Saludos a Tobi.

Que la gracia de Nuestro Senor Jesucristo siempre te acompane.

Tobi, es un honor para mi sederte mi puesto para el debate. Ya le he comentado al Senor Armando Ortega mi decision de No llevar a cabo el mismo, no por falta de conocimiento, sino porque si El no esta dispuesto a debatir usando la misma Biblia para desacreditar la existencia de Dios desde Su misma Palabra, pues yo no quisiera entrar en debate entonces. Ademas no tengo facilidades de computadora, por lo que me veria obligada a estar pagando aqui en el Cyber constantemente. Y un debate se me hace muy caro, ademas no saco nada con eso. Yo estoy segura de lo que Creo y uso los principios basicos de nosotros los Teistas, la Teleologia para demostrarlo, SI HAY UN DISENO CON PROPOSITO POR ENDE HAY UN CREADOR.

Le deseo lo mejor y ojala pueda usted debatir con el Senor Armando. De paso me place infinitamente darle dos muy modestos sitios de internet donde puede usted adquirir info adicional, a la que muy bastamente ya usted tiene.

son los siguientes: , busque en el Home Page donde aparece el recuadro dedicado al ATEISMO, EVOLUCION etc.
Tambien hay un sitio en Ingles del cual yo soy miembro que se llama CREATIONISM RESEARCH SOCIETY. Esta es una institucion que cuenta con exposiciones de cientificos que apoyan el creacionismo y descartan la evolucion. Le digo de nuevo...CIENTIFICOS. (de Harvard, de Yale, de Cambridge, y de otras ilustres instituciones) Le encantara las ponencias que ahi se presentan sobre Termodinamica, Estudio de Fosiles, DNA, descubrimientos recientes de la Edad de la Tierra, etc....SUMAMENTE INTERESANTE (si usted sabe ingles mucho mejor).

Bueno ahora si me tengo que marchar, estoy segura que usted sabra llevar un debate digno y orare para que Dios le ilumine con el entendimiento y le envie la sabiduria de lo alto.

Para servirle en el amor de Cristo Jesus,


Amada hermana Cristi-ana.
Gracias por tus buenos deseos.
Lo que ocurre es que tuve el privilegio de cursar estudios de paleontologia con uno de los mejores expertos de esta especialidad en mi pais. Se trata de M. Crusafont y Pairó. Catedratico de la citada especialidad.
Inicialmente fué ateo pero era un hombre honesto e investigador nato y el estudio del libro de Génesis situándolo en su debido contexto le dió a entender que Jesucristo es el Alfa y la Omega.
También estudié tanto la cosmología como la cosmogonia de los antiguos egipcios, mesopotámicos y la de los greco-romanos. Mi vida entera ha estado dedicada al estudio.
En cuando a Armando Ortega, el sujeto se dió cuenta que no podía debatir conmigo y salir airoso y de aquí su renuncia a hacerlo. Fue su primer y mayor ridículo puesto que quien reta debe aceptar el reto de otros.

En mi último aporte le he mostrado el nivel no de sus conocimientos sino de su ignoráncia que pretende dismular mediante una dialectica que aun le denuncia más.

Por principio respeto tanto las creencias como la increencias de las personas siempre que estas sean honestas. Lo que me resulta intolerante es que alguien haga argumento de su ignoráncia.

Recuerdo la frase de uno de mis profesores en la disciplina de teología sistemática, dijo. "Nada es más valiente que la ignorancia" Cierto, porque solo un ignorante es capaz de hacer afirmaciones o negaciones sin un previo estudio de las mismas.

Haces bien en retirarte puesto que puedes emplear tu tiempo en algo más provechoso que debatir papanaterias.
Un abrazo en el Señor de la vida.

Hola a todos.

Armando Ortega querido amigo, si estas por ahi.....he venido hasta aqui a este Cafe de nuevo, porque anoche como no te vi, queria estar segura de podertelo comentar estando tu en el foro.

Mis sinceras disculpas porque estuve ausente tres dias. No he tenido tiempo de leer las aportaciones de todos puesto que saldria carisimo el estar aqui en el Cafe bastante rato. Aqui en Puerto Rico la cosa es cara y en casa solo contamos con lo suficiente para vivir, se que a lo mejor le puede sonar tonto, pero es la realidad, cobran 5 dolares por los primeros 7 minutos.

Con respecto a si he hablado con mi hermano Dewayne, le digo que SI. Afirmativo. Nosotros damos clases en una escuela de capacitacion para ministros de la Iglesia de Cristo. Dewayne ahora da los Romanos y yo estoy impartiendo el Espiritu Santo. Le comente incluso desde el Domingo lo del debate y se mostro muy entusiasmado con la idea y prometio buscar informacion para mi, pues El se encuentra ocupadisimo con la congregacion y con el minsiterio de la Internet. Dewayne trabaja dia y noche desde su imprenta y envia muchisimo material a toda Latinoamerica y el Caribe, por lo que por el momento se ve un poco imposibilitado para lo del debate.

Lo segundo es que anoche, al reunirnos para la merienda, le dije que yo probablemente no tenga como desearia una computadora para mi uso, puesto que la persona que me la presta parece que se ha cansado de mi pidiendosela todo el tiempo, no me lo dijo pero uno no es tonto y se da cuenta cuando alguien esta evadiendo. La cosa es que le pregunte a Dewayne que el creia sobre que yo debatiera y me dijo lo siguiente:

Ana.....el Senor Armando esta dispuesto a utilizar la Biblia para el debate? Y yo le respondi: Bueno......el Sernor Armando NO CREE QUE LA BIBLIA ES LA PALABRA INSPIRADA DE DIOS, entonces Dewayne me dijo, pues si no puede hablar con la Biblia no habra forma que le hagas entender. Lo dejo a tu discresion, asi me dijo Dewayne. Por lo que Armando, para serle sincera, y con todo el respeto que usted se merece, ademas del agradecimiento infinito que le tengo por haber contado conmIgo para el debate, sin que lo tome a mal, lamentablemente me vere imposibilitada a llevarlo a cabo. Mas que nada porque considero realmente que NADA GANO CON PROBAR A DIOS,, porque LA PRUEBA QUE ESTA A NUESTROS ALREDEDORES ES SUFUCIENTE.

Una de las leyes fundamentales del pensamiento humano es la LEY DE LA RACIONALIDAD, la cual indica qeu uno debe aceptar como verdadero solamente esas conclusiones para las cuales existe evidencia adecuada.
Esto es SENSIBLE. por aceptar como verdadero una conclusion para la cual no hay evidencia, o la evidencia inadecuada pudiera ser irracional.

