifiable . . has become a dogma can only be explained on sociological [not scientific] grounds,’ von Bertalanffy concludes."—*G.R. Taylor, Great Evolution Mystery (1983), pp. 232-233.
</dir>Relying entirely upon the imagination to find a solution.
<dir> "How can one confidently assert that one mechanism rather than another was at the origin of the creation of the plans of [evolutionary] organization, if one relies entirely upon the imagination to find a solution? Our ignorance is so great that we can not even assign with any accuracy an ancestral stock to the phyla Protozoa, Arthropoda, Mollusca and Vertebrata . . From the almost total absence of fossil evidence relative to the origins of the phyla, it follows that an explanation of the mechanism in the creative evolution of the fundamental plans is heavily burdened with hypotheses. This should appear as an epigraph to every book on evolution."—*Pierre P. Grasse, Evolution of Living Organisms (1977), p. 178.
</dir> *Milner is very much in favor of evolutionary theory, but he does have a few questions that need answering:
<dir> "1. Origin of life. How did living matter originate out of non-living matter? . .
"2. Origin of Sex. Why is sexuality so widespread in nature? How did maleness and femaleness arise? . .
"3. Origin of Language. How did human speech originate? We see no examples of primitive languages on Earth today; all mankind’s languages are evolved and complex.
"4. Origin of Phyla. What is the evolutionary relationship between existing phyla and those of the past? . . Transitional forms between phyla are almost unknown.
"5. Cause of Mass Extinction. Asteroids are quite in vogue, but far from proven as a cause of worldwide extinctions . .
"6. Relationship between DNA and Phenotype. Can small steady changes (micromutations) account for evolution, or must there be periodic larger jumps (macromutations)? Is DNA a complete blueprint for the individual? . .
"7. How Much Can Natural Selection Explain? Darwin never claimed natural selection is the only mechanism of evolution. Although he considered it a major explanation, he continued to search for others, and the search continues."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), pp. 159-180.
</dir> Yes, the search continues. The theory was developed 150 years ago; and men are still searching for evidence in support of it and mechanisms by which it could operate.
[h=4]4 - SCIENTISTS DECLARE EVOLUTION TO BE UNWORKABLE AND USELESS[/h] Not only is evolution entirely an hypothesis, it is a most peculiar one. This is the conclusion of a number of conscientious scientists. They have spent years trying to work with an unworkable theory, and they want it discarded entirely.
Instead of ignoring the growing opposition to evolutionary theory, researchers need to consider the overwhelming mass of evidence in opposition to it. We need to stop letting this sacred cow walk through our halls of science.
<dir> "Fundamental truths about evolution have so far eluded us all, and that uncritical acceptance of Darwinism may be counterproductive as well as expedient. Far from ignoring or ridiculing the ground-swell of opposition to Darwinism that is growing, for example, in the United States, we should welcome it as an opportunity to reexamine our sacred cow more closely."—*B. Storehouse, "Introduction," in *Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 12.
[h=5][1] IT IS AN UNWORKABLE HYPOTHESIS[/h] We know so little now, and apparently little more is likely be learned.
<dir> "We still do not know the mechanics of evolution in spite of the over-confident claims in some quarters, nor are we likely to make further progress in this by the classical methods of paleontology or biology."—*Errol White, Proceedings of the Linnean Society, London 177:8 (1988).
</dir> All we have is faith to go on, for there are no facts.
<dir> "The hypothesis that life has developed from inorganic matter is, at present, still an article of faith."—*J.W.N. Sullivan, The Limitations of Science (1933), p. 95.
</dir> A leading evolutionist writer says: If it does not fit in with reality, it has nothing to do with science.
<dir> "It is inherent in any definition of science that statements that cannot be checked by observation are not really saying anything—or at least they are not science."—*George Gaylord Simpson, "The Nonprevalence of Humanoids," in Science 143 (1964) p. 770.
</dir> It is a theory that stands in splendid isolation from experiment and evidence.
<dir> "In accepting evolution as fact, how many biologists pause to reflect that science is built upon theories that have been proved by experiment to be correct, or remember that the theory of animal evolution has never been thus proved."—*L.H. Matthews, "Introduction," Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin (1971 edition).
</dir> Does not stand up at all.
<dir> "I have always been slightly suspicious of the theory of evolution because of its ability to account for any property of living beings (the long neck of the giraffe, for example). I have therefore tried to see whether biological discoveries over the last thirty years or so fit in with Darwin’s theory. I do not think that they do. To my mind, the theory does not stand up at all."—*H. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks of Evolution," Physics Bulletin 31 (1980), p. 138.
</dir> It is an assortment of pipe dreams.
<dir> "Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of being called hypotheses."—*Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried (1971), p. 147.
[h=5][2] IT IS A USELESS HYPOTHESIS[/h] It is only a formula for classifying imaginative ideas.
<dir> "I argue that the ‘theory of evolution’ does not take predictions, so far as ecology is concerned, but is instead a logical formula which can be used only to classify empiricisms [theories] and to show the relationships which such a classification implies . . these theories are actually tautologies and, as such, cannot make empirically testable predictions. They are not scientific theories at all."—*R.H. Peters, "Tautology in Evolution and Ecology," American Naturalist (1976), Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 [emphasis his].
</dir> It does not belong in the realm of science.
<dir> "A hypothesis is empirical and scientific only if it can be tested by experience . . A hypothesis or theory which cannot be, at least in principle, falsified by empirical observations and experiments does not belong to the realm of science."—*Francis J. Ayala, "Biological Evolution: Natural Selection or Random Walk?" American Scientist, Vol. 82, Nov.-Dec. 1974, p. 700.
</dir> Posterity will marvel at 20th-century scientists.
<dir> "Posterity will marvel that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis [Darwinism] could be accepted with the credulity that it has. I think . . this age is one of the most credulous in history."—Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christendom (1980), p. 59.
</dir> Creation fits the facts while evolution has yet to find any that proves it.
<dir> "A theory loses credibility if it must be repeatedly modified over years of testing or if it requires excuses being continually made for why its predictions are not consistent with new discoveries of data. It is not a propitious attribute for a theory to have required numerous secondary modifications. Some evolutionists misunderstand this and attempt to point to the continuous string of modifications to evolution theory as a justification for classifying it as the exclusive respectable scientific theory on origins. They often make the strange claim that creation theory could not be scientific because it fits the evidence so perfectly that it never has required any modification. That line of reasoning is like saying that the law of gravity is not scientific since it fits the facts so perfectly that it never needs modification."—Luther Sunderland, Darwin’s Enigma (1988), p. 31.
</dir> The label on the outside of the package may say "knowledge," but inside it is empty.
<dir> "I feel that the effect of the hypotheses of common ancestry in systematics has not been merely boring, not just a lack of knowledge; I think it has been positively anti-knowledge . . Well, what about evolution? It certainly has the function of knowledge but does it convey any? Well, we are back to the question I have been putting to people, ‘Is there one thing you can tell me about evolution?’ The absence of answers seems to suggest that it is true, evolution does not convey any knowledge."—*Colin Patterson, Address at the American Museum of Natural History (November 5, 1981).
</dir> The great myth of our century.
<dir> "Ultimately, the Darwinian theory of evolution is no more nor less than the great cosmogenic myth of the twentieth century."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 358.
That which retards scientific study.
"Science has been seriously retarded by the study of what is not worth knowing."—*Johann van Goethe (1749-1832), quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 257.


Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

Pablo..No copies y pegues a cada rato..¿quien va a leer los artículos kilométricos que envias.
Te repito.
los científicos son honestos..
los métodos de datación.
No hagas caso a creacionistas..Toman algún ejemplo de error grande y lo toman con general.
Pero de nuevo te digo.
Basta observar un poco y te das cuenta de que la tierra es muy antigua.
Sobre el big.bang lo mismo.. Si las galaxias se alejan unas de otras es obvio que en el pasado estaban juntas.
Y mucho de lo que envias no es verdad.
Resume un articulo y envías conclusión ..¿ quien va ller todo eso.
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

[h=1]Evolution, Morality & Violence[/h]
[h=3]Evolutionary Theory is Ruining Modern Civilization[/h] <dir> This chapter is based on pp. 1003-1015, 1019-1023, 1025-1029, 1031-1032 (Evolution and Society) of Other Evidence (Volume Three of our three-volume Evolution Disproved Series). Not included in this chapter are at least 40 statements by scientists. You will find them, plus much more, on our website:
</dir> Darwinism has had a devastating impact on society. Its ramifications reach into the deepest aspects of social life and culture. In this chapter, we will provide you with a brief overview of some of the effects of evolutionary thinking on our modern world.
The data in this chapter is rather heavily abridged from the original three-volume set. But you will find it all in the chapter on Evolution and Society on our website.
A significant reason for this tremendous impact is the fact that evolution is nihilistic in regard to morals. First, the clear implication is that people are just animals, so there is no right or wrong. Second, it teaches that all evolutionary progress has been made by some at the expense of others. Highest success comes to those who will step on; grind down; and, if necessary, destroy others. This brings about "fitness" and "survival qualities."
Another devastating quality of evolutionary theory is the fact that it is but a variant form of atheism. Its advocates militantly attack religion in general and Christianity in particular. Christianity is declared to be superstition and the Bible a book of myths. Evolutionary teaching and Christianity are total opposites. They are entirely incompatible. No one can believe both teachings or try to combine parts of the two. For anyone to attempt to do so is but to fool oneself. Among professed Christians there are church leaders, religion teachers, science teachers, and scientists who attempt to combine part of evolutionary theory with Biblical beliefs. But the two positions just do not mix. For example, some will claim to believe the Bible, yet will maintain that there were long ages of developing life forms into human beings before the Six Day Creation of Genesis 1. If such be true, then the Fall of Man, as given in Genesis 3, is incorrect. And if man did not fall into sin, then the promise of Genesis 3:15 is not needed, Christ is not needed, Calvary is not needed, no atonement for sin is needed, salvation from sin is not needed.
[h=4]1 - IMPACT ON WESTERN CIVILIZATION[/h] EVOLUTION AND WESTERN CULTURE—Evolutionary theory has had a most terrible, desolating effect on Western Civilization in the 20th century. Facts outlined in this chapter will seem hard to believe, so we will back them as fully as possible with quotations.
<dir> "The twentieth century would be incomprehensible without the Darwinian revolution. The social and political currents which have swept the world in the past eighty years would have been impossible without its intellectual sanction. It is ironic to recall that it was the increasingly secular outlook in the nineteenth century which initially eased the way for the acceptance of evolution, while today it is perhaps the Darwinian view of nature more than any other that is responsible for the agnostic and skeptical outlook of the twentieth century. What was once a deduction from materialism has today become its foundation."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1988), p. 358.
</dir>Gradually, an attempt was made to extend evolutionary theory into every field of study. It is remarkable that a theory founded on confused speculations and non-existent scientific facts would be made the basis of a single, unified structure of knowledge.
<dir> "The concept of evolution was soon extended into other than biological fields. Inorganic subjects such as the life-histories of stars and the formation of chemical elements on the one hand, and on the other hand subjects like linguistics, social anthropology, and comparative law and religion, began to be studied from an evolutionary angle, until today we are enabled to see evolution as a universal, all-pervading process."—*Julian Huxley, "Evolution and Genetics," in V.R. Newman (ed.), What is Science? (1955), p. 272.
</dir> We have now come to a time when the man who resists the barrage of atheistic ideas thrown at him, under the name of "evolution," is treated as an outcast—or worse.
<dir> "[He who does not honor Darwin] inevitably attracts the speculative psychiatric eye to himself."—*Garret Hardin, Nature and Man’s Fate (1961).
</dir> *Littel briefly summarizes the sinister teaching underlying this theory.
<dir> "He [Darwin] proposed that natural selection governs the evolution of forms of life; with the fittest surviving. The latter proposition became the basis of several schools of politics and social philosophy, including both laissez-faire economics and Nazism. The former displaced the view of man as a fallen angel, and replaced it with man conceived as risen animal."—*F.H. Littel, The Macmillan Atlas History of Christianity (1976), p. 104.
</dir>EARLY WARNINGS—Over a century and a half ago, *Goethe made a profound statement.
<dir> "Science has been seriously retarded by the study of what is not worth knowing."—*Johann von Goethe (1749-1832), quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 257.
</dir> It would have been well if *Charles Darwin and his disciples had heeded such counsel. All humanity in the 20th century has been seriously injured by the theoretical devisings of *Darwin and his followers.
Shortly after the 1859 publication of *Darwin’s book, Origin of the Species, men of integrity sought to warn the world—and Darwin himself—against the terrible consequences that would result if such a theory were to become widely accepted. *Romanes, although a personal friend of *Darwin’s, recognized what the theory was leading to.
<dir> "Never in the history of man has so terrific a calamity befallen the race as that which all who look may now behold advancing as a deluge, black with destruction, resistless in might, uprooting our most cherished hopes, engulfing our most precious creed, and burying our highest life in mindless desolation . . The flood-gates of infidelity are open, and Atheism overwhelming is upon us."—*George Romanes, A Candid Examination of Theism (1878).
</dir> Soon after *Darwin’s book came off the press, Sedgwick, a contemporary leading British biologist, wrote him. Noting the ridiculous non-scientific "facts" and hypotheses in the book, Sedgwick warned *Darwin that his book was about to open Pandora’s box:
<dir> "Adam Sedgwick, author of the famous Student’s Text Book of Zoology, after reading the book, The Origin of Species, expressed his opinion to Darwin in the following words: ‘I have read your book with more pain than pleasure. Parts of it I admired greatly, parts I laughed till my sides were almost sore: other parts I read with absolute sorrow because I think them utterly false and grievously mischievous.’
"As feared by this great man of science, the evolutionary idea of civilization has grown into a practical method of thought and code of conduct, affecting the reasoning and actions of every part of the human race. Human conduct is modelled on the philosophy that finds current acceptance."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1986), pp. 144-145.
"Our own generation has lived to see the inevitable result of evolutionary teaching—the result that Sedgwick foresaw as soon as he had read the Origin. Mussolini’s attitude was completely dominated by evolution. In public utterances, he repeatedly used the Darwinian catchwords while he mocked at perpetual peace, lest it hinder the evolutionary process. In Germany, it was the same. Adolf Hitler’s mind was captivated by evolutionary teaching—probably since the time he was a boy. Evolutionary ideas, quite undisguised, lie at the basis of all that is the worst in Mein Kamp and his public speeches."— R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> INFLUENTIAL STATUS OF SCIENCE—The impact of science on society, morals, and culture in the 20th century has been immense. The words of scientists are treated as though infallible; when, in reality, human error exists in all scientific endeavor.
<dir> "A concept of nature must be compatible with the way people behave within a given cultural milieu if it is to be acceptable. When we penetrate to the core of our scientific beliefs . . we find they are as much influenced by the culture as our other belief systems."—*Jeremy Rifkin, Algeny (1984), p. 32.
</dir>In order to gain the vaunted power that scientific progress offers, men are willing to submit their way of life and even their belief systems to scientific theorists.
<dir> "Science promises man power . . But, as so often happens when people are seduced by promises of power, the price is servitude and impotence."—*D. Joseph Weizenbaum, Statement made in 1976, quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 283.
</dir> *Jastrow, referring to many scientists of our time, says they are too much aware of their power over men’s lives.
<dir> "Their materialism is so deeply imbued . . and scientists like to think they have a unique handle on reality. And they’re very arrogant about that."—*Robert Jastrow, quoted in B. Durbin, "A Scientist Caught between Two Faiths: An Interview with Robert Jastrow," in Christianity Today 26(13):15 (1982).
</dir>This lock-grip over human thinking has the power to transform science into something of an organized religious system, complete with a set of beliefs, priests, and ritual. Because of its terrific impact on morality, Darwinism automatically gains the central seat of worship in what becomes a great atheistic temple.
<dir> "It is a religion of science that Darwinism chiefly held, and holds over men’s minds [today]."—*Encounter, November 1959, p. 48.
</dir>ETHICS AND MORALITY—It becomes extremely dangerous when materialistic men are set in positions of power to dictate that which the masses will believe in regard to human morality. Hardened evolutionists are determined not to merely let men choose for themselves the type of morality they will follow. Evolution is foisted upon people, from kindergarten to the grave. Evolutionist zealots are dedicated to wiping out every religion but their own. Atheism and only atheism is their creed and their objective. Darwinism inherently teaches the most vicious set of moral principles. Declaring that man is but an animal, instruction is then given that the most successful animals are those that are the first to attack and destroy. The collected views men are taught determine their system of morals and their way of life.
<dir> "Every ethic is founded in a philosophy of man, and every philosophy of man points toward ethical behavior."—*J. Drane, "A Philosophy of Man and Higher Education," in Main Currents in Modern Thought, (1927), p. 98.
</dir> Darwinism declares that man is no better than an animal.
<dir> "In the world of Darwin man has no special status other than his definition as a distinct species of animal. He is in the fullest sense a part of nature and not apart from it. He is akin, not figuratively but literally, to every living thing, be it an ameba, a tapeworm, a flea, a seaweed, an oak tree, or a monkey—even though the degrees of relationship are different and we may feel less empathy for forty-second cousins like the tapeworms than for, comparatively speaking, brothers like the monkeys."—*George Gaylord Simpson, "The World into Which Darwin Led Us," Science 131 (1960), p. 970.
</dir>Darwinism unleashed a moral holocaust upon the world, one which deepens with each passing decade. Here is a statement to remember:
<dir> "It was because Darwinian theory broke man’s link with God and set him adrift in a cosmos without purpose or end that its impact was so fundamental. No other intellectual revolution in modern times . . so profoundly affected the way men viewed themselves and their place in the universe."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 67 [Australian molecular biologist].
</dir>We are taught to accept ourselves as merely vicious animals. Tell the people often enough that they are only animals, and they will begin believing it. *Darlington says, "Violence is . . a product of evolution."
<dir> "The first point is that selfishness and violence are inherent in us, inherited from our remotest animal ancestors . . Violence is, then, natural to man, a product of evolution."—*P.J. Darlington, Evolution for Naturalists (1980), pp. 243-244.
</dir>Evolutionary theory presents humanity with no uplifting standards, codes, norms, or values.
<dir> " ‘Evolution favors reproductive strategies that produce the most offspring, without regard for human values of justice or fair play.’
" ‘Nature provides no moral guide to human behavior.’
"We don’t even know what is ‘natural’ for our own species. Every few years a new theory emerges on what is our ‘natural’ diet, our ‘natural’ life span, our ‘natural’ sexual practices, our ‘natural’ social system or our ‘natural’ relationship with nature. Nature is endlessly fascinating, but offers no ‘natural’ way of life for humans to copy. Even in evolution, there is no ‘natural’ tendency toward ‘progress,’ ‘perfection,’ or ‘ascent.’ Most of the time, we don’t even know what is going on in nature."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), pp. 79, 124, 317.
</dir> It is Darwinism that is brutalizing mankind today.
<dir> "Darwinism helped to further brutalize mankind through providing scientific sanction for bloodthirsty and selfish desires."—*Robert T. Clark and James D. Bales, Why Scientists Accept Evolution (1966), p. 64.
</dir>Evolutionary theory has entered every sphere of behavior, business, science, and government.
<dir> "[Darwinism] has quite certainly molded the thought of our political and biological elite . . this manner of thought . . was adopted and applied to politics and to morals."—*A.E. Wilder-Smith, The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution (1981), p. 148.
</dir> A leading scientist of our century well-described our great danger. Here is a quotation worth remembering:
<dir> "I am haunted by a conviction that the nihilistic philosophy which so-called educated opinion chose to adopt following the publication of the Origin of Species committed mankind to a course of automatic self-destruction. A doomsday was then set ticking."—*Sir Fred Hoyle, The Intelligent Universe (1983), p. 9. [Hoyle is a renowned British Astrophysicist.]
</dir> The man who helped produce the Piltdown Man hoax later declared that even the most terrible wars of mankind only constitute normal living and cannot be avoided. (We shall learn later, in this chapter, that the worst wars of our century came about as a result of accepting Darwinian theory, not because of the savagery of inherent evolutionary "advancement.")
<dir> "The law of evolution, as formulated by Darwin, provides an explanation of war between nations, the only reasonable explanation known to us."—*Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics (1947), p. 149.
</dir>According to evolutionary theory, whatever you are is good and whatever you do is right; there are no norms, no absolutes, no standards you must live up to.
<dir> "Thus human ‘goodness’ and behavior, considered ethical by human societies, probably are evolutionary acquisitions of man and require fostering,—[because] an ethical system that bases its premises on absolute pronouncements will not usually be acceptable to those who view human nature by evolutionary criteria."—*Arno G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 654.
</dir> In the 19th century, they called themselves the American Association of Atheists. In the 20th, they now call themselves "humanists." Here is their battle cry:
<dir> "No deity will save us; we must save ourselves."—*1974 Manifesto of American Humanist Association.
</dir> The objective of the humanists goes beyond that of merely letting you live your own life; they are determined to reshape your morals, your body, and your descendants. And it is to be done according to their set of standards. They intend to do it by "science":
<dir> "Man’s unique characteristic among animals is his ability to direct and control his own evolution, and science is his most powerful tool for doing this."—*Hudson Hoagland, "Science and the New Humanism," Silence, Vol. 143, January 10, 1984, p. 111.
</dir> They intend to do it by "manipulating genes."
<dir> "We no longer need be subject to blind external forces but can manipulate the environment and eventually may be able to manipulate our genes."—*Arno G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 853.
</dir> They intend to do it by "naturalistic, scientific ethics."
<dir> "The foregoing conclusions represent, I believe, an outgrowth of the thesis of modern humanism, as well as of the study of evolution, that the primary job for man is to promote his own welfare and advancement. Both that of his members considered individually and that of the all inclusive group is due awareness of the world as it is, and [especially] on the basis of a naturalistic, scientific ethics."—*H.J. Muller, "Human Values in Relation to Evolution," Science, Vol. 127, March 21, 1958, p. 829.
</dir> Always the teaching is that the ultimate goals and highest success will be achieved when we realize that we are only animals, and need only act like animals. (*Andrew LeVey, founder of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco, said that this was the message he had been given by Satan: We are only animals, and we should do as we please.)
<dir> "While many details remain unknown, the grand design of biologic structure and function in plants and animals, including man, admits to no other explanation than that of evolution. Man therefore is another link in a chain which unites all life on this planet."—*A.G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 853.
</dir> *Hoagland says that thinking we are but animals will now help us improve ourselves socially.
<dir> "Man’s unique characteristic among animals is his ability to direct and control his own evolution, and science is his most powerful tool for doing this. We are a product of two kinds of evolution, biological and cultural. We are here as a result of the same processes of natural selection that have produced all the other plants and animals. A second kind of evolution is psychosocial or cultural evolution. This is unique to man. Its history is very recent; it started roughly a million years ago with our hominid tool-making ancestors."—*Hudson Hoagland, "Science and the New Humanism," in Science, January 10, 1984, p. 111.
</dir>Education is seen as the key to the changeover. In order to make atheists of everyone, the schools must be controlled by evolutionists.
<dir> "It is essential for evolution to become the central core of any educational system, because it is evolution, in the broad sense, that links inorganic nature with life, and the stars with the earth, and matter with mind, and animals with man. Human history is a continuation of biological evolution in a different form."—*Sir Julian Huxley, quoted in *Sol Tax and *Charles Callender (eds.), Evolution After Darwin, 3 vols. (1980).
</dir>Happily for the Darwinists, they feel they are winning out in the churches and in church beliefs also. (More on this on our website, in the chapter, Evolution and Society.)
<dir> "Beyond its impact on traditional science, Darwinism was devastating to conventional theology."—*D. Nelkin, Science Textbook Controversies and the Politics of Equal Time (1977), p. 11.
</dir> But the fact remains that evolutionary theory is one of the most insidious, most dangerous theories ever unleashed upon mankind.
<dir> "Anything that has evolved by natural selection should be selfish."—*Life: How Did it Get Here? (1985), p. 177.
</dir> In a chapter entitled, "Evolution," in one of his books, *Asimov quotes the following statement, describing so well the inner thinking of Darwinism.
<dir> "Mankind struggles upwards, in which millions are trampled to death, that thousands may mount on their bodies."—*Clara Lucas Balfour (1808-1878), quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 88 [chapter on "Evolution"].
</dir> The realization of that terrible truth even penetrated the gloom of *Darwin’s mind at times.
<dir> "With me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been developed from the minds of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would anyone trust in the convictions of a monkey’s mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?"—*Charles Darwin, quoted in Francis Darwin (ed.), Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1903; 1971 reprint), Vol. 1, p. 285.
</dir>According to evolution, neither mankind nor any other creature or substance in the universe was planned; it was all only an "accident" of random motions of atoms.
<dir> "An atheist is a man who believes himself an accident."—*Francis Thompson, quoted in Peter’s Book of Quotations (1977), p. 449.
</dir>But the "accident theory" will destroy us if we adhere to it. And prior to that mutual destruction will come ever-increasing hopelessness and aimless confusion.
<dir> "We do not solve social problems but rather create social monsters, when man is treated first as an accident and then the particular man is denied his participation in his own being on the grounds that he is only an unfortunate accident of nature.
"It takes no doctor of logic to conclude that if man is such a random being, it can be only a random force that makes himself users of his fellows, even if the user is dignified by degree as a sociologist or psychiatrist. If the determinist’s premise is correct, then social or psychic manipulations may establish only a random order. Thus determinism entangles the mind hopelessly in contradiction."—*Marion Montgomery, "Imagination and the Violent Assault upon Virtue," Modern Age: A Quarterly Review, 27, pp. 124-125.
</dir> A science teacher agrees.
<dir> "Few people who accept the Darwinian theory of evolution realize its far-reaching import especially in Social Science . . Of the many evils that have resulted from the teaching of evolution, we mention only a few."—*Professor Holmes, Science (August 14, 1939), p. 117.
</dir>Darwinism is the law of the jungle.
<dir> "Darwinism consistently applied would measure goodness in terms of survival value. This is the law of the jungle where ‘might is right’ and the fittest survive. Whether cunning or cruelty, cowardice or deceit, whatever will enable the individual to survive is good and right for that individual or that society."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1968), p. 145.
</dir> Darwin’s biological evolution theory quickly became the basis for a social theory which brought on intensified war and immorality.
<dir> "In turn, biological evolutionism exerted ever-widening influences on the natural and social sciences, and its repercussions were neither sound or commendable. Suffice it to mention the so-called Social Darwinism, which often sought to justify the inhumanity of man to man, and the biological racism which furnished a fraudulent scientific sanction for the atrocities committed in Hitler’s Germany and elsewhere."—*Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Evolution at Work," Science, Vol. 127, May 9, 1958, p. 1091.
</dir>The teaching that man is but a beast, and not accountable for any of his actions—is the heart of Darwin’s teaching; and it unleashes the worst in man.
<dir> "No wonder that Brig. General F.D. Frost stated in the Fundamentalist, January,1950, p. 21: ‘There is no doubt about it that the doctrine of evolution is the greatest curse in our educational system.’ Whether we read Ward’s Dynamic Sociology, or Russell’s Code of Morals, or Briffalt’s Immoralism or some other book written by the Behaviorist School,—they all seem to endeavour to justify and base their conclusions on the bestial nature of man. This philosophy seeks to determine the morale, the principles and practice of virtuous conduct, and to reduce man to the level of animal nature. The surging unrest, the broken homes, the frustrated lives, the increasing divorce cases, the multiplied number of criminals are but the inevitable outcome of the acceptance and practice of this evolutionary doctrine."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966), pp. 146-147.
</dir> *Darwin had started something that was to spread throughout the world and bring anguish to millions.
<dir> "Darwin’s books were quickly translated into all the earth’s main languages, and the political leaders of the various motions began using the Darwinian catchwords to justify their expansionist ambitions. The influence in Germany was especially profound. There, the atheistic biologist Ernst Haeckel embarked on a popularization campaign fully comparable to that of Huxley in England. The philosopher Nietzsche, with his doctrine of the ‘superman,’ was also greatly influenced by Darwin, though he thought Darwin did not go far enough in promoting the militaristic and racist implications of his theories. Darwinistic imperialism had great impact on the policies of Bismarck and even more so on those of Adolph Hitler."—H.M. Morris, History of Modern Christianity (1984), p. 47.
</dir> [h=4]2 - LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS[/h] TWENTIETH-CENTURY CORNERSTONE—The impact of modern evolutionary thought on our modern culture has been terrific. Consider these examples: *Marx and *Keynes in economics and social studies; *Dewey in modern education; *Fosdick and ‘higher’ Biblical critics in modern theology; *Nietzsche, *James, and *Positivists in modern philosophy; *Beard in American history; *Frankfurter in modern law; *London and *Shaw in novels; *Camus, *Sartre, and *Heidegger in existential thought; *White in sociology; *Simpson and *Dobzhansky in paleontology and modern genetics; *Huxley and *P. Teilhard de Chardin in humanism.
In 1960, a Hollywood film was released lauding the "victory" of evolution in a movie about the Scopes Trial (see chapter 30 on our website for a detailed analysis of that trial). The motion picture was entitled Inherit the Wind. That would be an excellent title for a documentary,—not on the Scopes Trial, but on what Social Darwinism has done to our modern world.
KARL MARX—*Charles Darwin, *Karl Marx, *Ernst Haeckel, *Friedrich Nietzche, and *Sigmund Freud laid the foundations for 20th-century culture. Millions of lives have been lost—morally and physically—because of the insidious views of *Charles Darwin.
<dir> "Darwin, Marx, and Freud helped shape the modern mind into conformity with the world view of Mechanistic Materialism."—*E.A. Opitz, "The Use of Reason in Religion," in Imprimis 7(2):4 (1978).
</dir>That which *Darwin did to biology, *Marx, with the help of others, did to society.
<dir> "Just as Darwin discovered the law of evolution in organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history."—*Otto Ruhle, Karl Marx (1948), 366.
</dir>Marxism is closely linked to Darwinism.
<dir> "The idea that evolution is a history of competitive strife fits well with his [Marx’s] ideology of ‘class struggle.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 412.
" ‘This is the book,’ he [Marx] wrote to his disciple Engles in 1866, ‘which contains the basis in natural history for our view,’ and he would gladly have dedicated his own major work, Das Kapital, to the author of The Origin of Species if Darwin had let him.
"At Marx’s funeral Engels declaimed that, as Darwin had discovered the law of organic evolution in natural history, so Marx had discovered the law of evolution in human history. With its denigration of non-material aspects of human life, and its mission to uproot tradition and destroy creationist concepts in men’s minds, communism remains one of Darwin’s strongest adherents . . After 1949 when the communists took control of China, the first new text introduced to all schools was neither Marxist nor Leninist, but Darwinian."—*Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 24.
</dir> According to the Darwin/Marx theory, not only animals must fight savagely in order to survive, but human society must do the same.
<dir> "Like Darwin, Marx thought he had discovered the law of development. He saw history in stages, as the Darwinists saw geological strata and successive forms of life . . But there are even finer points of comparison. In keeping with the feelings of the age, both Marx and Darwin made struggle the means of development. Again, the measure of value in Darwin is survival with reproduction—an absolute fact occurring in time and which wholly disregards the moral or ethical quality of the product. In Marx the measure of value is expended labor—an absolute fact occurring in time, which also disregards the utility of the product [and also the workman]."—*J. Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner (1958), p. 8.
</dir> *Engels, *Marx’s disciple, was the first to discover *Darwin’s book.
<dir> "Friedrich Engels, one of the founders of Communism, wrote to Karl Marx, December 12, 1859, ‘Darwin, whom I am just now reading, is splendid.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 85.
</dir> *Marx then read it and wrote back:
<dir> "Karl Marx wrote to Friedrich Engels, December 19, 1860, ‘Although it is developed in the crude English style, this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our views.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 88.
</dir> Within a month, *Marx knew he had found what he was searching for: a "scientific" basis for his theory of "social progress."
<dir> "Again, Marx wrote to Engels, January 16, 1861, ‘Darwin’s book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural selection for the class struggle in history . . not only is a death blow dealt here for the first time to ‘teleology’ in the natural sciences but their rational meaning is emphatically explained.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 88.
</dir>Reactionary Socialists base their insurrectionist activities on *Marx and *Darwin.
<dir> "Defending Darwin is nothing new for socialists. The socialist movement recognized Darwinism as an important element in its general world outlook right from the start. When Darwin published his Origin of the Species in 1859, Karl Marx wrote a letter to Fredrick Engels in which he said: ‘. . this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view . .’ By defending Darwinism, working people strengthen their defenses against the attacks of these reactionary outfits, and prepare the way for the transformation of the social order."—*Cliff Conner, "Evolution vs. Creationism: In Defense of Scientific Thinking," International Socialist Review, November 1980.
</dir> Another offshoot of Darwinism was intensified militancy and warfare. *Darwin and his followers laid the basis for the bloodbath which followed. In addition, to *Lenin and *Marx, we should consider *Haeckel and *Nietzsche.
ERNST HAECKEL—*Ernst Haeckel, professor at the University in Jena, was the pioneer promoter of Darwinism on the European continent, just as Thomas Huxley was Darwin’s "bulldog" in England. In chapter 22, Vestiges and Recapitulation, and chapter 29, History of Evolutionary Theory, we detail * Haeckel’s fraudulent activities, to promote Darwinism by dishonest methods.
Along with *Nietzsche, *Haeckel helped lay the foundations for the German militarism which produced World Wars I and II. Whereas *Lenin and *Marx were concerned with class struggle for supremacy, *Haekel and *Nietzsche were preoccupied with the "super race" conquest of inferior ones.
<dir> "Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) was an avid, self-appointed spokesman for Darwinism in Germany . . Haeckel professed a mystical belief in the forces of nature and a literal transfer of the laws of biology to the social realm. The movement he founded in Germany was proto-Nazi in character; romantic Volkism and the Monist League (established 1906), along with evolution and science, laid the ideological foundations of [German] National Socialism.
" . . English Darwinism interlinked two main themes, natural selection and the struggle for existence. Social Darwinism is an attempt to explain human society in terms of evolution, but Haeckel’s [proto-Nazi] interpretation was quite different from that of capitalist Herbert Spencer or of communist Marx. For him a major component was the ethic of inherent struggle between higher and lower cultures,—between races of men."—*Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 48.
</dir>Inspired by the writings of *Darwin, *Haeckel became the great forerunner of Nazi violence, which killed millions and littered Europe with its wreakage.