En cuanto a la existencia de Dios, nosotros los Teistas a menudo empleamos el argumento teleologico. "Teleologia" hace referencia a DISENO O PROPOSITO. Por tanto, esto sugiere que DONDE EXISTE DISENO CON PROPOSITO, TIENE POR ENDE QUE EXISTIR UN DISENADOR. La deduccion, por supuesto, es que el ORDEN, EL PLAN Y EL DISENO DE UN SISTEMA SON INDICATIVOS DE INTELIGENCIA, PROPOSITO e intentos especificos en la parte de la CAUSA ORIGINADORA. En forma LOGICA, el unico argumento que te puedo dar, (sin entrar a debate) se presenta de la siguiente manera:

SI EL UNIVERSO EVIDENCIA UN DISENO CON PROPOSITO, POR ENDE TUVO QUE HABER TENIDO UN DISENADOR. EL UNIVERSO SI EVIDENCIA UN DISENO CON PROPOSITO, CONCLUSISON: EL UNIVERSO TUVO QUE TENER UN DISENADOR. Yo creo en ese disenador y en su Existencia espiritual MAS ALLA DE TODA DUDA. Espero que pueda encontrar usted algunos hermanos como Tobi, KimeraDrummer, Nseigi, Greivin, Wnuken o el que usted estime con mas capacidad para esto. Vuelvo y le repito, NO ES COBARDIA, simplemente que NO TENGO QUE PROBAR QUE DIOS EXISTE CUANDO YO SE QUE SI. Esta de usted buscarlo y creame que DONDE UNICO PUEDE HABLARLE ES POR MEDIO DE LA FE, pues Dios es Espiritu Y NO MATERIA.

Qeudo eternamente agradecida de usted por la invitacion, lamento mucho el no poder llevar a cabo el debate, pero pensandolo bien, no me edifica en nada, no por usted sino por lo que se va a tratar.

Cuente conmigo para lo que necesite. A continuacion le dare la pagina de mi Iglesia, la cual lleva el hermano Dewayne Shappley y ahi puede usted encontrar informacion sobre diversos temas espirituales e historicos.

Un abrazo. Para servirle siempre en el amor de Jesucristo, y deseando con todo mi corazon que usted algun dia le conozca:


Cristi-Ana, si te entendí bien ¿tengo que creer que la Biblia es la palabra del único dios verdadero antes de poder debatir si existe o no dios? ¿Eso es lo que dijo Dewayne?
Estoy seguro de que si fuera mormón, testigo, católico o adventista, Dewayne habría aceptado debatir, no importa qué tan ocupado está.
En fin, otra vez será.
Saludos cordiales,
Armando Ortega.
P.D. Para quienes piensan que REALMENTE no quiero debatir, deben saber que Dewayne es uno de los 20 cristianos más "famosos" y reconocidos del mundo. Por eso quería el debate con él, o con Cristi-Ana asesorada por Dewayne.

Y es mas, quiero verte conectada al mismo tiempo con el apostata. Me llama la atención que apareces y desapareces, en cosa de momentos, no tienes problemas para conectarte. No es curioso.

Ernesto, sigo esperando la respuesta a mi preguntita: ¿QUIEN ES LUCIFER?
Armando Ortega.

saludos armando , porque no le contestas a tobi la cuestion de los gigantes

yo tambien vi la foto del esqueleto que encontraron

el solo hueso de la pierna es del tamaño de un hombre

porque no haces una pregunta sola y defiendes tu posicion , no tengas miedito te amamos en el Señor

que te parece que la biblia tenga mas de 500 profecias cumplidas , 300 de ellas solo para Jesus

paz a ti

Ernesto, sigo esperando la respuesta a mi preguntita: ¿QUIEN ES LUCIFER?
Armando Ortega.

voy a darle una ayuda , no crea que sepa

Eze 28:13 En Edén estabas, en el jardín de Dios. Toda suerte de piedras preciosas formaban tu manto: rubí, topacio, diamante, crisólito, piedra de ónice, jaspe, zafiro, malaquita, esmeralda; en oro estaban labrados los aretes y pinjantes que llevabas, aderezados desde el día de tu creación.
Eze 28:14 Querubín protector de alas desplegadas te había hecho yo, estabas en el monte santo de Dios, caminabas entre piedras de fuego.
Eze 28:15 Fuiste perfecto en su conducta desde el día de tu creación, hasta el día en que se halló en ti iniquidad.

Eze 31:8 No le igualaban los demás cedros en el jardín de Dios, los cipreses no podían competir con su ramaje, los plátanos no tenían ramas como las suyas. Ningún árbol, en el jardín de Dios, le igualaba en belleza.
Eze 31:9 Yo le había embellecido con follaje abundante, y le envidiaban todos los árboles de Edén, los del jardín de Dios.
Eze 31:10 Pues bien, así dice el Señor Yahveh: Por haber exagerado su talla, levantando su copa por entre las nubes, y haberse engreído su corazón de su altura,

Isa 14:8 Hasta los cipreses se alegran por ti, los cedros del Líbano: «Desde que tú has caído en paz, no sube el talador a nosotros.»
Isa 14:9 El seol, allá abajo, se estremeció por ti saliéndote al encuentro; por ti despierta a las sombras, a todos los jerifaltes de la tierra; hace levantarse de sus tronos a los reyes de todas las naciones.
Isa 14:10 Todos ellos responden y te dicen: «¡También tú te has vuelto débil como nosotros, y a nosotros eres semejante!
Isa 14:11 Ha sido precipitada al seol tu arrogancia al son de tus cítaras. Tienes bajo ti una cama de gusanos, tus mantas son gusanera.
Isa 14:12 ¡Cómo has caído de los cielos, Lucero, hijo de la Aurora! ¡Has sido abatido a tierra, dominador de naciones!
Isa 14:13 Tú que habías dicho en tu corazón: «Al cielo voy a subir, por encima de las estrellas de Dios alzaré mi trono, y me sentaré en el Monte de la Reunión, en el extremo norte.
Isa 14:14 Subiré a las alturas del nublado, me asemejaré al Altísimo.:9:

saludos armando , porque no le contestas a tobi la cuestion de los gigantes

yo tambien vi la foto del esqueleto que encontraron

el solo hueso de la pierna es del tamaño de un hombre

porque no haces una pregunta sola y defiendes tu posicion , no tengas miedito te amamos en el Señor

que te parece que la biblia tenga mas de 500 profecias cumplidas , 300 de ellas solo para Jesus

paz a ti

Manuel96, no hay ni una sola profecía bíblica cumplida. Sin embargo, el tema pertenece a la cuestión de la inspiración y divinidad de la Biblia, tema sobre el cual también quiero debatir con alguno de los creyentes.
Y en cuanto a debatir con Tobi, si los participantes en este "thread" opinan que Tobi sería el mejor representante de los cristianos, y si Tobi acepta las reglas propuestas o corregidas, todas ellas asentadas con el único objetivo de que hagamos un debate serio, profundo, etc., pues pronto verás el debate. Por lo pronto Cristi-Ana le cedió la oportunidad a Tobi. ¿Qué piensan los demás?
Armando Ortega.