<dir> "Along with his social Darwinist followers, [Haeckel] set about to demonstrate the ‘aristocratic’ and nondemocratic aspect of the laws of nature . . Up to his death in 1919, Haeckel contributed to that special variety of German thought which served as the seed-bed for National Socialism. He became one of Germany’s main ideologists for racism, nationalism, and imperialism."—*Daniel Gasman, Scientific Origins of National Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League (1971), p. xvi.
</dir>Darwinism was taken to its logical extreme: Kill the gentle and the unfortunate.
<dir> "German Darwinism was shaped by Ernst Haeckel, who combined it with anticlericalism, militaristic patriotism and visions of German racial purity. He encouraged the destruction of the established church in Germany, with its sermons about ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’ and compassion for unfortunates. Such a ‘superstitious’ doctrine would lead to ‘racial suicide.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir>"Monism" is the theory that all reality consists only of matter. This teaching is an important basis of atheism.
<dir> "Of all the forerunners of Hitler in Germany—Hegel, Comte, Nietzsche, Bernhardi, and others—the most significant was certainly Ernst Haeckel, the atheistic founder of the Monist League and the most vigorous promoter of both biological Darwinism and social Darwinism in continental Europe in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries."—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), pp. 77-78.
</dir> "Only the fittest should survive."
<dir> "He [Haeckel] convinced masses of his countrymen they must accept their evolutionary destiny as a ‘master race’ and ‘outcompete’ inferior peoples, since it was right and natural that only the ‘fittest’ should survive. His version of Darwinism was incorporated in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf (1925), which means ‘My Struggle,’ taken from Haeckel’s German translation of Darwin’s phrase, ‘the struggle for existence.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 207 [also 312-313].
"In 1918, Darwin’s apostle Ernst Haeckel became a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, a secret, radically right-wing organization that played a key role in the establishment of the Nazi movement. Rudolf Hess and Hitler attended the meeting as guests (Phelps, 1963)."—Ian Taylor, In the Minds of Men (1987), p. 488.
</dir>FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE—Another despicable lover of Darwinian theory was *Friedrich Nietzsche. Darwin’s teachings had a way of corrupting the beliefs of all who submitted to it.
Darwinism transformed *Nietzsche into a maniacal lover of war and bloodshed. Declaring that his theory was "scientific" because it was but a social aspect of Darwin’s theory, he urged his ideas on the German nation.
<dir> "The great German exponent of Militarism, Nietzsche, extended the Darwinian principle of the survival of the fittest in order to inspire his countrymen to fight. According to him, ‘The supreme standard of life is purely materialistic vitality and power to survive.’ The 1914-1918 war was thus the calculated climax of a policy nourished on the diabolical ideas of Nietzsche for the subjugation of the world. General von Bernhardi in his book, The Next War, shows the connection between war and biology. According to him, ‘War is a biological necessity of the first importance, a regulative element in the life of mankind that cannot be dispensed with. War increases vitality and promotes human progress.’ The summuim bonum [highest good] of life according to Nietzsche’s own words is ‘Man shall be trained for war and woman for the recreation of the warrior; all else is folly’ " (Oscar Levy, Complete Works of Nietzsche, 1930, Vol. 2, p. 75).
"Adolph Hitler reiterated the same philosophy of life derived from the theory of evolution when he said, ‘The whole of nature is a continuous struggle between strength and weakness, and eternal victory of the strong over the weak."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966) pp. 147-148.
</dir> It is of the greatest irony that *Clarence Darrow, defender of *John Scopes and the evolutionary cause at the 1925 Dayton Evolution Trial (see chapter 30 on our website), declared in court that the murderous thinking of two young men was caused by their having learned *Nietzsche’s vicious Darwinism in the public schools!
<dir> "In defending two young men, Loeb and Leopold, for cruelly murdering a fourteen year old boy, by name of Bobby Franks, the celebrated criminal lawyer of the day, Clarence Darrow, traced their crime back to what they had learned in the university. He argued, ‘Is there any blame attached because somebody took Nietzsche’s philosophy seriously?’ His appeal to the judge was, ‘Your honour, it is hardly fair to hang a nineteen year old boy for the philosophy that was taught him at the university."—*W. Brigans (ed.), Classified Speeches, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966), p. 146.
</dir> More on the rise of world Communism later in this chapter. It is doubtful whether Communism could have had the devastating impact it has had on the 20th century, if it had not been for *Darwin’s theory.
[h=4]3 - WARFARE[/h] WARFARE—Darwinism led to class struggle and warfare through Communism; it also led to extreme nationalism, racism, and warfare through Nazism and Fascism.
The Franco-Prussian War of 1870 was the first large conflict in which both sides used Darwinism as an excuse for their attempts to murder one another in organized warfare. *Nordau says it well:
<dir> "The greatest authority of all the advocates of war is Darwin. Since the theory of evolution has been promulgated, they can cover their natural barbarism with the name of Darwin and proclaim the sanguinary instincts of their inmost hearts as the last word of science."—*Max Nordau, "The Philosophy and Morals of War," in North American Review 169 (1889), p. 794.
</dir> *Barzun, a history teacher at Columbia University, wrote an epic book, Darwin, Marx, Wagner, in which he clearly showed that Darwinism inflamed militarism and warfare wherever it went.
<dir> "In every European country between 1870 and 1914 there was a war party demanding armaments, an individualist party demanding ruthless competition, an imperialist party demanding a free hand over backward peoples, a socialist party demanding the conquest of power, and a racialist party demanding internal purges against aliens—all of them, when appeals to greed and glory failed, or even before, invoked Spencer and Darwin, which was to say, science incarnate . . Race was biological, it was sociological; it was Darwinian."—*Jacques Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner (1958), pp. 92-95.
</dir>WORLD WAR I—The first World War (at that time called the "Great War") was, according to both analysts and historians, the inevitable result of Darwinist teachings.
<dir> "Darwin, Nietzsche, and Haeckel laid the foundations for the intense German militarism that eventually led to the Great War of 1914-1918. There were others who participated in the development, of course, including many of the German generals and political leaders, all very much under the spell of the German variety of social Darwinism. General Friedrich von Bernhardi said:
" ‘War gives biologically just decisions, since its decisions rest on the very nature of things . . It is not only a biological law, but a moral obligation and, as such, an indispensable factor in civilization!’ "—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), p. 74.
</dir> *Frederich von Bernhardi was a German military officer who, upon retiring in 1909, wrote a book based on evolutionary theory, extolling war and appealing to Germany to start another one! His book was entitled Germany and the Next War.
Natural selection was the all-powerful law impelling them to bloody struggle.
<dir> "During World War I, German intellectuals believed natural selection was irresistibly all-powerful (Allmacht), a law of nature impelling them to bloody struggle for domination. Their political and military textbooks promoted Darwin’s theories as the ‘scientific’ basis of a quest for world conquest, with the full backing of German scientists and professors of biology."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 59.
</dir>HITLER AND MUSSOLINI—*Nietziche’s influence reached down to *Hitler and *Mussolini. Both carefully studied *Nietzsche’s writings as well as *Darwin’s.
*Adolf Hitler’s famous Mein Kampf was based on evolutionary theory. The very title of his book was copied from a Darwinian expression; it means "My Struggle" [to survive and overcome].
<dir> "One need not read far in Hitler’s Mein Kampf to find that evolution likewise influenced him and his views on the master race, genocide, human breeding experiments, etc."—Robert Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
"[The position in Germany was that] Man must ‘conform’ to nature’s processes, no matter how ruthless. The ‘fittest’ must never stand in the way of the law of evolutionary progress. In its extreme form, that social view was used in Nazi Germany to justify sterilization and mass murder of the ‘unfit,’ ‘incompetent,’ ‘inferior races.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 412.
</dir> The undesirables had to be eliminated.
<dir> "During the 1930s, Adolf Hitler believed he was carrying Darwinism forward with his doctrine that undesirable individuals (and inferior races) must be eliminated in the creation of the New Order dominated by Germany’s Master Race."—*R. Milner, Encylopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir> Specialists in Hitlerian studies note that *Hitler hated Christianity as fiercely as he loved Darwin’s theory. But that is understandable, for the two are as different as day and night.
<dir> "[Hitler] stressed and singled out the idea of biological evolution as the most forceful weapon against traditional religion and he repeatedly condemned Christianity for its opposition to the teaching of evolution . . For Hitler, evolution was the hallmark of modern science and culture, and he defended its veracity as tenaciously as Haeckel."—*Daniel Gasman, Scientific Origins of Modern Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League (1971), p. 188.
</dir> *Hitler said this:
<dir> "I regard Christianity as the most fatal, seductive lie that has ever existed."—*Adolf Hitler, quoted in *Larry Azar, Twentieth Century in Crisis (1990), p. 155.
"This doctrine of racial supremacy Hitler took at face value . . He accepted evolution much as we today accept Einsteinian relativity."—*Larry Azar, Twentieth Century in Crisis (1990), p. 180.
"Sixty-three million people would be slaughtered in order to obey the evolutionary doctrine that perishing is a law of nature."—*Op. cit., p. 181.
</dir> A Jewish biology professor at Purdue University, writing for the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists, said this:
<dir> "I cannot deny that the theory of evolution, and the atheism it engendered, led to the moral climate that made a holocaust possible."—*Edward Simon, "Another Side to the Evolution Problem," Jewish Press, January 7, 1983, p. 248.
</dir> *Hitler’s fascination with Darwinian thinking went back to his childhood.
<dir> "Adolf Hitler’s mind was captivated by evolutionary thinking—probably since the time he was a boy. Evolutionary ideas, quite undisguised, lie at the basis of all that is worst in Mein Kampf and in his public speeches. A few quotations, taken at random, will show how Hitler reasoned . . [*Hitler said:] ‘He who would live must fight; he who does not wish to fight, in this world where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.’ "—*Robert E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> *Benito Mussolini gained strength and courage from Darwin’s books to carry out his blood-thirsty deeds.
<dir> "Mussolini’s attitude was completely dominated by evolution. In public utterances, he repeatedly used the Darwinian catchwords while he mocked at perpetual peace, lest it hinder the evolutionary process."—*R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> As with *Hitler, *Mussolini was captivated both by *Darwin and *Neitzsche, who, in turn, founded his beliefs on *Darwin.
<dir> "Benito Mussolini, who brought fascism to Italy, was strengthened in his belief that violence is basic to social transformation by the philosophy of Neitzsche."—*Encyclopedia Britannica (1982), Vol. 16, p. 27.
</dir> [h=4]4 - WORLD COMMUNISM[/h] COMMUNIST DARWINISM—*Marx and *Engel’s acceptance of evolutionary theory made it the basis of all later Communist ideology.
<dir> "Darwinism was welcomed in Communist countries since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had considered The Origin of the Species (1859) a scientific justification for their revolutionary ideology. As far as Socialist theorists were concerned, Darwinism had proved that change and progress result only from bitter struggle. They also emphasized its materialist basis of knowledge, which challenged the divine right of the czars."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir> It is freely admitted by several leading evolutionist scientists of our time that Marxism and Darwinism are closely related.
<dir> "Aspects of evolutionism are perfectly consistent with Marxism. The explanation of the origins of humankind and of mind by purely natural forces was, and remains, as welcome to Marxists as to any other secularists. The sources of value and responsibility are not to be found in a separate mental realm or in an immortal soul, much less in the inspired words of the Bible."—*Robert M. Young, "The Darwin Debate," in Marxism Today, Vol. 26, April 1982, p. 21.
</dir>Evolutionary theory became a foundation principle undergirding all modern communism.
"Marx and Engels were doctrinaire evolutionists, and so have all Communists been ever since. Since atheism is a basic tenet of Marxism in general, and Soviet Communism in particular, it is obvious that evolution must be the number one tenet of communism. Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin were all atheistic evolutionists, and so are today’s Communist leaders. In fact, they have to be in order ever to get to be Communist leaders!"—Henry Morris, Long War Against God (1989), p. 85.
JOSEPH STALIN—*Lenin was an ardent evolutionist and so was *Stalin. In fact, it was the message he read in *Darwin’s book that turned *Joseph Stalin into the beastial creature he became.
<dir> "At a very early age, while still a pupil in the ecclesiastical school, Comrade Stalin developed a critical mind and revolutionary sentiments. He began to read Darwin and became an atheist."—*E. Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin (1940), pp. 8-9 [written and published in Moscow, by a close associate of *Stalin, while Stalin was alive].
</dir>COMMUNIST CHINA—When Chinese Communists came to power in the 1950s, they eagerly grasped evolutionary theory as a basic foundation of their ideology. Yet the theory had been accepted by Chinese intellectuals nearly a century earlier.
<dir> "During the 19th century, the West regarded China as a ‘sleeping giant,’ isolated and mired in ancient traditions. Few Europeans realized how avidly Chinese intellectuals seized on Darwinian evolutionary ideas and saw in them a hopeful impetus for progress and change.
"According to the Chinese writer Hu Shih (Living Philosophies, 1931), when Thomas Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics was published in 1898, it was immediately acclaimed and accepted by Chinese intellectuals. Rich men sponsored cheap Chinese editions so they could be widely distributed to the masses . .
"China now boasts a fine Paleontological Institute in Beijing and a cadre of paleontologists."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 81.
</dir> [h=4]5 - RACISM[/h] DARWINIAN RACISM—It is well to keep in mind the full title of *Charles Darwin’s 1859 book: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. *Milner explains *Darwin’s view on this, and quotes him:
<dir> "Darwin then proposes a mechanism for the way it [evolution] works. Natural selection is a two-step process: (1) overproduction and variation within a species, and (2) greater survival and reproduction of those individuals with any slight advantage over their fellows; ‘fitter’ traits are preserved and accumulated in successive generations. Multiply, vary, let the strongest live [and reproduce] and the weakest die [leaving few progeny]."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 344.
</dir>It is significant that the leading racists have been evolutionists. This racism idea tends to fall into two categories: (1) Those who believe their race is superior, and they need to keep down or conquer other races. (2) Those who believe that some races are little better than animals and deserve to be enslaved or killed off. In contrast, Creationists recognize that all men were created by God and that all are of equal value in His sight.
*Charles Darwin and *Thomas Huxley, both evolutionist champions, held to racist ideas. Here is a sample statement penned by *Darwin himself:
<dir> "The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world."—*Charles Darwin, Life and Letters, p. 318.
"Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory."—*Stephen Jay Gould, Ontogeny and Phylogeny (1977), p. 127.
</dir>Those urging "survival of the fittest" tend to be the ones favoring killing off various races, as well as eliminating the aged, the weak, the handicapped, and the unborn. Basic ethics and beliefs of the two camps are behind the reason why Creationists oppose the slaying of unborn babies while evolutionists are more likely to favor it. Starting in 1910, the war was against nations; in the 1930s and 1940s, it was against races; in the 1970s and 1980s, it has been against the unborn. Soon it will include the aged and infirm.
<dir> "The study of human origins by anthropologists was particularly influenced by racist considerations, and this situation extended well into the first half of the 20th century. It is well-known that Darwin and Huxley, as well as Haeckel, believed in white supremacy, as did practically all the nineteenth-century evolutionary scientists, but it is not as widely known that the leading 20th-century physical anthropologists also shared such opinions."—H.M. Morris, History of Modern Christianity (1984), pp. 48-49.
</dir>To the confirmed "survivalists," people are thought to be just another form of animals, to be herded, brainwashed, controlled, conditioned, enslaved, and exterminated. Use others and then throw them away is their philosophy.
<dir> "The pseudo-scientific application of a biological theory to politics . . constituted possibly the most perverted form of social Darwinism . . It led to racism and antisemitism and was used to show that only ‘superior’ nationalities and races were fit to survive. Thus, among the English-speaking peoples were to be found the champions of the ‘white man’s burden,’ an imperial mission carried out by Anglo-Saxons . . Similarly, the Russians preached the doctrine of pan-Slavism and the Germans that of pan-Germanism."—*T.W. Wallbank and *A.M. Taylor, Civilization Past and Present, Vol. 2 (1961), p. 362.
</dir> Interestingly enough, a racist always believes that his race is the best!
<dir> "Racism is the belief that other human groups are inferior to one’s own and can therefore be denied equal treatment."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 414.
"Almost any 19th or even mid-20th century book on human evolution carries illustrations showing the progression: monkey, ape, Hottentot (or African Negro, Australian Aborigine, Tasmanian, etc.) and white European. Few of the early evolutionists were free of such arrogance, not even the politically liberal Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 380.
</dir>The time would come, according to *Darwin, when the white races would kill off all the other races; and then evolution would proceeded even further.
<dir> "Darwin postulated, in the sixth edition of his Descent of Man, that the time would come when the white peoples would have destroyed the black. He also thought that the anthropoid apes would become extinct. He believed that when these two eventualities had occurred the evidence of evolution among living creatures would not be as strong as previously."—Bolton Davidheiser, in Creation Research Society Quarterly, March 1989, p. 151.
</dir> *Darwin’s theories came to full fruition in the Third Reich.
<dir> "[Houston S.] Chamberlain wrote this prophetic statement in his Foundations [1899]: ‘Though it were proved that there never was an Aryan race in the past, yet we desire that in the future there may be one. That is the decisive standpoint for men of action.’
"When asked to define an Aryan during the height of the Nazi madness, Josef Goebbels proclaimed, ‘I decide who is Jewish and who is Aryan!’
"During the German Third Reich (1933-1945), the ideal of Aryan purity and supremacy became that nation’s official policy. Adolph Hitler’s program of herding ‘inferior’ races into concentration camps and gas chambers was rationalized as making way for the new order of superior humanity. Meanwhile, S.S. officers were encouraged to impregnate selected women under government sponsorship to produce a new ‘master race’—an experiment that produced a generation of ordinary, confused orphans.
"Hitler was furious when the black American Jesse Owens outraced ‘Aryan’ athletes at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, contradicting his theories of racial supremacy. And when the ‘Brown Bomber’ Joe Louis knocked out boxer Max Schmeling, German propaganda became even more vehement that white superiority would be vindicated. However, when Hitler needed the Japanese as allies in World War II, he promptly redefined those Asians as ‘Honorary Aryans.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), pp. 25-26.
</dir>Why *Darwin’s evolutionary theories should be popular among non-white races is something of a mystery,—since he and his associates were confidently anticipating a time when the non-European races would be destroyed.
<dir> "Darwin’s notion that the various races were at different evolutionary distances from the apes, with Negroes at the bottom and Caucasians at the top, was not unique to him, but rather was almost universal among the evolutionary scientists of the nineteenth century . .
"It was not only Darwin and Huxley, the two top evolutionists, who were racists. All of them were! This fact has been documented thoroughly in a key book by John Halter, appropriately entitled Outcasts from Evolution."—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), pp. 60-81.
"Many of the early settlers of Australia considered the Australian Aborigines to be less intelligent than the ‘white man,’ because aborigines had not evolved as far as whites on the evolutionary scale. In fact, the Hobart Museum in Tasmania [Australia] in 1984 listed this as one of the reasons why early white settlers killed as many aborigines as they could in that state."—Ken Ham, Evolution: The Lie (1987), p. 86.
</dir> A noted Chinese scientist, *Kenneth Hsu, wrote these words concerning his feelings about *Charles Darwin:
<dir> "My abhorrence of Darwinism is understandable, for what member of the ‘lower races’ could remain indifferent to the statement attributed to the great master (Darwin, 1881, in a letter to W. Graham) that ‘at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.’ "—*Kenneth J. Hsu, in Geology, April 1987, p. 377.
</dir> [h=4]6 - EVOLUTION AND CRIME[/h] CRIME AND ABORTION—We have seen the cause-effect relationship of evolutionary theory and immorality, warfare, racism, and mass destruction. Let us briefly look at its relationship to crime, hard drugs, abortion, and similar evils:
According to evolutionary theory, there is no right, no wrong, no divinity, no devil;—only evolution, which makes all things right!
<dir> "Unbridled self-indulgence on the part of one generation without regard to future ones is the modus operandi [operating mechanism] of biological evolution and may be regarded as rational behavior."—*W.H. Murdy, "Anthropocentrism: A Modern Version," in Science, March 28, 1975, p. 1169.
</dir> No wonder there is so much crime in our world today! Murder, lawlessness, robbery, and every other crime is acceptable under the *Darwin and *Marx theories of evolution.
<dir> "Natural selection can favor egotism, hedonism, cowardice instead of bravery, cheating and exploitation."—*Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Ethics and Values in Biological and Cultural Evolution," in Los Angeles Times, June 16, 1974, p. 6.
</dir> These are the teachings of evolutionists. Even *Arthur Keith, a leading evolutionist of his time, recognized that a great gulf separates evolutionary ideas from Christianity and Biblical teachings:
<dir> "As we have just seen, the ways of national evolution, both in the past and in the present, are cruel, brutal, ruthless and without mercy . . The law of Christ is incompatible with the law of evolution."—*Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics (1947), p. 15.
</dir>No compassion, no pity, no help; just shove and do whatever you want. That is the teaching of evolution. Christianity and Darwinism are worlds apart.
<dir> "Evolution is a hard, inescapable mistress. There is just no room for compassion or good sportsmanship. Too many organisms are born, so, quite simply, a lot of them are going to have to die . . The only thing that does matter is, whether you leave more children carrying your genes than the next person leaves."—*Lorraine Lee Larison Cudmore, "The Center of Life," in Science Digest, November 1977, p. 46.
</dir>Evolutionary theory exonerates criminal action and declares that criminals are not responsible for their actions:
<dir> "Biological theories of criminality were scarcely new, but Lombroso gave the argument a novel evolutionary twist. Born criminals are not simply deranged or diseased; they are, literally, throwbacks to a previous evolutionary stage."—*Steven Jay Gould, Ever Since Darwin, p. 223.
</dir> On pages 134-140 of his book, Long War Against God, Henry Morris includes quotations showing that evolutionists teach that homosexuality is an advanced level of evolutionary progress, necessary for the perpetuation of the race, and that abortion is fully in accord with evolutionary theory and should properly include, not only fetuses, but infants as well.
There is simply no comparison between Christianity and evolution! They are worlds apart!
<dir> "[Evolutionary] Science and religion are dramatically opposed at their deepest philosophical levels. And because the two world views make claims to the same intellectual territory, that of the origin of the universe and humankind’s relation to it—conflict is inevitable."—*Norman K. Hall and *Lucia B. Hall, "Is the War between Science and Religion Over?" in The Humanist May/June 1986, p. 26.
</dir> Although a humanist, *Will Durant was a historian and knew the past well enough that he was frightened at what evolutionary theory would do to humanity in the coming years.
<dir> "By offering evolution in place of God as a cause of history, Darwin removed the theological basis of the moral code of Christendom. And the moral code that has no fear of God is very shaky. That’s the condition we are in."—*Will Durant "Are We in the Last Stage of a Pagan Period?" in Chicago Tribune, April 1980.
</dir> [h=4]7 - EUGENICS AND THE NEEDY[/h] EUGENICS—*Charles Darwin’s cousin, *Sir Francis Galton, coined the word "eugenics" in 1883. He first published his theories in 1865 in a series of magazine articles, which later were expanded in his book, Hereditary Genius (1869).
The "science" of eugenics was a major emphasis of the late-19th and first half of the 20th centuries. *Adolf Hitler used it so successfully, that it fell into disfavor after World War II. The glorious promise of eugenics was that humanity would be wonderfully improved if certain races, the elderly, and certain others were eliminated. The inglorious results were the death camps of Germany and Poland, where Hitler exterminated six million people because they did not conform to his standard of eugenics. Eugenics was but another gift of the Darwinists to the world:
<dir> "Darwinism spawned mangy offshoots. One of these was launched by Darwin’s first cousin, Francis Galton. Obsessed, as were many, by the implications of the ‘fittest,’ Galton set out in 1883 to study heredity from a mathematical viewpoint. He named his new science eugenics, from a Greek root meaning both ‘good in birth’ and ‘noble in heredity.’ His stated goal was to improve the human race, by giving ‘the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable."—*Otto Scott, "Playing God," in Chalcedon Report, No. 247, February 1986, p. 1.
</dir> The "German experiment" showed what it was all about.
<dir> "Once almost obligatory in all biology textbooks, the promotion of eugenic programs was set back by the disastrous, barbarous attempts to create a ‘master race’ in Nazi Germany."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 156.
"Nazi eugenics had two aspects: the extermination of millions of ‘undesirables’ and the selection and breeding of preferred ‘Aryan’ types. It was an article of faith that the blond, blue-eyed ‘Nordic-looking’ children would also prove intellectually and morally superior and that they would ‘breed true’ when mated. Neither assumption was correct."—*Op. cit., p. 272.
"In 1936, *Heinrich Himmler and his Stormtroopers (S.S.) founded an institution called Lebensborn "Fountain of Life." Its purpose was to create millions of blond, blue-eyed ‘Aryan’ Germans as the genetic foundation of the new ‘Master Race.’ Lebensborn children would be raised to be obedient, aggressive, patriotic and convinced their destiny was to dominate or destroy all ‘inferior’ races or nations. Galton’s well-intentioned dream of human improvement had become a nightmare in reality."—*Op. cit., p. 271.
</dir>CARE FOR THE POOR AND NEEDY—As you might expect of a man whose theories could excite such vicious men as *Nietzsche, *Marx, *Stalin, and *Hitler, *Charles Darwin believed that the poor and needy ought to be left to die, unhelped by their neighbors.
<dir> "[Peter] Kropokin criticized Darwin’s remarks in the Descent of Man (1871) about the ‘alleged inconveniences’ of maintaining what Darwin called the ‘weak in mind and body’ in civilized societies. Darwin seemed to think advanced societies were burdened with too many ‘unfit’ individuals."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 259.
</dir>It is the highest irony that the people most likely to accept Marxism are poor people in Third World countries,—yet the Darwin/Marx theory was that poor people should never be helped. If they want anything let them fight for it; if they do not succeed, let them die. Apparently, the only people really favored by Darwin/Marx/Nietzscheism were well-to-do members of the white race.
"Darwin often said quite plainly that it was wrong to ameliorate the conditions of the poor, since to do so would hinder the evolutionary struggle for existence."—R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1958), p. 120.
[h=4]CHAPTER 19 - STUDY AND REVIEW QUESTIONS[/h] [h=4]EVOLUTION, MORALITY, AND VIOLENCE[/h] [h=5]GRADES 5 TO 12 ON A GRADUATED SCALE[/h] 1 - Write a paper on the negative impact evolution has had on the world since the time of Darwin.
2 - Write a paper on the deadly influence evolutionary teaching had on two of the following men: Marx, Engels, Stalin, Haeckel, and Nietzche.
3 - Write a paper on the part evolutionary theory had on producing World War I, World War II, and the evil men who produced both.
4 - Write a paper on the impact of evolution on racism, eugenics, and/or care for the poor.
If you will stop and think about it, a growing crisis in our world is a lack of freshwater. Yet five-sixths of the world is filled with water! The problem is how to inexpensively desalinize seawater. Researchers have worked on the problem for years, without success.
Extracting salt from ocean water continues to be very expensive. Yet seabirds regularly do it, and without spending a penny. They drink seawater without any problems; for they have glands in their heads which discharge a highly concentrated salt solution into their nostrils, from where it drips back into the sea.
With such a built-in desalination plan, seabirds never need to drink freshwater. Without such a system, no bird could live in the oceans and seas. Large doses of salt are poisonous, leading to dehydration, overloaded kidneys, and a painful death. But if birds have such a highly successful method, why do we not copy it? It is a proven success, highly miniaturized, and costs the birds nothing. It requires no fuel oil, electricity, coal, or propane. Yet our scientists cannot duplicate what those little runny-nosed birds do.
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