Manuel96, no hay ni una sola profecía bíblica cumplida.

Messianic Prophecies
Separated By Bible Book
Page 1

Genesis Prophecies
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be born of the "seed" of a woman.
Genesis 3:15a
Luke 1:34-35

The Messiah would successfully defeat Satan.
Genesis 3:15b
1 John 3:8

The Messiah would suffer when redeeming man to God.
Genesis 3:15c
1 Peter 3:18

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Seth.
Genesis 4:25
Luke 3:23-38

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Shem.
Genesis 9:26
Luke 3:23-36

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.
Genesis 12:3
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.
Genesis 17:19
Luke 3:23-34

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.
Genesis 18:17-18a
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.
Genesis 18:17-18b
Acts 3:24-26

The Messiah would come form the lineage of Isaac.
Genesis 21:12
Luke 3:23-34

The Messiah would be God's "Sacrificial Lamb".
Genesis 22:8
John 1:29
Romans 8:3-4
1 Corinthians 5:7

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.
Genesis 22:18a
Galatians 3:16

The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.
Genesis 22:18b
Galatians 3:14

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.
Genesis 26:4
Luke 3:23-34

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Jacob.
Genesis 28:14a
Luke 3:23-34

The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.
Genesis 28:14b
Galatians 3:26-29

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.
Genesis 49:10a
Luke 3:23-33

The Messiah would gather all people before Him.
Genesis 49:10b
Luke 12:1
Mark 1:45

The Messiah would be the "vine" of all living.
Genesis 49:11
John 15:1-5

Exodus Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah's bones would not be broken during crucifixion. Exodus 12:46 John 19:32-33

Numbers Prophecies:
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment
The Messiah's bones would not be broken during crucifixion. Numbers 9:12 John 19:32-33
The Messiah would be God's "Star." Numbers 24:17 Revelation 22:16

Deuteronomy Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be a Prophet as man.
Deut. 18:15
Matthew 21:11

The Messiah would be a Prophet as man.
Deut. 18:18a
Matthew 21:11

The Messiah would speak God's "Will and Word."
Deut. 18:18b
John 12:49

The Messiah would become a curse for the redemption of man.
Deut. 21:23
Galatians 3:13

The Messiah would be worshiped by Angels and men at His birth.
Deut. 32:43
Luke 2:13-14

Ruth Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Boaz & Ruth.
Ruth 4:12-17
Luke 3:23-32

1st. Samuel Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be exalted by God with power and glory.
1 Samuel 2:10
Matthew 28:18
1 Peter 3:22

2nd. Samuel Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
2 Samuel 7:12-13
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would be the Son of God.
2 Samuel 7:13-14
Matthew 3:16-17

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
2 Samuel 7:16
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come for all people.
2 Samuel 22:50
Romans 15:8-9

The Messiah would be the "Spiritual Rock."
2 Samuel 23:2-4a
1 Corinthians 10:4

The Messiah would be like the "Light of the Morning."
2 Samuel 23:2-4b
Revelation 22:16

1st. Chronicles Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.
1 Chronicles 5:2
Luke 3:23-33

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
1 Chr. 17:11-12a
Luke 3:23-31

The Messiah's kingdom would be eternal.
1 Chr. 17:11-12b
Luke 1:32-33

The Messiah would be the Son of God.
1 Chr. 17:13-14
Matthew 3:16-17
John 12:28-30

Job Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

Yeshua would stand at the latter day upon earth.
Job 19:25-27
John 5:24-29

Psalm Prophecies
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment
The Messiah would also be rejected by Gentiles.
Psalm 2:1
Acts 4:25-28

Political/religious leaders would conspire against the Messiah.
Psalm 2:2
Matthew 26:3-4
Mark 3:6

The Messiah would be King of the Jews.
Psalm 2:6
John 12:12-13
John 18:32

The Messiah would be the Son of God.
Psalm 2:7a
Luke 1:31-35
Matthew 3:16-17
Hebrews 1:5-6

The Messiah would reveal that He was the Son of God.
Psalm 2:7b
John 9:35-37

The Messiah would be raised from the dead and be crowned King.
Psalm 2:7c
Acts 13:30-33
Romans 1:3-4

The Messiah would ask God for His inheritance.
Psalm 2:8a
John 17:4-24

The Messiah would have complete authority over all things.
Psalm 2:8b
Matthew 28:18
Hebrews 1:1-2

The Messiah would not acknowledge those who did not believe in Him.
Psalm 2:12
John 3:36

Infants would give praise to the Messiah.
Psalm 8:2
Matthew 21:15-16

The Messiah would have complete authority over all things.
Psalm 8:6
Matthew 28:18

The Messiah would be resurrected.
Psalm 16:8-10a
Matthew 28:6
Acts 2:25-32

The Messiah's body would not see corruption (natural decay).
Psalm 16:8-10b
Acts 13:35-37

The Messiah would be glorified into the presence of God.
Psalm 16:11
Acts 2:25-33

The Messiah would come for all people.
Psalm 18:49
Ephesians 3:4-6

The Messiah would cry out to God.
Psalm 22:1a
Matthew 27:46

The Messiah would be forsaken by God at His crucifixion.
Psalm 22:1b
Mark 15:34

The Messiah would pray without ceasing before His
Psalm 22:2
Matthew 26:38-39

The Messiah would be despised and rejected by His own.
Psalm 22:6
Luke 23:21-23

The Messiah would be made a mockery.
Psalm 22:7
Matthew 27:39

Unbelievers would say to the Messiah, "He trusted in God, let Him now deliver Him."
Psalm 22:8
Matthew 27:41-43

The Messiah would know His Father from childhood.
Psalm 22:9
Luke 2:40

The Messiah would be called by God while in the womb.
Psalm 22:10
Luke 1:30-33

The Messiah would be abandoned by His disciples.
Psalm 22:11
Mark 14:50

The Messiah would be encompassed by evil spirits.
Psalm 22:12-13
Colossians 2:15

The Messiah's body would emit blood & water.
Psalm 22:14a
John 19:34

The Messiah would be crucified.
Psalm 22:14b
Matthew 27:35

The Messiah would thirst while dying.
Psalm 22:15a
John 19:28

The Messiah would thirst just prior to His death.
Psalm 22:15b
John 19:30

The Messiah would be observed by Gentiles at His crucifixion.
Psalm 22:16a
Luke 23:36