[h=1]Evolution, Morality & Violence[/h]
[h=3]Evolutionary Theory is Ruining Modern Civilization[/h] <dir> This chapter is based on pp. 1003-1015, 1019-1023, 1025-1029, 1031-1032 (Evolution and Society) of Other Evidence (Volume Three of our three-volume Evolution Disproved Series). Not included in this chapter are at least 40 statements by scientists. You will find them, plus much more, on our website:
</dir> Darwinism has had a devastating impact on society. Its ramifications reach into the deepest aspects of social life and culture. In this chapter, we will provide you with a brief overview of some of the effects of evolutionary thinking on our modern world.
The data in this chapter is rather heavily abridged from the original three-volume set. But you will find it all in the chapter on Evolution and Society on our website.
A significant reason for this tremendous impact is the fact that evolution is nihilistic in regard to morals. First, the clear implication is that people are just animals, so there is no right or wrong. Second, it teaches that all evolutionary progress has been made by some at the expense of others. Highest success comes to those who will step on; grind down; and, if necessary, destroy others. This brings about "fitness" and "survival qualities."
Another devastating quality of evolutionary theory is the fact that it is but a variant form of atheism. Its advocates militantly attack religion in general and Christianity in particular. Christianity is declared to be superstition and the Bible a book of myths. Evolutionary teaching and Christianity are total opposites. They are entirely incompatible. No one can believe both teachings or try to combine parts of the two. For anyone to attempt to do so is but to fool oneself. Among professed Christians there are church leaders, religion teachers, science teachers, and scientists who attempt to combine part of evolutionary theory with Biblical beliefs. But the two positions just do not mix. For example, some will claim to believe the Bible, yet will maintain that there were long ages of developing life forms into human beings before the Six Day Creation of Genesis 1. If such be true, then the Fall of Man, as given in Genesis 3, is incorrect. And if man did not fall into sin, then the promise of Genesis 3:15 is not needed, Christ is not needed, Calvary is not needed, no atonement for sin is needed, salvation from sin is not needed.
[h=4]1 - IMPACT ON WESTERN CIVILIZATION[/h] EVOLUTION AND WESTERN CULTURE—Evolutionary theory has had a most terrible, desolating effect on Western Civilization in the 20th century. Facts outlined in this chapter will seem hard to believe, so we will back them as fully as possible with quotations.
<dir> "The twentieth century would be incomprehensible without the Darwinian revolution. The social and political currents which have swept the world in the past eighty years would have been impossible without its intellectual sanction. It is ironic to recall that it was the increasingly secular outlook in the nineteenth century which initially eased the way for the acceptance of evolution, while today it is perhaps the Darwinian view of nature more than any other that is responsible for the agnostic and skeptical outlook of the twentieth century. What was once a deduction from materialism has today become its foundation."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1988), p. 358.
</dir>Gradually, an attempt was made to extend evolutionary theory into every field of study. It is remarkable that a theory founded on confused speculations and non-existent scientific facts would be made the basis of a single, unified structure of knowledge.
<dir> "The concept of evolution was soon extended into other than biological fields. Inorganic subjects such as the life-histories of stars and the formation of chemical elements on the one hand, and on the other hand subjects like linguistics, social anthropology, and comparative law and religion, began to be studied from an evolutionary angle, until today we are enabled to see evolution as a universal, all-pervading process."—*Julian Huxley, "Evolution and Genetics," in V.R. Newman (ed.), What is Science? (1955), p. 272.
</dir> We have now come to a time when the man who resists the barrage of atheistic ideas thrown at him, under the name of "evolution," is treated as an outcast—or worse.
<dir> "[He who does not honor Darwin] inevitably attracts the speculative psychiatric eye to himself."—*Garret Hardin, Nature and Man’s Fate (1961).
</dir> *Littel briefly summarizes the sinister teaching underlying this theory.
<dir> "He [Darwin] proposed that natural selection governs the evolution of forms of life; with the fittest surviving. The latter proposition became the basis of several schools of politics and social philosophy, including both laissez-faire economics and Nazism. The former displaced the view of man as a fallen angel, and replaced it with man conceived as risen animal."—*F.H. Littel, The Macmillan Atlas History of Christianity (1976), p. 104.
</dir>EARLY WARNINGS—Over a century and a half ago, *Goethe made a profound statement.
<dir> "Science has been seriously retarded by the study of what is not worth knowing."—*Johann von Goethe (1749-1832), quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 257.
</dir> It would have been well if *Charles Darwin and his disciples had heeded such counsel. All humanity in the 20th century has been seriously injured by the theoretical devisings of *Darwin and his followers.
Shortly after the 1859 publication of *Darwin’s book, Origin of the Species, men of integrity sought to warn the world—and Darwin himself—against the terrible consequences that would result if such a theory were to become widely accepted. *Romanes, although a personal friend of *Darwin’s, recognized what the theory was leading to.
<dir> "Never in the history of man has so terrific a calamity befallen the race as that which all who look may now behold advancing as a deluge, black with destruction, resistless in might, uprooting our most cherished hopes, engulfing our most precious creed, and burying our highest life in mindless desolation . . The flood-gates of infidelity are open, and Atheism overwhelming is upon us."—*George Romanes, A Candid Examination of Theism (1878).
</dir> Soon after *Darwin’s book came off the press, Sedgwick, a contemporary leading British biologist, wrote him. Noting the ridiculous non-scientific "facts" and hypotheses in the book, Sedgwick warned *Darwin that his book was about to open Pandora’s box:
<dir> "Adam Sedgwick, author of the famous Student’s Text Book of Zoology, after reading the book, The Origin of Species, expressed his opinion to Darwin in the following words: ‘I have read your book with more pain than pleasure. Parts of it I admired greatly, parts I laughed till my sides were almost sore: other parts I read with absolute sorrow because I think them utterly false and grievously mischievous.’
"As feared by this great man of science, the evolutionary idea of civilization has grown into a practical method of thought and code of conduct, affecting the reasoning and actions of every part of the human race. Human conduct is modelled on the philosophy that finds current acceptance."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1986), pp. 144-145.
"Our own generation has lived to see the inevitable result of evolutionary teaching—the result that Sedgwick foresaw as soon as he had read the Origin. Mussolini’s attitude was completely dominated by evolution. In public utterances, he repeatedly used the Darwinian catchwords while he mocked at perpetual peace, lest it hinder the evolutionary process. In Germany, it was the same. Adolf Hitler’s mind was captivated by evolutionary teaching—probably since the time he was a boy. Evolutionary ideas, quite undisguised, lie at the basis of all that is the worst in Mein Kamp and his public speeches."— R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> INFLUENTIAL STATUS OF SCIENCE—The impact of science on society, morals, and culture in the 20th century has been immense. The words of scientists are treated as though infallible; when, in reality, human error exists in all scientific endeavor.
<dir> "A concept of nature must be compatible with the way people behave within a given cultural milieu if it is to be acceptable. When we penetrate to the core of our scientific beliefs . . we find they are as much influenced by the culture as our other belief systems."—*Jeremy Rifkin, Algeny (1984), p. 32.
</dir>In order to gain the vaunted power that scientific progress offers, men are willing to submit their way of life and even their belief systems to scientific theorists.
<dir> "Science promises man power . . But, as so often happens when people are seduced by promises of power, the price is servitude and impotence."—*D. Joseph Weizenbaum, Statement made in 1976, quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 283.
</dir> *Jastrow, referring to many scientists of our time, says they are too much aware of their power over men’s lives.
<dir> "Their materialism is so deeply imbued . . and scientists like to think they have a unique handle on reality. And they’re very arrogant about that."—*Robert Jastrow, quoted in B. Durbin, "A Scientist Caught between Two Faiths: An Interview with Robert Jastrow," in Christianity Today 26(13):15 (1982).
</dir>This lock-grip over human thinking has the power to transform science into something of an organized religious system, complete with a set of beliefs, priests, and ritual. Because of its terrific impact on morality, Darwinism automatically gains the central seat of worship in what becomes a great atheistic temple.
<dir> "It is a religion of science that Darwinism chiefly held, and holds over men’s minds [today]."—*Encounter, November 1959, p. 48.
</dir>ETHICS AND MORALITY—It becomes extremely dangerous when materialistic men are set in positions of power to dictate that which the masses will believe in regard to human morality. Hardened evolutionists are determined not to merely let men choose for themselves the type of morality they will follow. Evolution is foisted upon people, from kindergarten to the grave. Evolutionist zealots are dedicated to wiping out every religion but their own. Atheism and only atheism is their creed and their objective. Darwinism inherently teaches the most vicious set of moral principles. Declaring that man is but an animal, instruction is then given that the most successful animals are those that are the first to attack and destroy. The collected views men are taught determine their system of morals and their way of life.
<dir> "Every ethic is founded in a philosophy of man, and every philosophy of man points toward ethical behavior."—*J. Drane, "A Philosophy of Man and Higher Education," in Main Currents in Modern Thought, (1927), p. 98.
</dir> Darwinism declares that man is no better than an animal.
<dir> "In the world of Darwin man has no special status other than his definition as a distinct species of animal. He is in the fullest sense a part of nature and not apart from it. He is akin, not figuratively but literally, to every living thing, be it an ameba, a tapeworm, a flea, a seaweed, an oak tree, or a monkey—even though the degrees of relationship are different and we may feel less empathy for forty-second cousins like the tapeworms than for, comparatively speaking, brothers like the monkeys."—*George Gaylord Simpson, "The World into Which Darwin Led Us," Science 131 (1960), p. 970.
</dir>Darwinism unleashed a moral holocaust upon the world, one which deepens with each passing decade. Here is a statement to remember:
<dir> "It was because Darwinian theory broke man’s link with God and set him adrift in a cosmos without purpose or end that its impact was so fundamental. No other intellectual revolution in modern times . . so profoundly affected the way men viewed themselves and their place in the universe."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 67 [Australian molecular biologist].
</dir>We are taught to accept ourselves as merely vicious animals. Tell the people often enough that they are only animals, and they will begin believing it. *Darlington says, "Violence is . . a product of evolution."
<dir> "The first point is that selfishness and violence are inherent in us, inherited from our remotest animal ancestors . . Violence is, then, natural to man, a product of evolution."—*P.J. Darlington, Evolution for Naturalists (1980), pp. 243-244.
</dir>Evolutionary theory presents humanity with no uplifting standards, codes, norms, or values.
<dir> " ‘Evolution favors reproductive strategies that produce the most offspring, without regard for human values of justice or fair play.’
" ‘Nature provides no moral guide to human behavior.’
"We don’t even know what is ‘natural’ for our own species. Every few years a new theory emerges on what is our ‘natural’ diet, our ‘natural’ life span, our ‘natural’ sexual practices, our ‘natural’ social system or our ‘natural’ relationship with nature. Nature is endlessly fascinating, but offers no ‘natural’ way of life for humans to copy. Even in evolution, there is no ‘natural’ tendency toward ‘progress,’ ‘perfection,’ or ‘ascent.’ Most of the time, we don’t even know what is going on in nature."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), pp. 79, 124, 317.
</dir> It is Darwinism that is brutalizing mankind today.
<dir> "Darwinism helped to further brutalize mankind through providing scientific sanction for bloodthirsty and selfish desires."—*Robert T. Clark and James D. Bales, Why Scientists Accept Evolution (1966), p. 64.
</dir>Evolutionary theory has entered every sphere of behavior, business, science, and government.
<dir> "[Darwinism] has quite certainly molded the thought of our political and biological elite . . this manner of thought . . was adopted and applied to politics and to morals."—*A.E. Wilder-Smith, The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution (1981), p. 148.
</dir> A leading scientist of our century well-described our great danger. Here is a quotation worth remembering:
<dir> "I am haunted by a conviction that the nihilistic philosophy which so-called educated opinion chose to adopt following the publication of the Origin of Species committed mankind to a course of automatic self-destruction. A doomsday was then set ticking."—*Sir Fred Hoyle, The Intelligent Universe (1983), p. 9. [Hoyle is a renowned British Astrophysicist.]
</dir> The man who helped produce the Piltdown Man hoax later declared that even the most terrible wars of mankind only constitute normal living and cannot be avoided. (We shall learn later, in this chapter, that the worst wars of our century came about as a result of accepting Darwinian theory, not because of the savagery of inherent evolutionary "advancement.")
<dir> "The law of evolution, as formulated by Darwin, provides an explanation of war between nations, the only reasonable explanation known to us."—*Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics (1947), p. 149.
</dir>According to evolutionary theory, whatever you are is good and whatever you do is right; there are no norms, no absolutes, no standards you must live up to.
<dir> "Thus human ‘goodness’ and behavior, considered ethical by human societies, probably are evolutionary acquisitions of man and require fostering,—[because] an ethical system that bases its premises on absolute pronouncements will not usually be acceptable to those who view human nature by evolutionary criteria."—*Arno G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 654.
</dir> In the 19th century, they called themselves the American Association of Atheists. In the 20th, they now call themselves "humanists." Here is their battle cry:
<dir> "No deity will save us; we must save ourselves."—*1974 Manifesto of American Humanist Association.
</dir> The objective of the humanists goes beyond that of merely letting you live your own life; they are determined to reshape your morals, your body, and your descendants. And it is to be done according to their set of standards. They intend to do it by "science":
<dir> "Man’s unique characteristic among animals is his ability to direct and control his own evolution, and science is his most powerful tool for doing this."—*Hudson Hoagland, "Science and the New Humanism," Silence, Vol. 143, January 10, 1984, p. 111.
</dir> They intend to do it by "manipulating genes."
<dir> "We no longer need be subject to blind external forces but can manipulate the environment and eventually may be able to manipulate our genes."—*Arno G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 853.
</dir> They intend to do it by "naturalistic, scientific ethics."
<dir> "The foregoing conclusions represent, I believe, an outgrowth of the thesis of modern humanism, as well as of the study of evolution, that the primary job for man is to promote his own welfare and advancement. Both that of his members considered individually and that of the all inclusive group is due awareness of the world as it is, and [especially] on the basis of a naturalistic, scientific ethics."—*H.J. Muller, "Human Values in Relation to Evolution," Science, Vol. 127, March 21, 1958, p. 829.
</dir> Always the teaching is that the ultimate goals and highest success will be achieved when we realize that we are only animals, and need only act like animals. (*Andrew LeVey, founder of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco, said that this was the message he had been given by Satan: We are only animals, and we should do as we please.)
<dir> "While many details remain unknown, the grand design of biologic structure and function in plants and animals, including man, admits to no other explanation than that of evolution. Man therefore is another link in a chain which unites all life on this planet."—*A.G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 853.
</dir> *Hoagland says that thinking we are but animals will now help us improve ourselves socially.
<dir> "Man’s unique characteristic among animals is his ability to direct and control his own evolution, and science is his most powerful tool for doing this. We are a product of two kinds of evolution, biological and cultural. We are here as a result of the same processes of natural selection that have produced all the other plants and animals. A second kind of evolution is psychosocial or cultural evolution. This is unique to man. Its history is very recent; it started roughly a million years ago with our hominid tool-making ancestors."—*Hudson Hoagland, "Science and the New Humanism," in Science, January 10, 1984, p. 111.
</dir>Education is seen as the key to the changeover. In order to make atheists of everyone, the schools must be controlled by evolutionists.
<dir> "It is essential for evolution to become the central core of any educational system, because it is evolution, in the broad sense, that links inorganic nature with life, and the stars with the earth, and matter with mind, and animals with man. Human history is a continuation of biological evolution in a different form."—*Sir Julian Huxley, quoted in *Sol Tax and *Charles Callender (eds.), Evolution After Darwin, 3 vols. (1980).
</dir>Happily for the Darwinists, they feel they are winning out in the churches and in church beliefs also. (More on this on our website, in the chapter, Evolution and Society.)
<dir> "Beyond its impact on traditional science, Darwinism was devastating to conventional theology."—*D. Nelkin, Science Textbook Controversies and the Politics of Equal Time (1977), p. 11.
</dir> But the fact remains that evolutionary theory is one of the most insidious, most dangerous theories ever unleashed upon mankind.
<dir> "Anything that has evolved by natural selection should be selfish."—*Life: How Did it Get Here? (1985), p. 177.
</dir> In a chapter entitled, "Evolution," in one of his books, *Asimov quotes the following statement, describing so well the inner thinking of Darwinism.
<dir> "Mankind struggles upwards, in which millions are trampled to death, that thousands may mount on their bodies."—*Clara Lucas Balfour (1808-1878), quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 88 [chapter on "Evolution"].
</dir> The realization of that terrible truth even penetrated the gloom of *Darwin’s mind at times.
<dir> "With me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been developed from the minds of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would anyone trust in the convictions of a monkey’s mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?"—*Charles Darwin, quoted in Francis Darwin (ed.), Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1903; 1971 reprint), Vol. 1, p. 285.
</dir>According to evolution, neither mankind nor any other creature or substance in the universe was planned; it was all only an "accident" of random motions of atoms.
<dir> "An atheist is a man who believes himself an accident."—*Francis Thompson, quoted in Peter’s Book of Quotations (1977), p. 449.
</dir>But the "accident theory" will destroy us if we adhere to it. And prior to that mutual destruction will come ever-increasing hopelessness and aimless confusion.
<dir> "We do not solve social problems but rather create social monsters, when man is treated first as an accident and then the particular man is denied his participation in his own being on the grounds that he is only an unfortunate accident of nature.
"It takes no doctor of logic to conclude that if man is such a random being, it can be only a random force that makes himself users of his fellows, even if the user is dignified by degree as a sociologist or psychiatrist. If the determinist’s premise is correct, then social or psychic manipulations may establish only a random order. Thus determinism entangles the mind hopelessly in contradiction."—*Marion Montgomery, "Imagination and the Violent Assault upon Virtue," Modern Age: A Quarterly Review, 27, pp. 124-125.
</dir> A science teacher agrees.
<dir> "Few people who accept the Darwinian theory of evolution realize its far-reaching import especially in Social Science . . Of the many evils that have resulted from the teaching of evolution, we mention only a few."—*Professor Holmes, Science (August 14, 1939), p. 117.
</dir>Darwinism is the law of the jungle.
<dir> "Darwinism consistently applied would measure goodness in terms of survival value. This is the law of the jungle where ‘might is right’ and the fittest survive. Whether cunning or cruelty, cowardice or deceit, whatever will enable the individual to survive is good and right for that individual or that society."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1968), p. 145.
</dir> Darwin’s biological evolution theory quickly became the basis for a social theory which brought on intensified war and immorality.
<dir> "In turn, biological evolutionism exerted ever-widening influences on the natural and social sciences, and its repercussions were neither sound or commendable. Suffice it to mention the so-called Social Darwinism, which often sought to justify the inhumanity of man to man, and the biological racism which furnished a fraudulent scientific sanction for the atrocities committed in Hitler’s Germany and elsewhere."—*Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Evolution at Work," Science, Vol. 127, May 9, 1958, p. 1091.
</dir>The teaching that man is but a beast, and not accountable for any of his actions—is the heart of Darwin’s teaching; and it unleashes the worst in man.
<dir> "No wonder that Brig. General F.D. Frost stated in the Fundamentalist, January,1950, p. 21: ‘There is no doubt about it that the doctrine of evolution is the greatest curse in our educational system.’ Whether we read Ward’s Dynamic Sociology, or Russell’s Code of Morals, or Briffalt’s Immoralism or some other book written by the Behaviorist School,—they all seem to endeavour to justify and base their conclusions on the bestial nature of man. This philosophy seeks to determine the morale, the principles and practice of virtuous conduct, and to reduce man to the level of animal nature. The surging unrest, the broken homes, the frustrated lives, the increasing divorce cases, the multiplied number of criminals are but the inevitable outcome of the acceptance and practice of this evolutionary doctrine."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966), pp. 146-147.
</dir> *Darwin had started something that was to spread throughout the world and bring anguish to millions.
<dir> "Darwin’s books were quickly translated into all the earth’s main languages, and the political leaders of the various motions began using the Darwinian catchwords to justify their expansionist ambitions. The influence in Germany was especially profound. There, the atheistic biologist Ernst Haeckel embarked on a popularization campaign fully comparable to that of Huxley in England. The philosopher Nietzsche, with his doctrine of the ‘superman,’ was also greatly influenced by Darwin, though he thought Darwin did not go far enough in promoting the militaristic and racist implications of his theories. Darwinistic imperialism had great impact on the policies of Bismarck and even more so on those of Adolph Hitler."—H.M. Morris, History of Modern Christianity (1984), p. 47.
</dir> [h=4]2 - LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS[/h] TWENTIETH-CENTURY CORNERSTONE—The impact of modern evolutionary thought on our modern culture has been terrific. Consider these examples: *Marx and *Keynes in economics and social studies; *Dewey in modern education; *Fosdick and ‘higher’ Biblical critics in modern theology; *Nietzsche, *James, and *Positivists in modern philosophy; *Beard in American history; *Frankfurter in modern law; *London and *Shaw in novels; *Camus, *Sartre, and *Heidegger in existential thought; *White in sociology; *Simpson and *Dobzhansky in paleontology and modern genetics; *Huxley and *P. Teilhard de Chardin in humanism.
In 1960, a Hollywood film was released lauding the "victory" of evolution in a movie about the Scopes Trial (see chapter 30 on our website for a detailed analysis of that trial). The motion picture was entitled Inherit the Wind. That would be an excellent title for a documentary,—not on the Scopes Trial, but on what Social Darwinism has done to our modern world.
KARL MARX—*Charles Darwin, *Karl Marx, *Ernst Haeckel, *Friedrich Nietzche, and *Sigmund Freud laid the foundations for 20th-century culture. Millions of lives have been lost—morally and physically—because of the insidious views of *Charles Darwin.
<dir> "Darwin, Marx, and Freud helped shape the modern mind into conformity with the world view of Mechanistic Materialism."—*E.A. Opitz, "The Use of Reason in Religion," in Imprimis 7(2):4 (1978).
</dir>That which *Darwin did to biology, *Marx, with the help of others, did to society.
<dir> "Just as Darwin discovered the law of evolution in organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history."—*Otto Ruhle, Karl Marx (1948), 366.
</dir>Marxism is closely linked to Darwinism.
<dir> "The idea that evolution is a history of competitive strife fits well with his [Marx’s] ideology of ‘class struggle.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 412.
" ‘This is the book,’ he [Marx] wrote to his disciple Engles in 1866, ‘which contains the basis in natural history for our view,’ and he would gladly have dedicated his own major work, Das Kapital, to the author of The Origin of Species if Darwin had let him.
"At Marx’s funeral Engels declaimed that, as Darwin had discovered the law of organic evolution in natural history, so Marx had discovered the law of evolution in human history. With its denigration of non-material aspects of human life, and its mission to uproot tradition and destroy creationist concepts in men’s minds, communism remains one of Darwin’s strongest adherents . . After 1949 when the communists took control of China, the first new text introduced to all schools was neither Marxist nor Leninist, but Darwinian."—*Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 24.
</dir> According to the Darwin/Marx theory, not only animals must fight savagely in order to survive, but human society must do the same.
<dir> "Like Darwin, Marx thought he had discovered the law of development. He saw history in stages, as the Darwinists saw geological strata and successive forms of life . . But there are even finer points of comparison. In keeping with the feelings of the age, both Marx and Darwin made struggle the means of development. Again, the measure of value in Darwin is survival with reproduction—an absolute fact occurring in time and which wholly disregards the moral or ethical quality of the product. In Marx the measure of value is expended labor—an absolute fact occurring in time, which also disregards the utility of the product [and also the workman]."—*J. Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner (1958), p. 8.
</dir> *Engels, *Marx’s disciple, was the first to discover *Darwin’s book.
<dir> "Friedrich Engels, one of the founders of Communism, wrote to Karl Marx, December 12, 1859, ‘Darwin, whom I am just now reading, is splendid.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 85.
</dir> *Marx then read it and wrote back:
<dir> "Karl Marx wrote to Friedrich Engels, December 19, 1860, ‘Although it is developed in the crude English style, this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our views.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 88.
</dir> Within a month, *Marx knew he had found what he was searching for: a "scientific" basis for his theory of "social progress."
<dir> "Again, Marx wrote to Engels, January 16, 1861, ‘Darwin’s book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural selection for the class struggle in history . . not only is a death blow dealt here for the first time to ‘teleology’ in the natural sciences but their rational meaning is emphatically explained.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 88.
</dir>Reactionary Socialists base their insurrectionist activities on *Marx and *Darwin.
<dir> "Defending Darwin is nothing new for socialists. The socialist movement recognized Darwinism as an important element in its general world outlook right from the start. When Darwin published his Origin of the Species in 1859, Karl Marx wrote a letter to Fredrick Engels in which he said: ‘. . this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view . .’ By defending Darwinism, working people strengthen their defenses against the attacks of these reactionary outfits, and prepare the way for the transformation of the social order."—*Cliff Conner, "Evolution vs. Creationism: In Defense of Scientific Thinking," International Socialist Review, November 1980.
</dir> Another offshoot of Darwinism was intensified militancy and warfare. *Darwin and his followers laid the basis for the bloodbath which followed. In addition, to *Lenin and *Marx, we should consider *Haeckel and *Nietzsche.
ERNST HAECKEL—*Ernst Haeckel, professor at the University in Jena, was the pioneer promoter of Darwinism on the European continent, just as Thomas Huxley was Darwin’s "bulldog" in England. In chapter 22, Vestiges and Recapitulation, and chapter 29, History of Evolutionary Theory, we detail * Haeckel’s fraudulent activities, to promote Darwinism by dishonest methods.
Along with *Nietzsche, *Haeckel helped lay the foundations for the German militarism which produced World Wars I and II. Whereas *Lenin and *Marx were concerned with class struggle for supremacy, *Haekel and *Nietzsche were preoccupied with the "super race" conquest of inferior ones.
<dir> "Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) was an avid, self-appointed spokesman for Darwinism in Germany . . Haeckel professed a mystical belief in the forces of nature and a literal transfer of the laws of biology to the social realm. The movement he founded in Germany was proto-Nazi in character; romantic Volkism and the Monist League (established 1906), along with evolution and science, laid the ideological foundations of [German] National Socialism.
" . . English Darwinism interlinked two main themes, natural selection and the struggle for existence. Social Darwinism is an attempt to explain human society in terms of evolution, but Haeckel’s [proto-Nazi] interpretation was quite different from that of capitalist Herbert Spencer or of communist Marx. For him a major component was the ethic of inherent struggle between higher and lower cultures,—between races of men."—*Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 48.
</dir>Inspired by the writings of *Darwin, *Haeckel became the great forerunner of Nazi violence, which killed millions and littered Europe with its wreakage.
<dir> "Along with his social Darwinist followers, [Haeckel] set about to demonstrate the ‘aristocratic’ and nondemocratic aspect of the laws of nature . . Up to his death in 1919, Haeckel contributed to that special variety of German thought which served as the seed-bed for National Socialism. He became one of Germany’s main ideologists for racism, nationalism, and imperialism."—*Daniel Gasman, Scientific Origins of National Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League (1971), p. xvi.
</dir>Darwinism was taken to its logical extreme: Kill the gentle and the unfortunate.
<dir> "German Darwinism was shaped by Ernst Haeckel, who combined it with anticlericalism, militaristic patriotism and visions of German racial purity. He encouraged the destruction of the established church in Germany, with its sermons about ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’ and compassion for unfortunates. Such a ‘superstitious’ doctrine would lead to ‘racial suicide.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir>"Monism" is the theory that all reality consists only of matter. This teaching is an important basis of atheism.
<dir> "Of all the forerunners of Hitler in Germany—Hegel, Comte, Nietzsche, Bernhardi, and others—the most significant was certainly Ernst Haeckel, the atheistic founder of the Monist League and the most vigorous promoter of both biological Darwinism and social Darwinism in continental Europe in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries."—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), pp. 77-78.
</dir> "Only the fittest should survive."
<dir> "He [Haeckel] convinced masses of his countrymen they must accept their evolutionary destiny as a ‘master race’ and ‘outcompete’ inferior peoples, since it was right and natural that only the ‘fittest’ should survive. His version of Darwinism was incorporated in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf (1925), which means ‘My Struggle,’ taken from Haeckel’s German translation of Darwin’s phrase, ‘the struggle for existence.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 207 [also 312-313].
"In 1918, Darwin’s apostle Ernst Haeckel became a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, a secret, radically right-wing organization that played a key role in the establishment of the Nazi movement. Rudolf Hess and Hitler attended the meeting as guests (Phelps, 1963)."—Ian Taylor, In the Minds of Men (1987), p. 488.
</dir>FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE—Another despicable lover of Darwinian theory was *Friedrich Nietzsche. Darwin’s teachings had a way of corrupting the beliefs of all who submitted to it.
Darwinism transformed *Nietzsche into a maniacal lover of war and bloodshed. Declaring that his theory was "scientific" because it was but a social aspect of Darwin’s theory, he urged his ideas on the German nation.
<dir> "The great German exponent of Militarism, Nietzsche, extended the Darwinian principle of the survival of the fittest in order to inspire his countrymen to fight. According to him, ‘The supreme standard of life is purely materialistic vitality and power to survive.’ The 1914-1918 war was thus the calculated climax of a policy nourished on the diabolical ideas of Nietzsche for the subjugation of the world. General von Bernhardi in his book, The Next War, shows the connection between war and biology. According to him, ‘War is a biological necessity of the first importance, a regulative element in the life of mankind that cannot be dispensed with. War increases vitality and promotes human progress.’ The summuim bonum [highest good] of life according to Nietzsche’s own words is ‘Man shall be trained for war and woman for the recreation of the warrior; all else is folly’ " (Oscar Levy, Complete Works of Nietzsche, 1930, Vol. 2, p. 75).
"Adolph Hitler reiterated the same philosophy of life derived from the theory of evolution when he said, ‘The whole of nature is a continuous struggle between strength and weakness, and eternal victory of the strong over the weak."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966) pp. 147-148.
</dir> It is of the greatest irony that *Clarence Darrow, defender of *John Scopes and the evolutionary cause at the 1925 Dayton Evolution Trial (see chapter 30 on our website), declared in court that the murderous thinking of two young men was caused by their having learned *Nietzsche’s vicious Darwinism in the public schools!
<dir> "In defending two young men, Loeb and Leopold, for cruelly murdering a fourteen year old boy, by name of Bobby Franks, the celebrated criminal lawyer of the day, Clarence Darrow, traced their crime back to what they had learned in the university. He argued, ‘Is there any blame attached because somebody took Nietzsche’s philosophy seriously?’ His appeal to the judge was, ‘Your honour, it is hardly fair to hang a nineteen year old boy for the philosophy that was taught him at the university."—*W. Brigans (ed.), Classified Speeches, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966), p. 146.
</dir> More on the rise of world Communism later in this chapter. It is doubtful whether Communism could have had the devastating impact it has had on the 20th century, if it had not been for *Darwin’s theory.
[h=4]3 - WARFARE[/h] WARFARE—Darwinism led to class struggle and warfare through Communism; it also led to extreme nationalism, racism, and warfare through Nazism and Fascism.
The Franco-Prussian War of 1870 was the first large conflict in which both sides used Darwinism as an excuse for their attempts to murder one another in organized warfare. *Nordau says it well:
<dir> "The greatest authority of all the advocates of war is Darwin. Since the theory of evolution has been promulgated, they can cover their natural barbarism with the name of Darwin and proclaim the sanguinary instincts of their inmost hearts as the last word of science."—*Max Nordau, "The Philosophy and Morals of War," in North American Review 169 (1889), p. 794.
</dir> *Barzun, a history teacher at Columbia University, wrote an epic book, Darwin, Marx, Wagner, in which he clearly showed that Darwinism inflamed militarism and warfare wherever it went.
<dir> "In every European country between 1870 and 1914 there was a war party demanding armaments, an individualist party demanding ruthless competition, an imperialist party demanding a free hand over backward peoples, a socialist party demanding the conquest of power, and a racialist party demanding internal purges against aliens—all of them, when appeals to greed and glory failed, or even before, invoked Spencer and Darwin, which was to say, science incarnate . . Race was biological, it was sociological; it was Darwinian."—*Jacques Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner (1958), pp. 92-95.
</dir>WORLD WAR I—The first World War (at that time called the "Great War") was, according to both analysts and historians, the inevitable result of Darwinist teachings.
<dir> "Darwin, Nietzsche, and Haeckel laid the foundations for the intense German militarism that eventually led to the Great War of 1914-1918. There were others who participated in the development, of course, including many of the German generals and political leaders, all very much under the spell of the German variety of social Darwinism. General Friedrich von Bernhardi said:
" ‘War gives biologically just decisions, since its decisions rest on the very nature of things . . It is not only a biological law, but a moral obligation and, as such, an indispensable factor in civilization!’ "—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), p. 74.
</dir> *Frederich von Bernhardi was a German military officer who, upon retiring in 1909, wrote a book based on evolutionary theory, extolling war and appealing to Germany to start another one! His book was entitled Germany and the Next War.
Natural selection was the all-powerful law impelling them to bloody struggle.
<dir> "During World War I, German intellectuals believed natural selection was irresistibly all-powerful (Allmacht), a law of nature impelling them to bloody struggle for domination. Their political and military textbooks promoted Darwin’s theories as the ‘scientific’ basis of a quest for world conquest, with the full backing of German scientists and professors of biology."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 59.
</dir>HITLER AND MUSSOLINI—*Nietziche’s influence reached down to *Hitler and *Mussolini. Both carefully studied *Nietzsche’s writings as well as *Darwin’s.
*Adolf Hitler’s famous Mein Kampf was based on evolutionary theory. The very title of his book was copied from a Darwinian expression; it means "My Struggle" [to survive and overcome].
<dir> "One need not read far in Hitler’s Mein Kampf to find that evolution likewise influenced him and his views on the master race, genocide, human breeding experiments, etc."—Robert Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
"[The position in Germany was that] Man must ‘conform’ to nature’s processes, no matter how ruthless. The ‘fittest’ must never stand in the way of the law of evolutionary progress. In its extreme form, that social view was used in Nazi Germany to justify sterilization and mass murder of the ‘unfit,’ ‘incompetent,’ ‘inferior races.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 412.
</dir> The undesirables had to be eliminated.
<dir> "During the 1930s, Adolf Hitler believed he was carrying Darwinism forward with his doctrine that undesirable individuals (and inferior races) must be eliminated in the creation of the New Order dominated by Germany’s Master Race."—*R. Milner, Encylopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir> Specialists in Hitlerian studies note that *Hitler hated Christianity as fiercely as he loved Darwin’s theory. But that is understandable, for the two are as different as day and night.
<dir> "[Hitler] stressed and singled out the idea of biological evolution as the most forceful weapon against traditional religion and he repeatedly condemned Christianity for its opposition to the teaching of evolution . . For Hitler, evolution was the hallmark of modern science and culture, and he defended its veracity as tenaciously as Haeckel."—*Daniel Gasman, Scientific Origins of Modern Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League (1971), p. 188.
</dir> *Hitler said this:
<dir> "I regard Christianity as the most fatal, seductive lie that has ever existed."—*Adolf Hitler, quoted in *Larry Azar, Twentieth Century in Crisis (1990), p. 155.
"This doctrine of racial supremacy Hitler took at face value . . He accepted evolution much as we today accept Einsteinian relativity."—*Larry Azar, Twentieth Century in Crisis (1990), p. 180.
"Sixty-three million people would be slaughtered in order to obey the evolutionary doctrine that perishing is a law of nature."—*Op. cit., p. 181.
</dir> A Jewish biology professor at Purdue University, writing for the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists, said this:
<dir> "I cannot deny that the theory of evolution, and the atheism it engendered, led to the moral climate that made a holocaust possible."—*Edward Simon, "Another Side to the Evolution Problem," Jewish Press, January 7, 1983, p. 248.
</dir> *Hitler’s fascination with Darwinian thinking went back to his childhood.
<dir> "Adolf Hitler’s mind was captivated by evolutionary thinking—probably since the time he was a boy. Evolutionary ideas, quite undisguised, lie at the basis of all that is worst in Mein Kampf and in his public speeches. A few quotations, taken at random, will show how Hitler reasoned . . [*Hitler said:] ‘He who would live must fight; he who does not wish to fight, in this world where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.’ "—*Robert E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> *Benito Mussolini gained strength and courage from Darwin’s books to carry out his blood-thirsty deeds.
<dir> "Mussolini’s attitude was completely dominated by evolution. In public utterances, he repeatedly used the Darwinian catchwords while he mocked at perpetual peace, lest it hinder the evolutionary process."—*R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> As with *Hitler, *Mussolini was captivated both by *Darwin and *Neitzsche, who, in turn, founded his beliefs on *Darwin.
<dir> "Benito Mussolini, who brought fascism to Italy, was strengthened in his belief that violence is basic to social transformation by the philosophy of Neitzsche."—*Encyclopedia Britannica (1982), Vol. 16, p. 27.
</dir> [h=4]4 - WORLD COMMUNISM[/h] COMMUNIST DARWINISM—*Marx and *Engel’s acceptance of evolutionary theory made it the basis of all later Communist ideology.
<dir> "Darwinism was welcomed in Communist countries since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had considered The Origin of the Species (1859) a scientific justification for their revolutionary ideology. As far as Socialist theorists were concerned, Darwinism had proved that change and progress result only from bitter struggle. They also emphasized its materialist basis of knowledge, which challenged the divine right of the czars."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir> It is freely admitted by several leading evolutionist scientists of our time that Marxism and Darwinism are closely related.
<dir> "Aspects of evolutionism are perfectly consistent with Marxism. The explanation of the origins of humankind and of mind by purely natural forces was, and remains, as welcome to Marxists as to any other secularists. The sources of value and responsibility are not to be found in a separate mental realm or in an immortal soul, much less in the inspired words of the Bible."—*Robert M. Young, "The Darwin Debate," in Marxism Today, Vol. 26, April 1982, p. 21.
</dir>Evolutionary theory became a foundation principle undergirding all modern communism.
"Marx and Engels were doctrinaire evolutionists, and so have all Communists been ever since. Since atheism is a basic tenet of Marxism in general, and Soviet Communism in particular, it is obvious that evolution must be the number one tenet of communism. Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin were all atheistic evolutionists, and so are today’s Communist leaders. In fact, they have to be in order ever to get to be Communist leaders!"—Henry Morris, Long War Against God (1989), p. 85.
JOSEPH STALIN—*Lenin was an ardent evolutionist and so was *Stalin. In fact, it was the message he read in *Darwin’s book that turned *Joseph Stalin into the beastial creature he became.
<dir> "At a very early age, while still a pupil in the ecclesiastical school, Comrade Stalin developed a critical mind and revolutionary sentiments. He began to read Darwin and became an atheist."—*E. Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin (1940), pp. 8-9 [written and published in Moscow, by a close associate of *Stalin, while Stalin was alive].
</dir>COMMUNIST CHINA—When Chinese Communists came to power in the 1950s, they eagerly grasped evolutionary theory as a basic foundation of their ideology. Yet the theory had been accepted by Chinese intellectuals nearly a century earlier.
<dir> "During the 19th century, the West regarded China as a ‘sleeping giant,’ isolated and mired in ancient traditions. Few Europeans realized how avidly Chinese intellectuals seized on Darwinian evolutionary ideas and saw in them a hopeful impetus for progress and change.
"According to the Chinese writer Hu Shih (Living Philosophies, 1931), when Thomas Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics was published in 1898, it was immediately acclaimed and accepted by Chinese intellectuals. Rich men sponsored cheap Chinese editions so they could be widely distributed to the masses . .
"China now boasts a fine Paleontological Institute in Beijing and a cadre of paleontologists."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 81.
</dir> [h=4]5 - RACISM[/h] DARWINIAN RACISM—It is well to keep in mind the full title of *Charles Darwin’s 1859 book: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. *Milner explains *Darwin’s view on this, and quotes him:
<dir> "Darwin then proposes a mechanism for the way it [evolution] works. Natural selection is a two-step process: (1) overproduction and variation within a species, and (2) greater survival and reproduction of those individuals with any slight advantage over their fellows; ‘fitter’ traits are preserved and accumulated in successive generations. Multiply, vary, let the strongest live [and reproduce] and the weakest die [leaving few progeny]."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 344.
</dir>It is significant that the leading racists have been evolutionists. This racism idea tends to fall into two categories: (1) Those who believe their race is superior, and they need to keep down or conquer other races. (2) Those who believe that some races are little better than animals and deserve to be enslaved or killed off. In contrast, Creationists recognize that all men were created by God and that all are of equal value in His sight.
*Charles Darwin and *Thomas Huxley, both evolutionist champions, held to racist ideas. Here is a sample statement penned by *Darwin himself:
<dir> "The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world."—*Charles Darwin, Life and Letters, p. 318.
"Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory."—*Stephen Jay Gould, Ontogeny and Phylogeny (1977), p. 127.
</dir>Those urging "survival of the fittest" tend to be the ones favoring killing off various races, as well as eliminating the aged, the weak, the handicapped, and the unborn. Basic ethics and beliefs of the two camps are behind the reason why Creationists oppose the slaying of unborn babies while evolutionists are more likely to favor it. Starting in 1910, the war was against nations; in the 1930s and 1940s, it was against races; in the 1970s and 1980s, it has been against the unborn. Soon it will include the aged and infirm.
<dir> "The study of human origins by anthropologists was particularly influenced by racist considerations, and this situation extended well into the first half of the 20th century. It is well-known that Darwin and Huxley, as well as Haeckel, believed in white supremacy, as did practically all the nineteenth-century evolutionary scientists, but it is not as widely known that the leading 20th-century physical anthropologists also shared such opinions."—H.M. Morris, History of Modern Christianity (1984), pp. 48-49.
</dir>To the confirmed "survivalists," people are thought to be just another form of animals, to be herded, brainwashed, controlled, conditioned, enslaved, and exterminated. Use others and then throw them away is their philosophy.
<dir> "The pseudo-scientific application of a biological theory to politics . . constituted possibly the most perverted form of social Darwinism . . It led to racism and antisemitism and was used to show that only ‘superior’ nationalities and races were fit to survive. Thus, among the English-speaking peoples were to be found the champions of the ‘white man’s burden,’ an imperial mission carried out by Anglo-Saxons . . Similarly, the Russians preached the doctrine of pan-Slavism and the Germans that of pan-Germanism."—*T.W. Wallbank and *A.M. Taylor, Civilization Past and Present, Vol. 2 (1961), p. 362.
</dir> Interestingly enough, a racist always believes that his race is the best!
<dir> "Racism is the belief that other human groups are inferior to one’s own and can therefore be denied equal treatment."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 414.
"Almost any 19th or even mid-20th century book on human evolution carries illustrations showing the progression: monkey, ape, Hottentot (or African Negro, Australian Aborigine, Tasmanian, etc.) and white European. Few of the early evolutionists were free of such arrogance, not even the politically liberal Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 380.
</dir>The time would come, according to *Darwin, when the white races would kill off all the other races; and then evolution would proceeded even further.
<dir> "Darwin postulated, in the sixth edition of his Descent of Man, that the time would come when the white peoples would have destroyed the black. He also thought that the anthropoid apes would become extinct. He believed that when these two eventualities had occurred the evidence of evolution among living creatures would not be as strong as previously."—Bolton Davidheiser, in Creation Research Society Quarterly, March 1989, p. 151.
</dir> *Darwin’s theories came to full fruition in the Third Reich.
<dir> "[Houston S.] Chamberlain wrote this prophetic statement in his Foundations [1899]: ‘Though it were proved that there never was an Aryan race in the past, yet we desire that in the future there may be one. That is the decisive standpoint for men of action.’
"When asked to define an Aryan during the height of the Nazi madness, Josef Goebbels proclaimed, ‘I decide who is Jewish and who is Aryan!’
"During the German Third Reich (1933-1945), the ideal of Aryan purity and supremacy became that nation’s official policy. Adolph Hitler’s program of herding ‘inferior’ races into concentration camps and gas chambers was rationalized as making way for the new order of superior humanity. Meanwhile, S.S. officers were encouraged to impregnate selected women under government sponsorship to produce a new ‘master race’—an experiment that produced a generation of ordinary, confused orphans.
"Hitler was furious when the black American Jesse Owens outraced ‘Aryan’ athletes at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, contradicting his theories of racial supremacy. And when the ‘Brown Bomber’ Joe Louis knocked out boxer Max Schmeling, German propaganda became even more vehement that white superiority would be vindicated. However, when Hitler needed the Japanese as allies in World War II, he promptly redefined those Asians as ‘Honorary Aryans.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), pp. 25-26.
</dir>Why *Darwin’s evolutionary theories should be popular among non-white races is something of a mystery,—since he and his associates were confidently anticipating a time when the non-European races would be destroyed.
<dir> "Darwin’s notion that the various races were at different evolutionary distances from the apes, with Negroes at the bottom and Caucasians at the top, was not unique to him, but rather was almost universal among the evolutionary scientists of the nineteenth century . .
"It was not only Darwin and Huxley, the two top evolutionists, who were racists. All of them were! This fact has been documented thoroughly in a key book by John Halter, appropriately entitled Outcasts from Evolution."—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), pp. 60-81.
"Many of the early settlers of Australia considered the Australian Aborigines to be less intelligent than the ‘white man,’ because aborigines had not evolved as far as whites on the evolutionary scale. In fact, the Hobart Museum in Tasmania [Australia] in 1984 listed this as one of the reasons why early white settlers killed as many aborigines as they could in that state."—Ken Ham, Evolution: The Lie (1987), p. 86.
</dir> A noted Chinese scientist, *Kenneth Hsu, wrote these words concerning his feelings about *Charles Darwin:
<dir> "My abhorrence of Darwinism is understandable, for what member of the ‘lower races’ could remain indifferent to the statement attributed to the great master (Darwin, 1881, in a letter to W. Graham) that ‘at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.’ "—*Kenneth J. Hsu, in Geology, April 1987, p. 377.
</dir> [h=4]6 - EVOLUTION AND CRIME[/h] CRIME AND ABORTION—We have seen the cause-effect relationship of evolutionary theory and immorality, warfare, racism, and mass destruction. Let us briefly look at its relationship to crime, hard drugs, abortion, and similar evils:
According to evolutionary theory, there is no right, no wrong, no divinity, no devil;—only evolution, which makes all things right!
<dir> "Unbridled self-indulgence on the part of one generation without regard to future ones is the modus operandi [operating mechanism] of biological evolution and may be regarded as rational behavior."—*W.H. Murdy, "Anthropocentrism: A Modern Version," in Science, March 28, 1975, p. 1169.
</dir> No wonder there is so much crime in our world today! Murder, lawlessness, robbery, and every other crime is acceptable under the *Darwin and *Marx theories of evolution.
<dir> "Natural selection can favor egotism, hedonism, cowardice instead of bravery, cheating and exploitation."—*Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Ethics and Values in Biological and Cultural Evolution," in Los Angeles Times, June 16, 1974, p. 6.
</dir> These are the teachings of evolutionists. Even *Arthur Keith, a leading evolutionist of his time, recognized that a great gulf separates evolutionary ideas from Christianity and Biblical teachings:
<dir> "As we have just seen, the ways of national evolution, both in the past and in the present, are cruel, brutal, ruthless and without mercy . . The law of Christ is incompatible with the law of evolution."—*Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics (1947), p. 15.
</dir>No compassion, no pity, no help; just shove and do whatever you want. That is the teaching of evolution. Christianity and Darwinism are worlds apart.
<dir> "Evolution is a hard, inescapable mistress. There is just no room for compassion or good sportsmanship. Too many organisms are born, so, quite simply, a lot of them are going to have to die . . The only thing that does matter is, whether you leave more children carrying your genes than the next person leaves."—*Lorraine Lee Larison Cudmore, "The Center of Life," in Science Digest, November 1977, p. 46.
</dir>Evolutionary theory exonerates criminal action and declares that criminals are not responsible for their actions:
<dir> "Biological theories of criminality were scarcely new, but Lombroso gave the argument a novel evolutionary twist. Born criminals are not simply deranged or diseased; they are, literally, throwbacks to a previous evolutionary stage."—*Steven Jay Gould, Ever Since Darwin, p. 223.
</dir> On pages 134-140 of his book, Long War Against God, Henry Morris includes quotations showing that evolutionists teach that homosexuality is an advanced level of evolutionary progress, necessary for the perpetuation of the race, and that abortion is fully in accord with evolutionary theory and should properly include, not only fetuses, but infants as well.
There is simply no comparison between Christianity and evolution! They are worlds apart!
<dir> "[Evolutionary] Science and religion are dramatically opposed at their deepest philosophical levels. And because the two world views make claims to the same intellectual territory, that of the origin of the universe and humankind’s relation to it—conflict is inevitable."—*Norman K. Hall and *Lucia B. Hall, "Is the War between Science and Religion Over?" in The Humanist May/June 1986, p. 26.
</dir> Although a humanist, *Will Durant was a historian and knew the past well enough that he was frightened at what evolutionary theory would do to humanity in the coming years.
<dir> "By offering evolution in place of God as a cause of history, Darwin removed the theological basis of the moral code of Christendom. And the moral code that has no fear of God is very shaky. That’s the condition we are in."—*Will Durant "Are We in the Last Stage of a Pagan Period?" in Chicago Tribune, April 1980.
</dir> [h=4]7 - EUGENICS AND THE NEEDY[/h] EUGENICS—*Charles Darwin’s cousin, *Sir Francis Galton, coined the word "eugenics" in 1883. He first published his theories in 1865 in a series of magazine articles, which later were expanded in his book, Hereditary Genius (1869).
The "science" of eugenics was a major emphasis of the late-19th and first half of the 20th centuries. *Adolf Hitler used it so successfully, that it fell into disfavor after World War II. The glorious promise of eugenics was that humanity would be wonderfully improved if certain races, the elderly, and certain others were eliminated. The inglorious results were the death camps of Germany and Poland, where Hitler exterminated six million people because they did not conform to his standard of eugenics. Eugenics was but another gift of the Darwinists to the world:
<dir> "Darwinism spawned mangy offshoots. One of these was launched by Darwin’s first cousin, Francis Galton. Obsessed, as were many, by the implications of the ‘fittest,’ Galton set out in 1883 to study heredity from a mathematical viewpoint. He named his new science eugenics, from a Greek root meaning both ‘good in birth’ and ‘noble in heredity.’ His stated goal was to improve the human race, by giving ‘the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable."—*Otto Scott, "Playing God," in Chalcedon Report, No. 247, February 1986, p. 1.
</dir> The "German experiment" showed what it was all about.
<dir> "Once almost obligatory in all biology textbooks, the promotion of eugenic programs was set back by the disastrous, barbarous attempts to create a ‘master race’ in Nazi Germany."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 156.
"Nazi eugenics had two aspects: the extermination of millions of ‘undesirables’ and the selection and breeding of preferred ‘Aryan’ types. It was an article of faith that the blond, blue-eyed ‘Nordic-looking’ children would also prove intellectually and morally superior and that they would ‘breed true’ when mated. Neither assumption was correct."—*Op. cit., p. 272.
"In 1936, *Heinrich Himmler and his Stormtroopers (S.S.) founded an institution called Lebensborn "Fountain of Life." Its purpose was to create millions of blond, blue-eyed ‘Aryan’ Germans as the genetic foundation of the new ‘Master Race.’ Lebensborn children would be raised to be obedient, aggressive, patriotic and convinced their destiny was to dominate or destroy all ‘inferior’ races or nations. Galton’s well-intentioned dream of human improvement had become a nightmare in reality."—*Op. cit., p. 271.
</dir>CARE FOR THE POOR AND NEEDY—As you might expect of a man whose theories could excite such vicious men as *Nietzsche, *Marx, *Stalin, and *Hitler, *Charles Darwin believed that the poor and needy ought to be left to die, unhelped by their neighbors.
<dir> "[Peter] Kropokin criticized Darwin’s remarks in the Descent of Man (1871) about the ‘alleged inconveniences’ of maintaining what Darwin called the ‘weak in mind and body’ in civilized societies. Darwin seemed to think advanced societies were burdened with too many ‘unfit’ individuals."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 259.
</dir>It is the highest irony that the people most likely to accept Marxism are poor people in Third World countries,—yet the Darwin/Marx theory was that poor people should never be helped. If they want anything let them fight for it; if they do not succeed, let them die. Apparently, the only people really favored by Darwin/Marx/Nietzscheism were well-to-do members of the white race.
"Darwin often said quite plainly that it was wrong to ameliorate the conditions of the poor, since to do so would hinder the evolutionary struggle for existence."—R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1958), p. 120.
[h=4]CHAPTER 19 - STUDY AND REVIEW QUESTIONS[/h] [h=4]EVOLUTION, MORALITY, AND VIOLENCE[/h] [h=5]GRADES 5 TO 12 ON A GRADUATED SCALE[/h] 1 - Write a paper on the negative impact evolution has had on the world since the time of Darwin.
2 - Write a paper on the deadly influence evolutionary teaching had on two of the following men: Marx, Engels, Stalin, Haeckel, and Nietzche.
3 - Write a paper on the part evolutionary theory had on producing World War I, World War II, and the evil men who produced both.
4 - Write a paper on the impact of evolution on racism, eugenics, and/or care for the poor.
If you will stop and think about it, a growing crisis in our world is a lack of freshwater. Yet five-sixths of the world is filled with water! The problem is how to inexpensively desalinize seawater. Researchers have worked on the problem for years, without success.
Extracting salt from ocean water continues to be very expensive. Yet seabirds regularly do it, and without spending a penny. They drink seawater without any problems; for they have glands in their heads which discharge a highly concentrated salt solution into their nostrils, from where it drips back into the sea.
With such a built-in desalination plan, seabirds never need to drink freshwater. Without such a system, no bird could live in the oceans and seas. Large doses of salt are poisonous, leading to dehydration, overloaded kidneys, and a painful death. But if birds have such a highly successful method, why do we not copy it? It is a proven success, highly miniaturized, and costs the birds nothing. It requires no fuel oil, electricity, coal, or propane. Yet our scientists cannot duplicate what those little runny-nosed birds do.