The Messiah would be observed by Jews at His crucifixion.
Psalm 22:16b
Matthew 27:41-43

Both the Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced.
Psalm 22:16c
Matthew 27:38

The Messiah's bones would not be broken.
Psalm 22:17a
John 19:32-33

The Messiah would be viewed by many during His crucifixion.
Psalm 22:17b
Luke 23:35

The Messiah's garments would be parted among the soldiers.
Psalm 22:18a
John 19:23-24

The soldiers would cast lots for the Messiah's clothes.
Psalm 22:18b
John 19:23-24

The Messiah's atonement would enable believers to receive salvation.
Psalm 22:22
Hebrews 2:10-12
Matthew 12:50
John 20:14

The Messiah's enemies would stumble and fall.
Psalm 27:2
John 18:3-6

The Messiah would be accused by false witnesses.
Psalm 27:12
Matthew 26:59-61

The Messiah would cry out to God "Into thy hands I commend my spirit."
Psalm 31:5
Luke 23:46

There would be many attempts to kill the Messiah.
Psalm 31:13
Matthew 27:1

The Messiah would have no bones broken.
Psalm 34:20
John 19:32-33

The Messiah would be accused by many false witnesses.
Psalm 35:11
Mark 14:55-59

The Messiah would be hated without cause.
Psalm 35:19
John 18:19-23
John 15:24-25

The Messiah would be silent as a lamb before His accusers.
Psalm 38:13-14
Matthew 26:62-63

The Messiah would be God's sacrificial lamb for redemption of all mankind.
Psalm 40:6-8a
Hebrews 10:10-13

The Messiah would reveal that the Hebrew scriptures were written of Him.
Psalm 40:6-8b
Luke 24:44
John 5:39-40

The Messiah would do God's (His Father) will.
Psalm 40:7-8
John 5:30

The Messiah would not conceal His mission from believing people.
Psalm 40:9-10
Luke 4:16-21

The Messiah would be betrayed by one of His own disciples.
Psalm 41:9
Mark 14:17-18

The Messiah would communicate a message of mercy.
Psalm 45:2
Luke 4:22

The Messiah's throne would be eternal.
Psalm 45:6-7a
Luke 1:31-33
Hebrews 1:8-9

The Messiah would be God.
Psalm 45:6-7b
Hebrews 1:8-9

The Messiah would act with righteousness.
Psalm 45:6-7c
John 5:30

The Messiah would be betrayed by one of His own disciples.
Psalm 55:12-14
Luke 22:47-48

The Messiah would ascend back into heaven.
Psalm 68:18a
Luke 24:51
Ephesians 4:8

The Messiah would give good gifts unto believing men.
Psalm 68:18b
Matthew 10:1
Ephesians 4:7-11

The Messiah would be hated and rejected without cause.
Psalm 69:4
Luke 23:13-22
John 15:24-25

The Messiah would be condemned for God's sake.
Psalm 69:7
Mat. 26:65-67

The Messiah would be rejected by the Jews.
Psalm 69:8a
John 1:11

The Messiah's very own brothers would reject Him.
Psalm 69:8b
John 7:3-5

The Messiah would become angry due to unethical practices by the Jews in the temple.
Psalm 69:9a
John 2:13-17

The Messiah would be condemned for God's sake.
Psalm 69:9b
Romans 15:3

The Messiah's heart would be broken.
Psalm 69:20a
John 19:34

The Messiah's disciples would abandon Him just prior to His death.
Psalm 69:20b
Mark 14:33-41

The Messiah would be offered gall mingled with vinegar while dying.
Psalm 69:21a
Matthew 27:34

The Messiah would thirst while dying.
Psalm 69:21b
John 19:28

The potters field would be uninhabited (Field of Blood).
Psalm 69:25
Acts 1:16-20

The Messiah would teach in parables.
Psalm 78:2

The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.
Psalm 80:17
Acts 5:31

The Messiah would come form the lineage of David.
Psalm 89:3-4
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would call God His Father.
Psalm 89:26
Matthew 11:27

The Messiah would be God's only "begotten" Son.
Psalm 89:27
Mark 16:6
Colossians 1:18
Revelation 1:5

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Psalm 89:29
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Psalm 89:35-36
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would be eternal.
Psalm 102:25-27a
Revelation 1:8
Hebrews 1:10-12

The Messiah would be the creator of all things.
Psalm 102:25-27b
John 1:3
Ephesians 3:9
Hebrews 1:10-12

The Messiah would calm the stormy sea.
Psalm 107:28-29
Matthew 8:24-26

The Messiah would be accused by many false witnesses.
Psalm 109:2
John 18:29-30

The Messiah would offer up prayer for His enemies.
Psalm 109:4
Luke 23:34

The Messiah's betrayer (Judas) would have a short life.
Psalm 109:8a
Acts 1:16-18
John 17:12

The Messiah's betrayer would be replaced by another.
Psalm 109:8b
Acts 1:20-26

The Messiah would be mocked by many.
Psalm 109:25
Mark 15:29-30

The Messiah would be Lord and King.
Psalm 110:1a
Mat. 22:41-45

The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.
Psalm 110:1b
Mark 16:19
Mat. 22:41-46

The Messiah would be a Priest after the order of Melchisedec.
Psalm 110:4
Hebrews 6:17-20

The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.
Psalm 110:5
1 Peter 3:21-22

The Messiah would be the "Stone" rejected by the builders (Jews).

Psalm 118:22


The Messiah would come in the name of the Lord.
Psalm 118:26
Matthew 21:9

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Psalm 132:11
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Psalm 132:17
Matthew 1:1
Luke 1:68-70

Proverb Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be from everlasting to everlasting.
Proverbs 8:22-23
John 17:5

The Messiah would ascend and descend to and from heaven.
Proverbs 30:4a
John 3:13
John 6:38
Mark 16:19

God would have a "begotten" Son.
Proverbs 30:4b
Matthew 3:16-17

Messianic Prophecies
Separated By Bible Book
(Continued Page 2)

Isaiah Prophecies OT Scripture NT Fulfillment
The Jews would reject the Messiah.
Isaiah 6:9-10a
John 12:37-40

The Messiah would teach in parables.
Isaiah 6:9-10b
Matthew 13:13-15

The Messiah would be born of a virgin.
Isaiah 7:14a
Luke 1:34-35

The Messiah would be called Immanuel, "God With Us."
Isaiah 7:14b
Matthew 1:21-23

The Messiah would be God.
Isaiah 7:14c
John 12:45
1 Timothy 3:16

The Messiah would have wisdom from His childhood.
Isaiah 7:15
Luke 2:40

The Messiah would be a "Stumbling Stone" for the Jews.
Isaiah 8:14
Matthew 21:43-44

The Messiah would minister in Galilee.
Isaiah 9:1-2a
Matthew 4:12-17

The Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles.
Isaiah 9:1-2b
Luke 2:28-32

The birth of the Messiah.
Isaiah 9:6a
Luke 2:11

The Messiah would be the Son of God.
Isaiah 9:6b
Luke 1:35

The Messiah would be both man and God.
Isaiah 9:6c
John 10:30
John 12:45
John 14:7

The Messiah would be from everlasting.
Isaiah 9:6d
Colossians 1:17

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Jesse.
Isaiah 11:1a
Luke 3:23-32

The Messiah would grow up in Nazareth.
Isaiah 11:1b
Matthew 2:21-23

The Messiah would have the Spirit of God upon Him.
Isaiah 11:2a
Matthew 3:16-17

The Messiah would have the Spirit of knowledge and wisdom.
Isaiah 11:2b
Matthew 13:54

The Messiah would have the Spirit of knowledge and fear of God.
Isaiah 11:2c
Matthew 11:27
John 15:10

The Messiah would have a quick understanding in the fear of the LORD.
Isaiah 11:3a
Luke 2:46-47
Luke 4:31-32
John 14:31

The Messiah would not judge on the basis of outward appearance.
Isaiah 11:3b
John 2:24-25
John 7:24

The Messiah would judge the poor with righteousness.
Isaiah 11:4
Mark 12:41-44
Luke 13:30

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Jesse.
Isaiah 11:10a
Luke 3:23-32

The Messiah would come for all people.
Isaiah 11:10b
Acts 13:47-48

The Messiah would have the key of David.
Isaiah 22:22
Revelation 3:7

The Messiah would defeat death (sin).
Isaiah 25:8
Revelation 1:18
2 Timothy 1:10

Several Saints would rise to life at the resurrection of the Messiah.
Isaiah 26:19
Matthew 27:52-53

The Messiah would be the cornerstone.
Isaiah 28:16
1 Peter 2:4-6

The Messiah would heal the blind.
Isaiah 35:5a
Mark 10:51-52
John 9:1-7

The Messiah would heal the deaf.
Isaiah 35:5b
Mark 7:32-35

The Messiah would heal the lame.
Isaiah 35:6a
Matthew 12:10-13
John 5:5-9

The Messiah would heal the dumb.
Isaiah 35:6b
Matthew 9:32-33
Matthew 15:30

The forerunner (John The Baptist) of the Messiah would live in the wilderness.
Isaiah 40:3a
Matthew 3:1-4

The forerunner (John The Baptist) would prepare people for the coming of the Messiah.
Isaiah 40:3b
Matthew 3:11
Luke 1:17
John 1:29
John 3:28

The Messiah would be God.
Isaiah 40:3c
John 10:30
Philippians 2:5-7

The Messiah would be as a shepherd.
Isaiah 40:11
John 10:11
Mark 9:36-37

The Messiah would be God's messenger.
Isaiah 42:1a
John 4:34
John 5:30

The Messiah would have the Spirit of God upon Him.
Isaiah 42:1b
Matthew 3:16-17

The Messiah would please God.
Isaiah 42:1c
Matthew 3:16-17

The Messiah would not desire personal attention for Himself.
Isaiah 42:2
Matthew 12:15-21

The Messiah would have compassion for the poor and needy.
Isaiah 42:3
Matthew 11:4-5
Matthew 12:15-20

The Messiah would receive direction from God.
Isaiah 42:6a
John 5:19-20
John 14:10-11

The Messiah would be ministered to by God.
Isaiah 42:6b
John 8:29
Luke 22:42-43

The Messiah would be the "New Covenant".
Isaiah 42:6c
Matthew 26:28

The Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles.
Isaiah 42:6d
John 8:12

The Messiah would heal the blind.
Isaiah 42:7
Matthew 9:27-30
Matthew 21:14

The Messiah would be the "First and the Last".
Isaiah 44:6
Rev. 1:17-18

The Messiah would be from everlasting.
Isaiah 48:16
John 17:24

The Messiah would come for all people.
Isaiah 49:1a
1 Timothy 2:4-6

The Messiah would be called by God while in the womb.
Isaiah 49:1b
Matthew 1:20-21

The Messiah would be called by His name before he was born.
Isaiah 49:1c
Luke 1:30-31

The Messiah's words would be as a sharp as a two-edged sword.
Isaiah 49:2a
Rev. 2:12-16
John 12:48

The Messiah would be protected by God.
Isaiah 49:2b
Matthew 2:13-15

The Messiah would be empowered for the judgment of mankind.
Isaiah 49:2c
John 5:22-29

The Messiah would be God's servant.
Isaiah 49:3a
John 17:4

The Messiah's life and death would glorify God.
Isaiah 49:3b
Matthew 15:30-31

The Messiah would be sorrowful because of the Jew's unbelief.
Isaiah 49:4
Luke 19:41-42

The Messiah would be God's servant.
Isaiah 49:5a
John 6:38
John 8:29

The Messiah would come to bring Israel back to God.
Isaiah 49:5b
Matthew 15:24
Matthew 10:5-7

The Messiah would be God's servant.
Isaiah 49:6a
John 1:49-50

The Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles.
Isaiah 49:6b
Acts 13:47-48

The Messiah would be despised.
Isaiah 49:7
John 10:20
Matthew 27:22

The Palms of the Messiah would be a witness.
Isaiah 49:16
John 20:25-28

The Messiah would speak with God given knowledge.
Isaiah 50:4
John 12:49
Matthew 7:28-29

The Messiah would not be rebellious to God's will.
Isaiah 50:5
John 12:27

The Messiah's back would be lashed (stripped).
Isaiah 50:6a
Matthew 27:26

The Messiah's face would be beaten and spit upon.
Isaiah 50:6b
Matthew 26:67

The Messiah would not waver from His mission.
Isaiah 50:7
Luke 9:51-53

The Messiah would be justified by His righteousness.
Isaiah 50:8
1 Timothy 3:16
Hebrews 8:32-34

The Messiah would completely trust in God.
Isaiah 50:8-10
John 11:7-10

The Messiah would proclaim the gospel from the mountain tops.
Isaiah 52:7
Matthew 5:1-7:29
John 14:31

The Messiah would be God's servant.
Isaiah 52:13a
John 9:4
John 14:31

The Messiah would be highly exalted by God.
Isaiah 52:13b
Philippians 2:9-11

The Messiah's face would be disfigured from extreme beatings during His trial.