Si esa tu idea de lo breve...¿a qué le llamas extenso?
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

Sobre la honestidad de algunos científicos ¿qué responde a ésto?

[h=2]El origen de la vida[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto afirman que el experimento de Miller-Urey de 1953 muestra cómo pudieron haberse formado en la Tierra primitiva los ladrillos de la vida, cuando las condiciones en la Tierra primitiva probablemente no tenían nada que ver con las usadas en el experimento y el origen de la vida continúa siendo un misterio?
[h=2]El árbol de la vida de Darwin[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto no explican que en la “Explosión Cámbrica” todos los grupos de animales más importantes aparecen juntos y completamente formados en el registro fósil, en lugar de ramificarse a partir de un antepasado común, contradiciendo así el árbol evolutivo de la vida?
[h=2]Homología[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto definen homología como la similitud producida por la ascendencia común, y luego afirman que es una evidencia para la ascendencia común, lo cual es un argumento circular, que se disfraza de evidencia científica?
[h=2]Los Embriones de los Vertebrados[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto usan dibujos de similitudes en los embriones de los animales vertebrados como prueba de su ascendencia común, a pesar de que los biólogos ya saben desde hace más de un siglo que estos embriones no se parecen en sus primeras etapas y que estos dibujos son falsos?
[h=2]Archaeopteryx[/h] ¿Por qué en los libros de texto se muestra a este fósil como el eslabón perdido entre los dinosaurios y las aves modernas, a pesar de que éstas probablemente no sean descendientes de él y sus supuestos antepasados no aparecen hasta millones de años después?
[h=2]Polillas de Abedul[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto usan imágenes de las polillas del abedul, que se encuentran camufladas sobre troncos de árboles, como prueba de la selección natural, cuando los biólogos saben desde la década de 1980 que éstas no suelen posarse sobre los troncos de los árboles y que estas fotos están manipuladas a propósito?
[h=2]Pinzones de Darwin[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto afirman que los cambios en el pico de los pinzones de las Galápagos, durante una fuerte sequía, puede explicar el origen de las especies por selección natural a pesar de que los cambios revirtieron una vez que la sequía terminó, y no hubo ningún avance evolutivo?
[h=2]Cambios en las moscas de la fruta[/h] ¿Por qué los libros de texto usan las moscas de la fruta que tienen un par de alas extra, como una prueba de que las mutaciones del ADN pueden suministrar materias primas para la evolución, a pesar de que estas alas no tienen músculos y estos mutantes están discapacitados y no pueden sobrevivir fuera del laboratorio?
[h=2]El origen del hombre[/h] ¿Por qué se utilizan los dibujos de simios con fisonomía humanoide como medio para justificar las afirmaciones materialistas de que sólo somos animales y de que nuestra existencia es un mero accidente, cuando los expertos en fósiles no pueden ni siquiera ponerse de acuerdo sobre cuáles fueron nuestros antepasados o qué aspecto tenían?
[h=2]¿Es la evolución es un hecho?[/h] ¿Por qué se nos dice que la teoría de la evolución de Darwin es un hecho científico a pesar de que muchas de sus afirmaciones se basan en tergiversaciones de los hechos?


¿Y por qué se dice que Dios hizo el mundo en seis dáis y al hombre con sus manos, de barro, cuando eso es evidentemente falso?
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución


Sin duda estás en lo correcto. "Breve" es un término completamente equivocado para este tema. Muy triste que Pablo crea que está comunicando algo cuando que, en realidad, no está comunicando nada. Porque ni siquiera se puede responder a algo tan largo, no hay ni el tiempo ni las ganas. ¿Está poniendo uno a uno los argumentos sobre la mesa? No. Lo que, probablemente, también demuestra que no quiere que sus argumentos sean vencidos. Una pena, porque no hay ni diálogo ni aprendizaje de ningún lado.

Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

¿Y por qué se dice que Dios hizo el mundo en seis dáis y al hombre con sus manos, de barro, cuando eso es evidentemente falso?

porque alguna razon habia que dar de la creacion.. todos los pueblos de al antiguedad tiene su propia historia de la creacion..

martita, me extraña!!!!!
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

Pablo no acaba de entender que nadie lee sus mega textos, a eso le sumamos que no razona por si mismo ni hace caso cuando se le alude y tenemos a un bot que está spameando y deambulando solito por el foro sin enterar a nadie ni estar enterado de nada.

Si es que los creacionistas no son lógicos, solo saben repetir su digma una y otra vez, es algo bastante triste pero muy molesto.
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución


Sin duda estás en lo correcto. "Breve" es un término completamente equivocado para este tema. Muy triste que Pablo crea que está comunicando algo cuando que, en realidad, no está comunicando nada. Porque ni siquiera se puede responder a algo tan largo, no hay ni el tiempo ni las ganas. ¿Está poniendo uno a uno los argumentos sobre la mesa? No. Lo que, probablemente, también demuestra que no quiere que sus argumentos sean vencidos. Una pena, porque no hay ni diálogo ni aprendizaje de ningún lado.


La verdad es que en cuanto veo la enorme extensión del mensaje me digo: ¡horror! Empiezo a leerlo y al poco acabo me pierdo y renuncio a seguir hasta el final. Y si pretendiera contestar por párrafos...sería la historia interminable que nadie leería, asi que paso.
Sí que es una pena que pierda tanto tiempo. Porque el tema de la evolución es interesante, pero muy complejo y no se puede abarcar de un golpe.
Un abrazo.
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