Isaiah 52:14
Mat. 26:67-68
Mat. 27:26-30

The Messiah's blood would be shed to make atonement for all mankind.
Isaiah 52:15
Revelation 1:5

The Messiah's own people would reject Him.
Isaiah 53:1
John 12:37-38

The Messiah would grow up in Nazareth.
Isaiah 53:2a
Matthew 2:21-23

The Messiah would appear as an ordinary man.
Isaiah 53:2b
Philippians 2:7-8

The Messiah would be despised.
Isaiah 53:3a
Luke 4:28-29

The Messiah would be rejected.
Isaiah 53:3b
Mat. 27:21-23

The Messiah would suffer great sorrow and grief.
Isaiah 53:3c
Luke 19:41-42
Mat. 26:37-38
Matthew 27:46

Men would deny association with the Messiah.
Isaiah 53:3d
Mark 14:50-52
Mat. 26:73-74

The Messiah would have a heal many.

Isaiah 53:4a
Luke 6:17-19
Matthew 8:16-17

The Messiah would bear the sins of the world upon Himself.

Isaiah 53:4b
1 Peter 2:24
1 Peter 3:18

Many would think the Messiah to be cursed by God.
Isaiah 53:4c
Mat. 27:41-43

The Messiah would bear the penalty of death for man's sins.
Isaiah 53:5a
Luke 23:33
Hebrews 9:28

The Messiah's would be bruised for our iniquities.
Isaiah 53:5b
Colossians 1:20
Eph. 2:13-18

The Messiah's back would be lashed at His trial.
Isaiah 53:5c
Matthew 27:26
1 Peter 2:24

The Messiah would be the sin-bearer for all mankind.
Isaiah 53:6
Galatians 1:4

The Messiah would be oppressed and afflicted.
Isaiah 53:7a
Mat. 27:27-31

The Messiah would be silent as a lamb before His accusers.
Isaiah 53:7b
Mat. 27:12-14

The Messiah would be God's sacrificial lamb.
Isaiah 53:7c
John 1:29
John 19:14-18

The Messiah would be condemned and persecuted.
Isaiah 53:8a
Mat. 26:47-27:31

The Messiah would be judged.
Isaiah 53:8b
John 18:13-22
Mat. 26:57-66
Matthew 27:1
Matthew 27:22
Luke 23:11

The Messiah would be killed.
Isaiah 53:8c
Matthew 27:35

The Messiah would die for the sins of the world.
Isaiah 53:8d
1 John 2:2

The Messiah would be buried in a borrowed rich man's tomb.
Isaiah 53:9a
Matthew 27:57

The Messiah would be completely innocent.
Isaiah 53:9b
Mark 15:3

The Messiah would have no deceit guile in His mouth.
Isaiah 53:9c
John 18:38
Luke 23:33-34
1 Peter 2:21-22

God's will would be that the Messiah should die for all mankind.
Isaiah 53:10a
John 18:11
Romans 3:23-26

The Messiah would be a sin offering.
Isaiah 53:10b
Matthew 20:28
Ephesians 5:2

The Messiah would be resurrected and live forever.

Isaiah 53:10c
Mark 16:16
Rev. 1:17-18

The Messiah would prosper.
Isaiah 53:10d
John 17:1-5
Revelation 5:12

God would be completely satisfied with the suffering of the Messiah.
Isaiah 53:11a
John 12:27
Matthew 27:46

The Messiah would be God's servant.
Isaiah 53:11b
Romans 5:18-19

The Messiah would justify man before God.
Isaiah 53:11c
Romans 5:8-9

The Messiah would be the sin offering for all mankind.
Isaiah 53:11d
Hebrews 9:28

The Messiah would be exalted by God for his sacrifice.
Isaiah 53:12a
Matthew 28:18

The Messiah would freely lay down His life to save mankind.
Isaiah 53:12b
Luke 23:46

The Messiah would be counted with the criminals.
Isaiah 53:12c
Luke 23:32

The Messiah would be the sin offering for all mankind.
Isaiah 53:12d
2 Cor. 5:21

The Messiah would intercede for man to God.
Isaiah 53:12e
Luke 23:34

The Messiah would be resurrected by God.
Isaiah 55:3
Acts 10:40-41
Acts 13:34

The Messiah would be a witness.
Isaiah 55:4
John 3:10-12
John 18:37

The Messiah would come to provide salvation for all mankind.
Isaiah 59:15-16a
John 6:40
1 Thes. 5:8-10

The Messiah would intercede between God and man.
Isaiah 59:15-16b
Mat. 10:32-33
Romans 8:34

The Messiah would come to Zion as their Redeemer.
Isaiah 59:20
Luke 2:38
John 10:11

The Messiah would have the Spirit of God upon Him.
Isaiah 61:1
Matthew 3:16-17

The Messiah would preach the gospel of "Good News".
Isaiah 61:1-2
Luke 4:18-21

The Messiah would come to provide salvation.
Isaiah 63:5
John 3:17
Col. 2:13-15

The Messiah would be revealed to a people who were not seeking Him.
Isaiah 65:1
Mat. 15:22-28
Romans 10:18-20

The Messiah would be rejected by His own (Jews).
Isaiah 65:2
John 5:37-40

Jeremiah Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Jeremiah 23:5
Luke 3:23-31

The Messiah would be Lord and King.
Jeremiah 23:6
John 13:13

Herod the King would kill many children trying to destroy the Christ Child (Messiah).
Jeremiah 31:15
Matthew 2:16

The Messiah would be born of a virgin (Mary).
Jeremiah 31:22
Matthew 1:18-20

The Messiah would establish the "New Covenant" with man.
Jeremiah 31:31
Matthew 26:28

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Jeremiah 33:14-15
Luke 3:23-31

Lamentations Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be buffeted on the face at His trial.
Lam. 3:30
John 18:22

Ezekiel Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David and be king of Israel.
Ezekiel 17:22-24
Luke 3:23-31

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Ezekiel 34:23-24
Matthew 1:1

Daniel Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would ascend into heaven after His resurrection.
Daniel 7:13-14a
Acts 1:9-11

The Messiah would be highly exalted with God.
Daniel 7:13-14b
Eph. 1:20-22

The Messiah's dominion would be eternal.
Daniel 7:13-14c
Luke 1:31-33
Hebrews 1:8

The Messiah would come to condemn sin and conquer death.
Daniel 9:24a
Galatians 1:3-5

The Messiah would be God's anointed.
Daniel 9:24b
Luke 1:35

The Messiah would be revealed to the Jews 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem.
Daniel 9:25
John 12:12-13

The Messiah would be put to death.
Daniel 9:26a
Matthew 27:35

The Messiah would die to take away the sins of the world.
Daniel 9:26b
Hebrews 2:9

The Messiah would die before the temple was destroyed.
Daniel 9:26c
Mat. 27:50-51

Daniel saw a vision of the Messiah in His glorification.
Daniel 10:5-6
Rev. 1:13-16

Hosea Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

God would call His Son (Messiah) out of Egypt.
Hosea 11:1
Matthew 2:13-15

The Messiah would defeat sin and death.
Hosea 13:14
1 Cor. 15:55-57

Joel Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would provide salvation for all mankind.
Joel 2:32
Romans 10:12-13

Amos Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

God would blacken the sky during Jesus' crucifixion.
Amos 8:9
Mat. 27:45-46

Micah Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be buffeted on the face at His trial.
Micah 5:1
Matthew 27:30

The Messiah would be born in the town of Bethlehem.
Micah 5:2a
Matthew 2:1-2

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.
Micah 5:2b
Luke 3:23-33

The Messiah would be eternal.
Micah 5:2c
Revelation 1:8

Haggai Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would visit the second temple.
Haggai 2:6-9
Luke 2:27-32

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Zerubbabel.
Haggai 2:23
Luke 3:23-27

Zechariah Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be God and dwell among His people.
Zech. 2:10-11a
John 1:14

The Messiah would be sent by God.
Zech. 2:10-11b
John 8:18-19

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Zerubbabel.
Zechariah 3:8a
Luke 3:23-27

The Messiah would be God's chosen messenger.
Zechariah 3:8b
John 17:4

The Messiah would be both a High Priest and a King.
Zechariah 6:12-13
Hebrews 8:1
Romans 8:34

The Messiah would enter Jerusalem and be greeted with rejoicing.
Zechariah 9:9a
Matthew 21:8-10

The Messiah would be viewed as King.
Zechariah 9:9b
John 12:12-13

The Messiah would be just and worthy.
Zechariah 9:9c
John 5:30

The Messiah would bring salvation to all mankind.
Zechariah 9:9d
Luke 19:10
Titus 2:11

The Messiah would be humble in spirit.
Zechariah 9:9e
Matthew 11:29
John 13:4-14

The Messiah would enter Jerusalem riding on an ass.
Zechariah 9:9f
Matthew 21:6-9

The Messiah would be the cornerstone.
Zechariah 10:4
Ephesians 2:20

Israel's rejection of the Messiah would result in God removing His protection of the people (Jews).
Zechariah 11:10
Luke 19:41-44

The Messiah would be betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver.
Zechariah 11:12
Mathew 26:14-15

The thirty pieces of silver would be thrown into the temple.
Zechariah 11:13a
Matthew 27:3-5

The thirty pieces of silver would be used to buy the Potter's Field.
Zechariah 11:13b
Matthew 27:6-7

The Messiah's body would be pierced (blood/water emitted).
Zechariah 12:10
John 19:34

The Messiah would be God's co-equal.
Zechariah 13:7a
John 14:9

The disciples would be "scattered" after the death of the Messiah.
Zechariah 13:7b
Matthew 26:31-56

Malachi Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

A messenger (John The Baptist) would prepare the way for the Messiah.
Malachi 3:1a
Matthew 11:10

The Messiah would make an unannounced appearance at the Jewish temple.
Malachi 3:1b
Mark 11:15-16

The Messiah would communicate the "New Covenant".
Malachi 3:1c
Luke 4:43

The Messiah's coming would be announced by a man coming in the spirit of Elijah (John The Baptist).
Malachi 4:5
Matthew 3:1-2
Matthew 11:13-14

The Messiah's announcer would turn many hearts to God.
Malachi 4:6
Luke 1:16-17
Mark 1:3-5

92 Prophecies of the Psalms
Fulfilled in Jesus Christ and His Church

Psalm Prophecies
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment
The Messiah would also be rejected by Gentiles.
Psalm 2:1
Acts 4:25-28

Political/religious leaders would conspire against the Messiah.
Psalm 2:2
Matthew 26:3-4
Mark 3:6

The Messiah would be King of the Jews.
Psalm 2:6
John 12:12-13
John 18:32

The Messiah would be the Son of God.
Psalm 2:7a
Luke 1:31-35
Matthew 3:16-17
Hebrews 1:5-6

The Messiah would reveal that He was the Son of God.
Psalm 2:7b
John 9:35-37

The Messiah would be raised from the dead and be crowned King.
Psalm 2:7c
Acts 13:30-33
Romans 1:3-4

The Messiah would ask God for His inheritance.
Psalm 2:8a
John 17:4-24

The Messiah would have complete authority over all things.
Psalm 2:8b
Matthew 28:18
Hebrews 1:1-2

The Messiah would not acknowledge those who did not believe in Him.
Psalm 2:12
John 3:36

Infants would give praise to the Messiah.
Psalm 8:2
Matthew 21:15-16

The Messiah would have complete authority over all things.
Psalm 8:6
Matthew 28:18

The Messiah would be resurrected.
Psalm 16:8-10a
Matthew 28:6
Acts 2:25-32

The Messiah's body would not see corruption (natural decay).
Psalm 16:8-10b
Acts 13:35-37

The Messiah would be glorified into the presence of God.
Psalm 16:11
Acts 2:25-33

The Messiah would come for all people.
Psalm 18:49
Ephesians 3:4-6

The Messiah would cry out to God.
Psalm 22:1a
Matthew 27:46

The Messiah would be forsaken by God at His crucifixion.
Psalm 22:1b
Mark 15:34

The Messiah would pray without ceasing before His
Psalm 22:2
Matthew 26:38-39

The Messiah would be despised and rejected by His own.
Psalm 22:6
Luke 23:21-23

The Messiah would be made a mockery.
Psalm 22:7
Matthew 27:39

Unbelievers would say to the Messiah, "He trusted in God, let Him now deliver Him."
Psalm 22:8
Matthew 27:41-43

The Messiah would know His Father from childhood.
Psalm 22:9
Luke 2:40

The Messiah would be called by God while in the womb.
Psalm 22:10
Luke 1:30-33

The Messiah would be abandoned by His disciples.
Psalm 22:11
Mark 14:50

The Messiah would be encompassed by evil spirits.
Psalm 22:12-13
Colossians 2:15

The Messiah's body would emit blood & water.
Psalm 22:14a
John 19:34

The Messiah would be crucified.
Psalm 22:14b
Matthew 27:35

The Messiah would thirst while dying.
Psalm 22:15a
John 19:28

The Messiah would thirst just prior to His death.
Psalm 22:15b
John 19:30

The Messiah would be observed by Gentiles at His crucifixion.
Psalm 22:16a
Luke 23:36

The Messiah would be observed by Jews at His crucifixion.
Psalm 22:16b
Matthew 27:41-43

Both the Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced.
Psalm 22:16c
Matthew 27:38