[h=1]Evolution, Morality & Violence[/h]
[h=3]Evolutionary Theory is Ruining Modern Civilization[/h] <dir> This chapter is based on pp. 1003-1015, 1019-1023, 1025-1029, 1031-1032 (Evolution and Society) of Other Evidence (Volume Three of our three-volume Evolution Disproved Series). Not included in this chapter are at least 40 statements by scientists. You will find them, plus much more, on our website:
</dir> Darwinism has had a devastating impact on society. Its ramifications reach into the deepest aspects of social life and culture. In this chapter, we will provide you with a brief overview of some of the effects of evolutionary thinking on our modern world.
The data in this chapter is rather heavily abridged from the original three-volume set. But you will find it all in the chapter on Evolution and Society on our website.
A significant reason for this tremendous impact is the fact that evolution is nihilistic in regard to morals. First, the clear implication is that people are just animals, so there is no right or wrong. Second, it teaches that all evolutionary progress has been made by some at the expense of others. Highest success comes to those who will step on; grind down; and, if necessary, destroy others. This brings about "fitness" and "survival qualities."
Another devastating quality of evolutionary theory is the fact that it is but a variant form of atheism. Its advocates militantly attack religion in general and Christianity in particular. Christianity is declared to be superstition and the Bible a book of myths. Evolutionary teaching and Christianity are total opposites. They are entirely incompatible. No one can believe both teachings or try to combine parts of the two. For anyone to attempt to do so is but to fool oneself. Among professed Christians there are church leaders, religion teachers, science teachers, and scientists who attempt to combine part of evolutionary theory with Biblical beliefs. But the two positions just do not mix. For example, some will claim to believe the Bible, yet will maintain that there were long ages of developing life forms into human beings before the Six Day Creation of Genesis 1. If such be true, then the Fall of Man, as given in Genesis 3, is incorrect. And if man did not fall into sin, then the promise of Genesis 3:15 is not needed, Christ is not needed, Calvary is not needed, no atonement for sin is needed, salvation from sin is not needed.
[h=4]1 - IMPACT ON WESTERN CIVILIZATION[/h] EVOLUTION AND WESTERN CULTURE—Evolutionary theory has had a most terrible, desolating effect on Western Civilization in the 20th century. Facts outlined in this chapter will seem hard to believe, so we will back them as fully as possible with quotations.
<dir> "The twentieth century would be incomprehensible without the Darwinian revolution. The social and political currents which have swept the world in the past eighty years would have been impossible without its intellectual sanction. It is ironic to recall that it was the increasingly secular outlook in the nineteenth century which initially eased the way for the acceptance of evolution, while today it is perhaps the Darwinian view of nature more than any other that is responsible for the agnostic and skeptical outlook of the twentieth century. What was once a deduction from materialism has today become its foundation."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1988), p. 358.
</dir>Gradually, an attempt was made to extend evolutionary theory into every field of study. It is remarkable that a theory founded on confused speculations and non-existent scientific facts would be made the basis of a single, unified structure of knowledge.
<dir> "The concept of evolution was soon extended into other than biological fields. Inorganic subjects such as the life-histories of stars and the formation of chemical elements on the one hand, and on the other hand subjects like linguistics, social anthropology, and comparative law and religion, began to be studied from an evolutionary angle, until today we are enabled to see evolution as a universal, all-pervading process."—*Julian Huxley, "Evolution and Genetics," in V.R. Newman (ed.), What is Science? (1955), p. 272.
</dir> We have now come to a time when the man who resists the barrage of atheistic ideas thrown at him, under the name of "evolution," is treated as an outcast—or worse.
<dir> "[He who does not honor Darwin] inevitably attracts the speculative psychiatric eye to himself."—*Garret Hardin, Nature and Man’s Fate (1961).
</dir> *Littel briefly summarizes the sinister teaching underlying this theory.
<dir> "He [Darwin] proposed that natural selection governs the evolution of forms of life; with the fittest surviving. The latter proposition became the basis of several schools of politics and social philosophy, including both laissez-faire economics and Nazism. The former displaced the view of man as a fallen angel, and replaced it with man conceived as risen animal."—*F.H. Littel, The Macmillan Atlas History of Christianity (1976), p. 104.
</dir>EARLY WARNINGS—Over a century and a half ago, *Goethe made a profound statement.
<dir> "Science has been seriously retarded by the study of what is not worth knowing."—*Johann von Goethe (1749-1832), quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 257.
</dir> It would have been well if *Charles Darwin and his disciples had heeded such counsel. All humanity in the 20th century has been seriously injured by the theoretical devisings of *Darwin and his followers.
Shortly after the 1859 publication of *Darwin’s book, Origin of the Species, men of integrity sought to warn the world—and Darwin himself—against the terrible consequences that would result if such a theory were to become widely accepted. *Romanes, although a personal friend of *Darwin’s, recognized what the theory was leading to.
<dir> "Never in the history of man has so terrific a calamity befallen the race as that which all who look may now behold advancing as a deluge, black with destruction, resistless in might, uprooting our most cherished hopes, engulfing our most precious creed, and burying our highest life in mindless desolation . . The flood-gates of infidelity are open, and Atheism overwhelming is upon us."—*George Romanes, A Candid Examination of Theism (1878).
</dir> Soon after *Darwin’s book came off the press, Sedgwick, a contemporary leading British biologist, wrote him. Noting the ridiculous non-scientific "facts" and hypotheses in the book, Sedgwick warned *Darwin that his book was about to open Pandora’s box:
<dir> "Adam Sedgwick, author of the famous Student’s Text Book of Zoology, after reading the book, The Origin of Species, expressed his opinion to Darwin in the following words: ‘I have read your book with more pain than pleasure. Parts of it I admired greatly, parts I laughed till my sides were almost sore: other parts I read with absolute sorrow because I think them utterly false and grievously mischievous.’
"As feared by this great man of science, the evolutionary idea of civilization has grown into a practical method of thought and code of conduct, affecting the reasoning and actions of every part of the human race. Human conduct is modelled on the philosophy that finds current acceptance."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1986), pp. 144-145.
"Our own generation has lived to see the inevitable result of evolutionary teaching—the result that Sedgwick foresaw as soon as he had read the Origin. Mussolini’s attitude was completely dominated by evolution. In public utterances, he repeatedly used the Darwinian catchwords while he mocked at perpetual peace, lest it hinder the evolutionary process. In Germany, it was the same. Adolf Hitler’s mind was captivated by evolutionary teaching—probably since the time he was a boy. Evolutionary ideas, quite undisguised, lie at the basis of all that is the worst in Mein Kamp and his public speeches."— R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> INFLUENTIAL STATUS OF SCIENCE—The impact of science on society, morals, and culture in the 20th century has been immense. The words of scientists are treated as though infallible; when, in reality, human error exists in all scientific endeavor.
<dir> "A concept of nature must be compatible with the way people behave within a given cultural milieu if it is to be acceptable. When we penetrate to the core of our scientific beliefs . . we find they are as much influenced by the culture as our other belief systems."—*Jeremy Rifkin, Algeny (1984), p. 32.
</dir>In order to gain the vaunted power that scientific progress offers, men are willing to submit their way of life and even their belief systems to scientific theorists.
<dir> "Science promises man power . . But, as so often happens when people are seduced by promises of power, the price is servitude and impotence."—*D. Joseph Weizenbaum, Statement made in 1976, quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 283.
</dir> *Jastrow, referring to many scientists of our time, says they are too much aware of their power over men’s lives.
<dir> "Their materialism is so deeply imbued . . and scientists like to think they have a unique handle on reality. And they’re very arrogant about that."—*Robert Jastrow, quoted in B. Durbin, "A Scientist Caught between Two Faiths: An Interview with Robert Jastrow," in Christianity Today 26(13):15 (1982).
</dir>This lock-grip over human thinking has the power to transform science into something of an organized religious system, complete with a set of beliefs, priests, and ritual. Because of its terrific impact on morality, Darwinism automatically gains the central seat of worship in what becomes a great atheistic temple.
<dir> "It is a religion of science that Darwinism chiefly held, and holds over men’s minds [today]."—*Encounter, November 1959, p. 48.
</dir>ETHICS AND MORALITY—It becomes extremely dangerous when materialistic men are set in positions of power to dictate that which the masses will believe in regard to human morality. Hardened evolutionists are determined not to merely let men choose for themselves the type of morality they will follow. Evolution is foisted upon people, from kindergarten to the grave. Evolutionist zealots are dedicated to wiping out every religion but their own. Atheism and only atheism is their creed and their objective. Darwinism inherently teaches the most vicious set of moral principles. Declaring that man is but an animal, instruction is then given that the most successful animals are those that are the first to attack and destroy. The collected views men are taught determine their system of morals and their way of life.
<dir> "Every ethic is founded in a philosophy of man, and every philosophy of man points toward ethical behavior."—*J. Drane, "A Philosophy of Man and Higher Education," in Main Currents in Modern Thought, (1927), p. 98.
</dir> Darwinism declares that man is no better than an animal.
<dir> "In the world of Darwin man has no special status other than his definition as a distinct species of animal. He is in the fullest sense a part of nature and not apart from it. He is akin, not figuratively but literally, to every living thing, be it an ameba, a tapeworm, a flea, a seaweed, an oak tree, or a monkey—even though the degrees of relationship are different and we may feel less empathy for forty-second cousins like the tapeworms than for, comparatively speaking, brothers like the monkeys."—*George Gaylord Simpson, "The World into Which Darwin Led Us," Science 131 (1960), p. 970.
</dir>Darwinism unleashed a moral holocaust upon the world, one which deepens with each passing decade. Here is a statement to remember:
<dir> "It was because Darwinian theory broke man’s link with God and set him adrift in a cosmos without purpose or end that its impact was so fundamental. No other intellectual revolution in modern times . . so profoundly affected the way men viewed themselves and their place in the universe."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 67 [Australian molecular biologist].
</dir>We are taught to accept ourselves as merely vicious animals. Tell the people often enough that they are only animals, and they will begin believing it. *Darlington says, "Violence is . . a product of evolution."
<dir> "The first point is that selfishness and violence are inherent in us, inherited from our remotest animal ancestors . . Violence is, then, natural to man, a product of evolution."—*P.J. Darlington, Evolution for Naturalists (1980), pp. 243-244.
</dir>Evolutionary theory presents humanity with no uplifting standards, codes, norms, or values.
<dir> " ‘Evolution favors reproductive strategies that produce the most offspring, without regard for human values of justice or fair play.’
" ‘Nature provides no moral guide to human behavior.’
"We don’t even know what is ‘natural’ for our own species. Every few years a new theory emerges on what is our ‘natural’ diet, our ‘natural’ life span, our ‘natural’ sexual practices, our ‘natural’ social system or our ‘natural’ relationship with nature. Nature is endlessly fascinating, but offers no ‘natural’ way of life for humans to copy. Even in evolution, there is no ‘natural’ tendency toward ‘progress,’ ‘perfection,’ or ‘ascent.’ Most of the time, we don’t even know what is going on in nature."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), pp. 79, 124, 317.
</dir> It is Darwinism that is brutalizing mankind today.
<dir> "Darwinism helped to further brutalize mankind through providing scientific sanction for bloodthirsty and selfish desires."—*Robert T. Clark and James D. Bales, Why Scientists Accept Evolution (1966), p. 64.
</dir>Evolutionary theory has entered every sphere of behavior, business, science, and government.
<dir> "[Darwinism] has quite certainly molded the thought of our political and biological elite . . this manner of thought . . was adopted and applied to politics and to morals."—*A.E. Wilder-Smith, The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution (1981), p. 148.
</dir> A leading scientist of our century well-described our great danger. Here is a quotation worth remembering:
<dir> "I am haunted by a conviction that the nihilistic philosophy which so-called educated opinion chose to adopt following the publication of the Origin of Species committed mankind to a course of automatic self-destruction. A doomsday was then set ticking."—*Sir Fred Hoyle, The Intelligent Universe (1983), p. 9. [Hoyle is a renowned British Astrophysicist.]
</dir> The man who helped produce the Piltdown Man hoax later declared that even the most terrible wars of mankind only constitute normal living and cannot be avoided. (We shall learn later, in this chapter, that the worst wars of our century came about as a result of accepting Darwinian theory, not because of the savagery of inherent evolutionary "advancement.")
<dir> "The law of evolution, as formulated by Darwin, provides an explanation of war between nations, the only reasonable explanation known to us."—*Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics (1947), p. 149.
</dir>According to evolutionary theory, whatever you are is good and whatever you do is right; there are no norms, no absolutes, no standards you must live up to.
<dir> "Thus human ‘goodness’ and behavior, considered ethical by human societies, probably are evolutionary acquisitions of man and require fostering,—[because] an ethical system that bases its premises on absolute pronouncements will not usually be acceptable to those who view human nature by evolutionary criteria."—*Arno G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 654.
</dir> In the 19th century, they called themselves the American Association of Atheists. In the 20th, they now call themselves "humanists." Here is their battle cry:
<dir> "No deity will save us; we must save ourselves."—*1974 Manifesto of American Humanist Association.
</dir> The objective of the humanists goes beyond that of merely letting you live your own life; they are determined to reshape your morals, your body, and your descendants. And it is to be done according to their set of standards. They intend to do it by "science":
<dir> "Man’s unique characteristic among animals is his ability to direct and control his own evolution, and science is his most powerful tool for doing this."—*Hudson Hoagland, "Science and the New Humanism," Silence, Vol. 143, January 10, 1984, p. 111.
</dir> They intend to do it by "manipulating genes."
<dir> "We no longer need be subject to blind external forces but can manipulate the environment and eventually may be able to manipulate our genes."—*Arno G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 853.
</dir> They intend to do it by "naturalistic, scientific ethics."
<dir> "The foregoing conclusions represent, I believe, an outgrowth of the thesis of modern humanism, as well as of the study of evolution, that the primary job for man is to promote his own welfare and advancement. Both that of his members considered individually and that of the all inclusive group is due awareness of the world as it is, and [especially] on the basis of a naturalistic, scientific ethics."—*H.J. Muller, "Human Values in Relation to Evolution," Science, Vol. 127, March 21, 1958, p. 829.
</dir> Always the teaching is that the ultimate goals and highest success will be achieved when we realize that we are only animals, and need only act like animals. (*Andrew LeVey, founder of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco, said that this was the message he had been given by Satan: We are only animals, and we should do as we please.)
<dir> "While many details remain unknown, the grand design of biologic structure and function in plants and animals, including man, admits to no other explanation than that of evolution. Man therefore is another link in a chain which unites all life on this planet."—*A.G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 853.
</dir> *Hoagland says that thinking we are but animals will now help us improve ourselves socially.
<dir> "Man’s unique characteristic among animals is his ability to direct and control his own evolution, and science is his most powerful tool for doing this. We are a product of two kinds of evolution, biological and cultural. We are here as a result of the same processes of natural selection that have produced all the other plants and animals. A second kind of evolution is psychosocial or cultural evolution. This is unique to man. Its history is very recent; it started roughly a million years ago with our hominid tool-making ancestors."—*Hudson Hoagland, "Science and the New Humanism," in Science, January 10, 1984, p. 111.
</dir>Education is seen as the key to the changeover. In order to make atheists of everyone, the schools must be controlled by evolutionists.
<dir> "It is essential for evolution to become the central core of any educational system, because it is evolution, in the broad sense, that links inorganic nature with life, and the stars with the earth, and matter with mind, and animals with man. Human history is a continuation of biological evolution in a different form."—*Sir Julian Huxley, quoted in *Sol Tax and *Charles Callender (eds.), Evolution After Darwin, 3 vols. (1980).
</dir>Happily for the Darwinists, they feel they are winning out in the churches and in church beliefs also. (More on this on our website, in the chapter, Evolution and Society.)
<dir> "Beyond its impact on traditional science, Darwinism was devastating to conventional theology."—*D. Nelkin, Science Textbook Controversies and the Politics of Equal Time (1977), p. 11.
</dir> But the fact remains that evolutionary theory is one of the most insidious, most dangerous theories ever unleashed upon mankind.
<dir> "Anything that has evolved by natural selection should be selfish."—*Life: How Did it Get Here? (1985), p. 177.
</dir> In a chapter entitled, "Evolution," in one of his books, *Asimov quotes the following statement, describing so well the inner thinking of Darwinism.
<dir> "Mankind struggles upwards, in which millions are trampled to death, that thousands may mount on their bodies."—*Clara Lucas Balfour (1808-1878), quoted in Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 88 [chapter on "Evolution"].
</dir> The realization of that terrible truth even penetrated the gloom of *Darwin’s mind at times.
<dir> "With me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been developed from the minds of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would anyone trust in the convictions of a monkey’s mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?"—*Charles Darwin, quoted in Francis Darwin (ed.), Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1903; 1971 reprint), Vol. 1, p. 285.
</dir>According to evolution, neither mankind nor any other creature or substance in the universe was planned; it was all only an "accident" of random motions of atoms.
<dir> "An atheist is a man who believes himself an accident."—*Francis Thompson, quoted in Peter’s Book of Quotations (1977), p. 449.
</dir>But the "accident theory" will destroy us if we adhere to it. And prior to that mutual destruction will come ever-increasing hopelessness and aimless confusion.
<dir> "We do not solve social problems but rather create social monsters, when man is treated first as an accident and then the particular man is denied his participation in his own being on the grounds that he is only an unfortunate accident of nature.
"It takes no doctor of logic to conclude that if man is such a random being, it can be only a random force that makes himself users of his fellows, even if the user is dignified by degree as a sociologist or psychiatrist. If the determinist’s premise is correct, then social or psychic manipulations may establish only a random order. Thus determinism entangles the mind hopelessly in contradiction."—*Marion Montgomery, "Imagination and the Violent Assault upon Virtue," Modern Age: A Quarterly Review, 27, pp. 124-125.
</dir> A science teacher agrees.
<dir> "Few people who accept the Darwinian theory of evolution realize its far-reaching import especially in Social Science . . Of the many evils that have resulted from the teaching of evolution, we mention only a few."—*Professor Holmes, Science (August 14, 1939), p. 117.
</dir>Darwinism is the law of the jungle.
<dir> "Darwinism consistently applied would measure goodness in terms of survival value. This is the law of the jungle where ‘might is right’ and the fittest survive. Whether cunning or cruelty, cowardice or deceit, whatever will enable the individual to survive is good and right for that individual or that society."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1968), p. 145.
</dir> Darwin’s biological evolution theory quickly became the basis for a social theory which brought on intensified war and immorality.
<dir> "In turn, biological evolutionism exerted ever-widening influences on the natural and social sciences, and its repercussions were neither sound or commendable. Suffice it to mention the so-called Social Darwinism, which often sought to justify the inhumanity of man to man, and the biological racism which furnished a fraudulent scientific sanction for the atrocities committed in Hitler’s Germany and elsewhere."—*Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Evolution at Work," Science, Vol. 127, May 9, 1958, p. 1091.
</dir>The teaching that man is but a beast, and not accountable for any of his actions—is the heart of Darwin’s teaching; and it unleashes the worst in man.
<dir> "No wonder that Brig. General F.D. Frost stated in the Fundamentalist, January,1950, p. 21: ‘There is no doubt about it that the doctrine of evolution is the greatest curse in our educational system.’ Whether we read Ward’s Dynamic Sociology, or Russell’s Code of Morals, or Briffalt’s Immoralism or some other book written by the Behaviorist School,—they all seem to endeavour to justify and base their conclusions on the bestial nature of man. This philosophy seeks to determine the morale, the principles and practice of virtuous conduct, and to reduce man to the level of animal nature. The surging unrest, the broken homes, the frustrated lives, the increasing divorce cases, the multiplied number of criminals are but the inevitable outcome of the acceptance and practice of this evolutionary doctrine."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966), pp. 146-147.
</dir> *Darwin had started something that was to spread throughout the world and bring anguish to millions.
<dir> "Darwin’s books were quickly translated into all the earth’s main languages, and the political leaders of the various motions began using the Darwinian catchwords to justify their expansionist ambitions. The influence in Germany was especially profound. There, the atheistic biologist Ernst Haeckel embarked on a popularization campaign fully comparable to that of Huxley in England. The philosopher Nietzsche, with his doctrine of the ‘superman,’ was also greatly influenced by Darwin, though he thought Darwin did not go far enough in promoting the militaristic and racist implications of his theories. Darwinistic imperialism had great impact on the policies of Bismarck and even more so on those of Adolph Hitler."—H.M. Morris, History of Modern Christianity (1984), p. 47.
</dir> [h=4]2 - LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS[/h] TWENTIETH-CENTURY CORNERSTONE—The impact of modern evolutionary thought on our modern culture has been terrific. Consider these examples: *Marx and *Keynes in economics and social studies; *Dewey in modern education; *Fosdick and ‘higher’ Biblical critics in modern theology; *Nietzsche, *James, and *Positivists in modern philosophy; *Beard in American history; *Frankfurter in modern law; *London and *Shaw in novels; *Camus, *Sartre, and *Heidegger in existential thought; *White in sociology; *Simpson and *Dobzhansky in paleontology and modern genetics; *Huxley and *P. Teilhard de Chardin in humanism.
In 1960, a Hollywood film was released lauding the "victory" of evolution in a movie about the Scopes Trial (see chapter 30 on our website for a detailed analysis of that trial). The motion picture was entitled Inherit the Wind. That would be an excellent title for a documentary,—not on the Scopes Trial, but on what Social Darwinism has done to our modern world.
KARL MARX—*Charles Darwin, *Karl Marx, *Ernst Haeckel, *Friedrich Nietzche, and *Sigmund Freud laid the foundations for 20th-century culture. Millions of lives have been lost—morally and physically—because of the insidious views of *Charles Darwin.
<dir> "Darwin, Marx, and Freud helped shape the modern mind into conformity with the world view of Mechanistic Materialism."—*E.A. Opitz, "The Use of Reason in Religion," in Imprimis 7(2):4 (1978).
</dir>That which *Darwin did to biology, *Marx, with the help of others, did to society.
<dir> "Just as Darwin discovered the law of evolution in organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history."—*Otto Ruhle, Karl Marx (1948), 366.
</dir>Marxism is closely linked to Darwinism.
<dir> "The idea that evolution is a history of competitive strife fits well with his [Marx’s] ideology of ‘class struggle.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 412.
" ‘This is the book,’ he [Marx] wrote to his disciple Engles in 1866, ‘which contains the basis in natural history for our view,’ and he would gladly have dedicated his own major work, Das Kapital, to the author of The Origin of Species if Darwin had let him.
"At Marx’s funeral Engels declaimed that, as Darwin had discovered the law of organic evolution in natural history, so Marx had discovered the law of evolution in human history. With its denigration of non-material aspects of human life, and its mission to uproot tradition and destroy creationist concepts in men’s minds, communism remains one of Darwin’s strongest adherents . . After 1949 when the communists took control of China, the first new text introduced to all schools was neither Marxist nor Leninist, but Darwinian."—*Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 24.
</dir> According to the Darwin/Marx theory, not only animals must fight savagely in order to survive, but human society must do the same.
<dir> "Like Darwin, Marx thought he had discovered the law of development. He saw history in stages, as the Darwinists saw geological strata and successive forms of life . . But there are even finer points of comparison. In keeping with the feelings of the age, both Marx and Darwin made struggle the means of development. Again, the measure of value in Darwin is survival with reproduction—an absolute fact occurring in time and which wholly disregards the moral or ethical quality of the product. In Marx the measure of value is expended labor—an absolute fact occurring in time, which also disregards the utility of the product [and also the workman]."—*J. Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner (1958), p. 8.
</dir> *Engels, *Marx’s disciple, was the first to discover *Darwin’s book.
<dir> "Friedrich Engels, one of the founders of Communism, wrote to Karl Marx, December 12, 1859, ‘Darwin, whom I am just now reading, is splendid.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 85.
</dir> *Marx then read it and wrote back:
<dir> "Karl Marx wrote to Friedrich Engels, December 19, 1860, ‘Although it is developed in the crude English style, this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our views.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 88.
</dir> Within a month, *Marx knew he had found what he was searching for: a "scientific" basis for his theory of "social progress."
<dir> "Again, Marx wrote to Engels, January 16, 1861, ‘Darwin’s book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural selection for the class struggle in history . . not only is a death blow dealt here for the first time to ‘teleology’ in the natural sciences but their rational meaning is emphatically explained.’ "—*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene (1959), p. 88.
</dir>Reactionary Socialists base their insurrectionist activities on *Marx and *Darwin.
<dir> "Defending Darwin is nothing new for socialists. The socialist movement recognized Darwinism as an important element in its general world outlook right from the start. When Darwin published his Origin of the Species in 1859, Karl Marx wrote a letter to Fredrick Engels in which he said: ‘. . this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view . .’ By defending Darwinism, working people strengthen their defenses against the attacks of these reactionary outfits, and prepare the way for the transformation of the social order."—*Cliff Conner, "Evolution vs. Creationism: In Defense of Scientific Thinking," International Socialist Review, November 1980.
</dir> Another offshoot of Darwinism was intensified militancy and warfare. *Darwin and his followers laid the basis for the bloodbath which followed. In addition, to *Lenin and *Marx, we should consider *Haeckel and *Nietzsche.
ERNST HAECKEL—*Ernst Haeckel, professor at the University in Jena, was the pioneer promoter of Darwinism on the European continent, just as Thomas Huxley was Darwin’s "bulldog" in England. In chapter 22, Vestiges and Recapitulation, and chapter 29, History of Evolutionary Theory, we detail * Haeckel’s fraudulent activities, to promote Darwinism by dishonest methods.
Along with *Nietzsche, *Haeckel helped lay the foundations for the German militarism which produced World Wars I and II. Whereas *Lenin and *Marx were concerned with class struggle for supremacy, *Haekel and *Nietzsche were preoccupied with the "super race" conquest of inferior ones.
<dir> "Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) was an avid, self-appointed spokesman for Darwinism in Germany . . Haeckel professed a mystical belief in the forces of nature and a literal transfer of the laws of biology to the social realm. The movement he founded in Germany was proto-Nazi in character; romantic Volkism and the Monist League (established 1906), along with evolution and science, laid the ideological foundations of [German] National Socialism.
" . . English Darwinism interlinked two main themes, natural selection and the struggle for existence. Social Darwinism is an attempt to explain human society in terms of evolution, but Haeckel’s [proto-Nazi] interpretation was quite different from that of capitalist Herbert Spencer or of communist Marx. For him a major component was the ethic of inherent struggle between higher and lower cultures,—between races of men."—*Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 48.
</dir>Inspired by the writings of *Darwin, *Haeckel became the great forerunner of Nazi violence, which killed millions and littered Europe with its wreakage.
<dir> "Along with his social Darwinist followers, [Haeckel] set about to demonstrate the ‘aristocratic’ and nondemocratic aspect of the laws of nature . . Up to his death in 1919, Haeckel contributed to that special variety of German thought which served as the seed-bed for National Socialism. He became one of Germany’s main ideologists for racism, nationalism, and imperialism."—*Daniel Gasman, Scientific Origins of National Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League (1971), p. xvi.
</dir>Darwinism was taken to its logical extreme: Kill the gentle and the unfortunate.
<dir> "German Darwinism was shaped by Ernst Haeckel, who combined it with anticlericalism, militaristic patriotism and visions of German racial purity. He encouraged the destruction of the established church in Germany, with its sermons about ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’ and compassion for unfortunates. Such a ‘superstitious’ doctrine would lead to ‘racial suicide.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir>"Monism" is the theory that all reality consists only of matter. This teaching is an important basis of atheism.
<dir> "Of all the forerunners of Hitler in Germany—Hegel, Comte, Nietzsche, Bernhardi, and others—the most significant was certainly Ernst Haeckel, the atheistic founder of the Monist League and the most vigorous promoter of both biological Darwinism and social Darwinism in continental Europe in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries."—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), pp. 77-78.
</dir> "Only the fittest should survive."
<dir> "He [Haeckel] convinced masses of his countrymen they must accept their evolutionary destiny as a ‘master race’ and ‘outcompete’ inferior peoples, since it was right and natural that only the ‘fittest’ should survive. His version of Darwinism was incorporated in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf (1925), which means ‘My Struggle,’ taken from Haeckel’s German translation of Darwin’s phrase, ‘the struggle for existence.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 207 [also 312-313].
"In 1918, Darwin’s apostle Ernst Haeckel became a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, a secret, radically right-wing organization that played a key role in the establishment of the Nazi movement. Rudolf Hess and Hitler attended the meeting as guests (Phelps, 1963)."—Ian Taylor, In the Minds of Men (1987), p. 488.
</dir>FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE—Another despicable lover of Darwinian theory was *Friedrich Nietzsche. Darwin’s teachings had a way of corrupting the beliefs of all who submitted to it.
Darwinism transformed *Nietzsche into a maniacal lover of war and bloodshed. Declaring that his theory was "scientific" because it was but a social aspect of Darwin’s theory, he urged his ideas on the German nation.
<dir> "The great German exponent of Militarism, Nietzsche, extended the Darwinian principle of the survival of the fittest in order to inspire his countrymen to fight. According to him, ‘The supreme standard of life is purely materialistic vitality and power to survive.’ The 1914-1918 war was thus the calculated climax of a policy nourished on the diabolical ideas of Nietzsche for the subjugation of the world. General von Bernhardi in his book, The Next War, shows the connection between war and biology. According to him, ‘War is a biological necessity of the first importance, a regulative element in the life of mankind that cannot be dispensed with. War increases vitality and promotes human progress.’ The summuim bonum [highest good] of life according to Nietzsche’s own words is ‘Man shall be trained for war and woman for the recreation of the warrior; all else is folly’ " (Oscar Levy, Complete Works of Nietzsche, 1930, Vol. 2, p. 75).
"Adolph Hitler reiterated the same philosophy of life derived from the theory of evolution when he said, ‘The whole of nature is a continuous struggle between strength and weakness, and eternal victory of the strong over the weak."—H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966) pp. 147-148.
</dir> It is of the greatest irony that *Clarence Darrow, defender of *John Scopes and the evolutionary cause at the 1925 Dayton Evolution Trial (see chapter 30 on our website), declared in court that the murderous thinking of two young men was caused by their having learned *Nietzsche’s vicious Darwinism in the public schools!
<dir> "In defending two young men, Loeb and Leopold, for cruelly murdering a fourteen year old boy, by name of Bobby Franks, the celebrated criminal lawyer of the day, Clarence Darrow, traced their crime back to what they had learned in the university. He argued, ‘Is there any blame attached because somebody took Nietzsche’s philosophy seriously?’ His appeal to the judge was, ‘Your honour, it is hardly fair to hang a nineteen year old boy for the philosophy that was taught him at the university."—*W. Brigans (ed.), Classified Speeches, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966), p. 146.
</dir> More on the rise of world Communism later in this chapter. It is doubtful whether Communism could have had the devastating impact it has had on the 20th century, if it had not been for *Darwin’s theory.
[h=4]3 - WARFARE[/h] WARFARE—Darwinism led to class struggle and warfare through Communism; it also led to extreme nationalism, racism, and warfare through Nazism and Fascism.
The Franco-Prussian War of 1870 was the first large conflict in which both sides used Darwinism as an excuse for their attempts to murder one another in organized warfare. *Nordau says it well:
<dir> "The greatest authority of all the advocates of war is Darwin. Since the theory of evolution has been promulgated, they can cover their natural barbarism with the name of Darwin and proclaim the sanguinary instincts of their inmost hearts as the last word of science."—*Max Nordau, "The Philosophy and Morals of War," in North American Review 169 (1889), p. 794.
</dir> *Barzun, a history teacher at Columbia University, wrote an epic book, Darwin, Marx, Wagner, in which he clearly showed that Darwinism inflamed militarism and warfare wherever it went.
<dir> "In every European country between 1870 and 1914 there was a war party demanding armaments, an individualist party demanding ruthless competition, an imperialist party demanding a free hand over backward peoples, a socialist party demanding the conquest of power, and a racialist party demanding internal purges against aliens—all of them, when appeals to greed and glory failed, or even before, invoked Spencer and Darwin, which was to say, science incarnate . . Race was biological, it was sociological; it was Darwinian."—*Jacques Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner (1958), pp. 92-95.
</dir>WORLD WAR I—The first World War (at that time called the "Great War") was, according to both analysts and historians, the inevitable result of Darwinist teachings.
<dir> "Darwin, Nietzsche, and Haeckel laid the foundations for the intense German militarism that eventually led to the Great War of 1914-1918. There were others who participated in the development, of course, including many of the German generals and political leaders, all very much under the spell of the German variety of social Darwinism. General Friedrich von Bernhardi said:
" ‘War gives biologically just decisions, since its decisions rest on the very nature of things . . It is not only a biological law, but a moral obligation and, as such, an indispensable factor in civilization!’ "—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), p. 74.
</dir> *Frederich von Bernhardi was a German military officer who, upon retiring in 1909, wrote a book based on evolutionary theory, extolling war and appealing to Germany to start another one! His book was entitled Germany and the Next War.
Natural selection was the all-powerful law impelling them to bloody struggle.
<dir> "During World War I, German intellectuals believed natural selection was irresistibly all-powerful (Allmacht), a law of nature impelling them to bloody struggle for domination. Their political and military textbooks promoted Darwin’s theories as the ‘scientific’ basis of a quest for world conquest, with the full backing of German scientists and professors of biology."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 59.
</dir>HITLER AND MUSSOLINI—*Nietziche’s influence reached down to *Hitler and *Mussolini. Both carefully studied *Nietzsche’s writings as well as *Darwin’s.
*Adolf Hitler’s famous Mein Kampf was based on evolutionary theory. The very title of his book was copied from a Darwinian expression; it means "My Struggle" [to survive and overcome].
<dir> "One need not read far in Hitler’s Mein Kampf to find that evolution likewise influenced him and his views on the master race, genocide, human breeding experiments, etc."—Robert Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
"[The position in Germany was that] Man must ‘conform’ to nature’s processes, no matter how ruthless. The ‘fittest’ must never stand in the way of the law of evolutionary progress. In its extreme form, that social view was used in Nazi Germany to justify sterilization and mass murder of the ‘unfit,’ ‘incompetent,’ ‘inferior races.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 412.
</dir> The undesirables had to be eliminated.
<dir> "During the 1930s, Adolf Hitler believed he was carrying Darwinism forward with his doctrine that undesirable individuals (and inferior races) must be eliminated in the creation of the New Order dominated by Germany’s Master Race."—*R. Milner, Encylopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir> Specialists in Hitlerian studies note that *Hitler hated Christianity as fiercely as he loved Darwin’s theory. But that is understandable, for the two are as different as day and night.
<dir> "[Hitler] stressed and singled out the idea of biological evolution as the most forceful weapon against traditional religion and he repeatedly condemned Christianity for its opposition to the teaching of evolution . . For Hitler, evolution was the hallmark of modern science and culture, and he defended its veracity as tenaciously as Haeckel."—*Daniel Gasman, Scientific Origins of Modern Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League (1971), p. 188.
</dir> *Hitler said this:
<dir> "I regard Christianity as the most fatal, seductive lie that has ever existed."—*Adolf Hitler, quoted in *Larry Azar, Twentieth Century in Crisis (1990), p. 155.
"This doctrine of racial supremacy Hitler took at face value . . He accepted evolution much as we today accept Einsteinian relativity."—*Larry Azar, Twentieth Century in Crisis (1990), p. 180.
"Sixty-three million people would be slaughtered in order to obey the evolutionary doctrine that perishing is a law of nature."—*Op. cit., p. 181.
</dir> A Jewish biology professor at Purdue University, writing for the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists, said this:
<dir> "I cannot deny that the theory of evolution, and the atheism it engendered, led to the moral climate that made a holocaust possible."—*Edward Simon, "Another Side to the Evolution Problem," Jewish Press, January 7, 1983, p. 248.
</dir> *Hitler’s fascination with Darwinian thinking went back to his childhood.
<dir> "Adolf Hitler’s mind was captivated by evolutionary thinking—probably since the time he was a boy. Evolutionary ideas, quite undisguised, lie at the basis of all that is worst in Mein Kampf and in his public speeches. A few quotations, taken at random, will show how Hitler reasoned . . [*Hitler said:] ‘He who would live must fight; he who does not wish to fight, in this world where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.’ "—*Robert E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> *Benito Mussolini gained strength and courage from Darwin’s books to carry out his blood-thirsty deeds.
<dir> "Mussolini’s attitude was completely dominated by evolution. In public utterances, he repeatedly used the Darwinian catchwords while he mocked at perpetual peace, lest it hinder the evolutionary process."—*R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115.
</dir> As with *Hitler, *Mussolini was captivated both by *Darwin and *Neitzsche, who, in turn, founded his beliefs on *Darwin.
<dir> "Benito Mussolini, who brought fascism to Italy, was strengthened in his belief that violence is basic to social transformation by the philosophy of Neitzsche."—*Encyclopedia Britannica (1982), Vol. 16, p. 27.
</dir> [h=4]4 - WORLD COMMUNISM[/h] COMMUNIST DARWINISM—*Marx and *Engel’s acceptance of evolutionary theory made it the basis of all later Communist ideology.
<dir> "Darwinism was welcomed in Communist countries since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had considered The Origin of the Species (1859) a scientific justification for their revolutionary ideology. As far as Socialist theorists were concerned, Darwinism had proved that change and progress result only from bitter struggle. They also emphasized its materialist basis of knowledge, which challenged the divine right of the czars."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 119.
</dir> It is freely admitted by several leading evolutionist scientists of our time that Marxism and Darwinism are closely related.
<dir> "Aspects of evolutionism are perfectly consistent with Marxism. The explanation of the origins of humankind and of mind by purely natural forces was, and remains, as welcome to Marxists as to any other secularists. The sources of value and responsibility are not to be found in a separate mental realm or in an immortal soul, much less in the inspired words of the Bible."—*Robert M. Young, "The Darwin Debate," in Marxism Today, Vol. 26, April 1982, p. 21.
</dir>Evolutionary theory became a foundation principle undergirding all modern communism.
"Marx and Engels were doctrinaire evolutionists, and so have all Communists been ever since. Since atheism is a basic tenet of Marxism in general, and Soviet Communism in particular, it is obvious that evolution must be the number one tenet of communism. Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin were all atheistic evolutionists, and so are today’s Communist leaders. In fact, they have to be in order ever to get to be Communist leaders!"—Henry Morris, Long War Against God (1989), p. 85.
JOSEPH STALIN—*Lenin was an ardent evolutionist and so was *Stalin. In fact, it was the message he read in *Darwin’s book that turned *Joseph Stalin into the beastial creature he became.
<dir> "At a very early age, while still a pupil in the ecclesiastical school, Comrade Stalin developed a critical mind and revolutionary sentiments. He began to read Darwin and became an atheist."—*E. Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin (1940), pp. 8-9 [written and published in Moscow, by a close associate of *Stalin, while Stalin was alive].
</dir>COMMUNIST CHINA—When Chinese Communists came to power in the 1950s, they eagerly grasped evolutionary theory as a basic foundation of their ideology. Yet the theory had been accepted by Chinese intellectuals nearly a century earlier.
<dir> "During the 19th century, the West regarded China as a ‘sleeping giant,’ isolated and mired in ancient traditions. Few Europeans realized how avidly Chinese intellectuals seized on Darwinian evolutionary ideas and saw in them a hopeful impetus for progress and change.
"According to the Chinese writer Hu Shih (Living Philosophies, 1931), when Thomas Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics was published in 1898, it was immediately acclaimed and accepted by Chinese intellectuals. Rich men sponsored cheap Chinese editions so they could be widely distributed to the masses . .
"China now boasts a fine Paleontological Institute in Beijing and a cadre of paleontologists."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 81.
</dir> [h=4]5 - RACISM[/h] DARWINIAN RACISM—It is well to keep in mind the full title of *Charles Darwin’s 1859 book: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. *Milner explains *Darwin’s view on this, and quotes him:
<dir> "Darwin then proposes a mechanism for the way it [evolution] works. Natural selection is a two-step process: (1) overproduction and variation within a species, and (2) greater survival and reproduction of those individuals with any slight advantage over their fellows; ‘fitter’ traits are preserved and accumulated in successive generations. Multiply, vary, let the strongest live [and reproduce] and the weakest die [leaving few progeny]."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 344.
</dir>It is significant that the leading racists have been evolutionists. This racism idea tends to fall into two categories: (1) Those who believe their race is superior, and they need to keep down or conquer other races. (2) Those who believe that some races are little better than animals and deserve to be enslaved or killed off. In contrast, Creationists recognize that all men were created by God and that all are of equal value in His sight.
*Charles Darwin and *Thomas Huxley, both evolutionist champions, held to racist ideas. Here is a sample statement penned by *Darwin himself:
<dir> "The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world."—*Charles Darwin, Life and Letters, p. 318.
"Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory."—*Stephen Jay Gould, Ontogeny and Phylogeny (1977), p. 127.
</dir>Those urging "survival of the fittest" tend to be the ones favoring killing off various races, as well as eliminating the aged, the weak, the handicapped, and the unborn. Basic ethics and beliefs of the two camps are behind the reason why Creationists oppose the slaying of unborn babies while evolutionists are more likely to favor it. Starting in 1910, the war was against nations; in the 1930s and 1940s, it was against races; in the 1970s and 1980s, it has been against the unborn. Soon it will include the aged and infirm.
<dir> "The study of human origins by anthropologists was particularly influenced by racist considerations, and this situation extended well into the first half of the 20th century. It is well-known that Darwin and Huxley, as well as Haeckel, believed in white supremacy, as did practically all the nineteenth-century evolutionary scientists, but it is not as widely known that the leading 20th-century physical anthropologists also shared such opinions."—H.M. Morris, History of Modern Christianity (1984), pp. 48-49.
</dir>To the confirmed "survivalists," people are thought to be just another form of animals, to be herded, brainwashed, controlled, conditioned, enslaved, and exterminated. Use others and then throw them away is their philosophy.
<dir> "The pseudo-scientific application of a biological theory to politics . . constituted possibly the most perverted form of social Darwinism . . It led to racism and antisemitism and was used to show that only ‘superior’ nationalities and races were fit to survive. Thus, among the English-speaking peoples were to be found the champions of the ‘white man’s burden,’ an imperial mission carried out by Anglo-Saxons . . Similarly, the Russians preached the doctrine of pan-Slavism and the Germans that of pan-Germanism."—*T.W. Wallbank and *A.M. Taylor, Civilization Past and Present, Vol. 2 (1961), p. 362.
</dir> Interestingly enough, a racist always believes that his race is the best!
<dir> "Racism is the belief that other human groups are inferior to one’s own and can therefore be denied equal treatment."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 414.
"Almost any 19th or even mid-20th century book on human evolution carries illustrations showing the progression: monkey, ape, Hottentot (or African Negro, Australian Aborigine, Tasmanian, etc.) and white European. Few of the early evolutionists were free of such arrogance, not even the politically liberal Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 380.
</dir>The time would come, according to *Darwin, when the white races would kill off all the other races; and then evolution would proceeded even further.
<dir> "Darwin postulated, in the sixth edition of his Descent of Man, that the time would come when the white peoples would have destroyed the black. He also thought that the anthropoid apes would become extinct. He believed that when these two eventualities had occurred the evidence of evolution among living creatures would not be as strong as previously."—Bolton Davidheiser, in Creation Research Society Quarterly, March 1989, p. 151.
</dir> *Darwin’s theories came to full fruition in the Third Reich.
<dir> "[Houston S.] Chamberlain wrote this prophetic statement in his Foundations [1899]: ‘Though it were proved that there never was an Aryan race in the past, yet we desire that in the future there may be one. That is the decisive standpoint for men of action.’
"When asked to define an Aryan during the height of the Nazi madness, Josef Goebbels proclaimed, ‘I decide who is Jewish and who is Aryan!’
"During the German Third Reich (1933-1945), the ideal of Aryan purity and supremacy became that nation’s official policy. Adolph Hitler’s program of herding ‘inferior’ races into concentration camps and gas chambers was rationalized as making way for the new order of superior humanity. Meanwhile, S.S. officers were encouraged to impregnate selected women under government sponsorship to produce a new ‘master race’—an experiment that produced a generation of ordinary, confused orphans.
"Hitler was furious when the black American Jesse Owens outraced ‘Aryan’ athletes at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, contradicting his theories of racial supremacy. And when the ‘Brown Bomber’ Joe Louis knocked out boxer Max Schmeling, German propaganda became even more vehement that white superiority would be vindicated. However, when Hitler needed the Japanese as allies in World War II, he promptly redefined those Asians as ‘Honorary Aryans.’ "—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), pp. 25-26.
</dir>Why *Darwin’s evolutionary theories should be popular among non-white races is something of a mystery,—since he and his associates were confidently anticipating a time when the non-European races would be destroyed.
<dir> "Darwin’s notion that the various races were at different evolutionary distances from the apes, with Negroes at the bottom and Caucasians at the top, was not unique to him, but rather was almost universal among the evolutionary scientists of the nineteenth century . .
"It was not only Darwin and Huxley, the two top evolutionists, who were racists. All of them were! This fact has been documented thoroughly in a key book by John Halter, appropriately entitled Outcasts from Evolution."—H.M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), pp. 60-81.
"Many of the early settlers of Australia considered the Australian Aborigines to be less intelligent than the ‘white man,’ because aborigines had not evolved as far as whites on the evolutionary scale. In fact, the Hobart Museum in Tasmania [Australia] in 1984 listed this as one of the reasons why early white settlers killed as many aborigines as they could in that state."—Ken Ham, Evolution: The Lie (1987), p. 86.
</dir> A noted Chinese scientist, *Kenneth Hsu, wrote these words concerning his feelings about *Charles Darwin:
<dir> "My abhorrence of Darwinism is understandable, for what member of the ‘lower races’ could remain indifferent to the statement attributed to the great master (Darwin, 1881, in a letter to W. Graham) that ‘at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.’ "—*Kenneth J. Hsu, in Geology, April 1987, p. 377.
</dir> [h=4]6 - EVOLUTION AND CRIME[/h] CRIME AND ABORTION—We have seen the cause-effect relationship of evolutionary theory and immorality, warfare, racism, and mass destruction. Let us briefly look at its relationship to crime, hard drugs, abortion, and similar evils:
According to evolutionary theory, there is no right, no wrong, no divinity, no devil;—only evolution, which makes all things right!
<dir> "Unbridled self-indulgence on the part of one generation without regard to future ones is the modus operandi [operating mechanism] of biological evolution and may be regarded as rational behavior."—*W.H. Murdy, "Anthropocentrism: A Modern Version," in Science, March 28, 1975, p. 1169.
</dir> No wonder there is so much crime in our world today! Murder, lawlessness, robbery, and every other crime is acceptable under the *Darwin and *Marx theories of evolution.
<dir> "Natural selection can favor egotism, hedonism, cowardice instead of bravery, cheating and exploitation."—*Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Ethics and Values in Biological and Cultural Evolution," in Los Angeles Times, June 16, 1974, p. 6.
</dir> These are the teachings of evolutionists. Even *Arthur Keith, a leading evolutionist of his time, recognized that a great gulf separates evolutionary ideas from Christianity and Biblical teachings:
<dir> "As we have just seen, the ways of national evolution, both in the past and in the present, are cruel, brutal, ruthless and without mercy . . The law of Christ is incompatible with the law of evolution."—*Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics (1947), p. 15.
</dir>No compassion, no pity, no help; just shove and do whatever you want. That is the teaching of evolution. Christianity and Darwinism are worlds apart.
<dir> "Evolution is a hard, inescapable mistress. There is just no room for compassion or good sportsmanship. Too many organisms are born, so, quite simply, a lot of them are going to have to die . . The only thing that does matter is, whether you leave more children carrying your genes than the next person leaves."—*Lorraine Lee Larison Cudmore, "The Center of Life," in Science Digest, November 1977, p. 46.
</dir>Evolutionary theory exonerates criminal action and declares that criminals are not responsible for their actions:
<dir> "Biological theories of criminality were scarcely new, but Lombroso gave the argument a novel evolutionary twist. Born criminals are not simply deranged or diseased; they are, literally, throwbacks to a previous evolutionary stage."—*Steven Jay Gould, Ever Since Darwin, p. 223.
</dir> On pages 134-140 of his book, Long War Against God, Henry Morris includes quotations showing that evolutionists teach that homosexuality is an advanced level of evolutionary progress, necessary for the perpetuation of the race, and that abortion is fully in accord with evolutionary theory and should properly include, not only fetuses, but infants as well.
There is simply no comparison between Christianity and evolution! They are worlds apart!
<dir> "[Evolutionary] Science and religion are dramatically opposed at their deepest philosophical levels. And because the two world views make claims to the same intellectual territory, that of the origin of the universe and humankind’s relation to it—conflict is inevitable."—*Norman K. Hall and *Lucia B. Hall, "Is the War between Science and Religion Over?" in The Humanist May/June 1986, p. 26.
</dir> Although a humanist, *Will Durant was a historian and knew the past well enough that he was frightened at what evolutionary theory would do to humanity in the coming years.
<dir> "By offering evolution in place of God as a cause of history, Darwin removed the theological basis of the moral code of Christendom. And the moral code that has no fear of God is very shaky. That’s the condition we are in."—*Will Durant "Are We in the Last Stage of a Pagan Period?" in Chicago Tribune, April 1980.
</dir> [h=4]7 - EUGENICS AND THE NEEDY[/h] EUGENICS—*Charles Darwin’s cousin, *Sir Francis Galton, coined the word "eugenics" in 1883. He first published his theories in 1865 in a series of magazine articles, which later were expanded in his book, Hereditary Genius (1869).
The "science" of eugenics was a major emphasis of the late-19th and first half of the 20th centuries. *Adolf Hitler used it so successfully, that it fell into disfavor after World War II. The glorious promise of eugenics was that humanity would be wonderfully improved if certain races, the elderly, and certain others were eliminated. The inglorious results were the death camps of Germany and Poland, where Hitler exterminated six million people because they did not conform to his standard of eugenics. Eugenics was but another gift of the Darwinists to the world:
<dir> "Darwinism spawned mangy offshoots. One of these was launched by Darwin’s first cousin, Francis Galton. Obsessed, as were many, by the implications of the ‘fittest,’ Galton set out in 1883 to study heredity from a mathematical viewpoint. He named his new science eugenics, from a Greek root meaning both ‘good in birth’ and ‘noble in heredity.’ His stated goal was to improve the human race, by giving ‘the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable."—*Otto Scott, "Playing God," in Chalcedon Report, No. 247, February 1986, p. 1.
</dir> The "German experiment" showed what it was all about.
<dir> "Once almost obligatory in all biology textbooks, the promotion of eugenic programs was set back by the disastrous, barbarous attempts to create a ‘master race’ in Nazi Germany."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 156.
"Nazi eugenics had two aspects: the extermination of millions of ‘undesirables’ and the selection and breeding of preferred ‘Aryan’ types. It was an article of faith that the blond, blue-eyed ‘Nordic-looking’ children would also prove intellectually and morally superior and that they would ‘breed true’ when mated. Neither assumption was correct."—*Op. cit., p. 272.
"In 1936, *Heinrich Himmler and his Stormtroopers (S.S.) founded an institution called Lebensborn "Fountain of Life." Its purpose was to create millions of blond, blue-eyed ‘Aryan’ Germans as the genetic foundation of the new ‘Master Race.’ Lebensborn children would be raised to be obedient, aggressive, patriotic and convinced their destiny was to dominate or destroy all ‘inferior’ races or nations. Galton’s well-intentioned dream of human improvement had become a nightmare in reality."—*Op. cit., p. 271.
</dir>CARE FOR THE POOR AND NEEDY—As you might expect of a man whose theories could excite such vicious men as *Nietzsche, *Marx, *Stalin, and *Hitler, *Charles Darwin believed that the poor and needy ought to be left to die, unhelped by their neighbors.
<dir> "[Peter] Kropokin criticized Darwin’s remarks in the Descent of Man (1871) about the ‘alleged inconveniences’ of maintaining what Darwin called the ‘weak in mind and body’ in civilized societies. Darwin seemed to think advanced societies were burdened with too many ‘unfit’ individuals."—*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 259.
</dir>It is the highest irony that the people most likely to accept Marxism are poor people in Third World countries,—yet the Darwin/Marx theory was that poor people should never be helped. If they want anything let them fight for it; if they do not succeed, let them die. Apparently, the only people really favored by Darwin/Marx/Nietzscheism were well-to-do members of the white race.
"Darwin often said quite plainly that it was wrong to ameliorate the conditions of the poor, since to do so would hinder the evolutionary struggle for existence."—R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1958), p. 120.
[h=4]CHAPTER 19 - STUDY AND REVIEW QUESTIONS[/h] [h=4]EVOLUTION, MORALITY, AND VIOLENCE[/h] [h=5]GRADES 5 TO 12 ON A GRADUATED SCALE[/h] 1 - Write a paper on the negative impact evolution has had on the world since the time of Darwin.
2 - Write a paper on the deadly influence evolutionary teaching had on two of the following men: Marx, Engels, Stalin, Haeckel, and Nietzche.
3 - Write a paper on the part evolutionary theory had on producing World War I, World War II, and the evil men who produced both.
4 - Write a paper on the impact of evolution on racism, eugenics, and/or care for the poor.
If you will stop and think about it, a growing crisis in our world is a lack of freshwater. Yet five-sixths of the world is filled with water! The problem is how to inexpensively desalinize seawater. Researchers have worked on the problem for years, without success.
Extracting salt from ocean water continues to be very expensive. Yet seabirds regularly do it, and without spending a penny. They drink seawater without any problems; for they have glands in their heads which discharge a highly concentrated salt solution into their nostrils, from where it drips back into the sea.
With such a built-in desalination plan, seabirds never need to drink freshwater. Without such a system, no bird could live in the oceans and seas. Large doses of salt are poisonous, leading to dehydration, overloaded kidneys, and a painful death. But if birds have such a highly successful method, why do we not copy it? It is a proven success, highly miniaturized, and costs the birds nothing. It requires no fuel oil, electricity, coal, or propane. Yet our scientists cannot duplicate what those little runny-nosed birds do.

Si lo escribieras en castellano y "breve" de verdad, pues te contestaríamos, pero la Historia interminable" es para ver en cine, leída...como que no.
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

porque alguna razon habia que dar de la creacion.. todos los pueblos de al antiguedad tiene su propia historia de la creacion..

martita, me extraña!!!!!

¿Qué te extraña?

Que yo no lo preguntaba por saber la respuesta. Que ya la sé. Era una respuesta irónica en función de un mensaje. No una pregunta.
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

EVOLUCION FUE DIRIGIDA POR DIOS.Con esto último empatas la partida..No tienen modo de rebatirte..

Por suerte o desgracía Sí. CON UNA SALVEDAD La evolución no es teleológica y se puede poner en falsación y ser verificada porque los seres vivos están montados como variación sobre variación arrastrando cosas de antiguas funciones, corregidas, adaptadas o anuladas. El diseño de los seres vivos es exquisito pero son todo chapuzas tras chapuzas por millones una encima de otra corrigiendo unas errores de otras como si el diseñador fuera un chimpacé borracho y se dedicara a parchear. NO tiene en absoluto forma de un diseño en blanco nuevo sino de algo que se ha ido adaptando variando lo que había o incluso mezclando cosas con diversas funciones que crean algo nuevo para otras funciones (eso se conoce desde 1914 en la teoría evolutiva como "diseño entralazado" -explicación en el mismo nombre- y es lo que Behe rescató pero olvidando la explicación que ya existía bajo "diseño irreductible" )

La salvedad es que aunque la evolución sea falsable y verificada y un diseño inteligente pueda ser falsable y falsado en una formulación científica se puede presentar como una idea (una formulación no científica) infalsable a la que se cree por fe. Como que dios dispuso las cosas al inicio para que saliera eso sin necesidad de intervenir tipo leyes del universo y tal vez lo que venga. O bien que todo fue creado así incluso hace cinco minutos pero para que pareciera una evolución no teleológica y con todas las evidencias puestas en su sitio para esa apariencia incluso las del pasado y genes anulados más los arreglos
Re: Breve historia de la teoría de la evolución

There are reasons why evolutionists are so concerned to hold on to a theory that has no evidence to support it,

Y las mismas porque los gravitacionistas defienden una teoría de la gravedad de la que no existe mayor evidencia que de la teoría de la evolución biológica. Ya puestos

Decir que se defiende la ley d la gravitación universal no por evidencias porque se necesita justificar las caídas de la bolsa más bien indica un desconocimiento absoluto de la ciencia y un completo mal uso de unos modelos que describen procesos de la naturaleza y usarlos para algo que no tienen nada que ver como la moral o la sociedad etc...