The Messiah's bones would not be broken.
Psalm 22:17a
John 19:32-33

The Messiah would be viewed by many during His crucifixion.
Psalm 22:17b
Luke 23:35

The Messiah's garments would be parted among the soldiers.
Psalm 22:18a
John 19:23-24

The soldiers would cast lots for the Messiah's clothes.
Psalm 22:18b
John 19:23-24

The Messiah's atonement would enable believers to receive salvation.
Psalm 22:22
Hebrews 2:10-12
Matthew 12:50
John 20:14

The Messiah's enemies would stumble and fall.
Psalm 27:2
John 18:3-6

The Messiah would be accused by false witnesses.
Psalm 27:12
Matthew 26:59-61

The Messiah would cry out to God "Into thy hands I commend my spirit."
Psalm 31:5
Luke 23:46

There would be many attempts to kill the Messiah.
Psalm 31:13
Matthew 27:1

The Messiah would have no bones broken.
Psalm 34:20
John 19:32-33

The Messiah would be accused by many false witnesses.
Psalm 35:11
Mark 14:55-59

The Messiah would be hated without cause.
Psalm 35:19
John 18:19-23
John 15:24-25

The Messiah would be silent as a lamb before His accusers.
Psalm 38:13-14
Matthew 26:62-63

The Messiah would be God's sacrificial lamb for redemption of all mankind.
Psalm 40:6-8a
Hebrews 10:10-13

The Messiah would reveal that the Hebrew scriptures were written of Him.
Psalm 40:6-8b
Luke 24:44
John 5:39-40

The Messiah would do God's (His Father) will.
Psalm 40:7-8
John 5:30

The Messiah would not conceal His mission from believing people.
Psalm 40:9-10
Luke 4:16-21

The Messiah would be betrayed by one of His own disciples.
Psalm 41:9
Mark 14:17-18

The Messiah would communicate a message of mercy.
Psalm 45:2
Luke 4:22

The Messiah's throne would be eternal.
Psalm 45:6-7a
Luke 1:31-33
Hebrews 1:8-9

The Messiah would be God.
Psalm 45:6-7b
Hebrews 1:8-9

The Messiah would act with righteousness.
Psalm 45:6-7c
John 5:30

The Messiah would be betrayed by one of His own disciples.
Psalm 55:12-14
Luke 22:47-48

The Messiah would ascend back into heaven.
Psalm 68:18a
Luke 24:51
Ephesians 4:8

The Messiah would give good gifts unto believing men.
Psalm 68:18b
Matthew 10:1
Ephesians 4:7-11

The Messiah would be hated and rejected without cause.
Psalm 69:4
Luke 23:13-22
John 15:24-25

The Messiah would be condemned for God's sake.
Psalm 69:7
Mat. 26:65-67

The Messiah would be rejected by the Jews.
Psalm 69:8a
John 1:11

The Messiah's very own brothers would reject Him.
Psalm 69:8b
John 7:3-5

The Messiah would become angry due to unethical practices by the Jews in the temple.
Psalm 69:9a
John 2:13-17

The Messiah would be condemned for God's sake.
Psalm 69:9b
Romans 15:3

The Messiah's heart would be broken.
Psalm 69:20a
John 19:34

The Messiah's disciples would abandon Him just prior to His death.
Psalm 69:20b
Mark 14:33-41

The Messiah would be offered gall mingled with vinegar while dying.
Psalm 69:21a
Matthew 27:34

The Messiah would thirst while dying.
Psalm 69:21b
John 19:28

The potters field would be uninhabited (Field of Blood).
Psalm 69:25
Acts 1:16-20

The Messiah would teach in parables.
Psalm 78:2

The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.
Psalm 80:17
Acts 5:31

The Messiah would come form the lineage of David.
Psalm 89:3-4
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would call God His Father.
Psalm 89:26
Matthew 11:27

The Messiah would be God's only "begotten" Son.
Psalm 89:27
Mark 16:6
Colossians 1:18
Revelation 1:5

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Psalm 89:29
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Psalm 89:35-36
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would be eternal.
Psalm 102:25-27a
Revelation 1:8
Hebrews 1:10-12

The Messiah would be the creator of all things.
Psalm 102:25-27b
John 1:3
Ephesians 3:9
Hebrews 1:10-12

The Messiah would calm the stormy sea.
Psalm 107:28-29
Matthew 8:24-26

The Messiah would be accused by many false witnesses.
Psalm 109:2
John 18:29-30

The Messiah would offer up prayer for His enemies.
Psalm 109:4
Luke 23:34

The Messiah's betrayer (Judas) would have a short life.
Psalm 109:8a
Acts 1:16-18
John 17:12

The Messiah's betrayer would be replaced by another.
Psalm 109:8b
Acts 1:20-26

The Messiah would be mocked by many.
Psalm 109:25
Mark 15:29-30

The Messiah would be Lord and King.
Psalm 110:1a
Mat. 22:41-45

The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.
Psalm 110:1b
Mark 16:19
Mat. 22:41-46

The Messiah would be a Priest after the order of Melchisedec.
Psalm 110:4
Hebrews 6:17-20

The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.
Psalm 110:5
1 Peter 3:21-22

The Messiah would be the "Stone" rejected by the builders (Jews).

Psalm 118:22


The Messiah would come in the name of the Lord.
Psalm 118:26
Matthew 21:9

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Psalm 132:11
Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.
Psalm 132:17
Matthew 1:1
Luke 1:68-70

Que tal Armando Ortega, un saludo.

En los sgtes post he dejado respuesta a ud:


Espero su respuesta, en caso que desee darla, lo cual me agradaría para así conocer más las bases de su creencia y el porqué de sus respuestas.

Dios le guarde...

Ernesto, sigo esperando la respuesta a mi preguntita: ¿QUIEN ES LUCIFER? el, que habla a traves de su ser.
Armando Ortega.

1.- Lees a tobi.
2.- Existe algo, primero que la nada.
3.- Nace algo o se crea de la nada.

O sea que en el cielo los salvos pudieran optar por ser homosexuales o ateos por ejemplo.

Claro que en el cielo se puede optar por cualquier condición, pues el libre alveldrio es eterno, mas este cielo esta solo reservado para los creyentes, pero en el caso insólito de que alguien desee hacerlo hay una cosa que no podrían hacer y es ser ateos. pues si usted toma una Biblia, podrá ver que Satanas y sus demonios pecaron y fueron destituidos de sus lugares, siendo angeles escogieron no seguir a Dios pero ademas de estos también esta escrito:

Santiago 2.11

Tú crees que Dios es uno; bien haces. También los demonios creen, y tiemblan.

Hola a todos hermanos

No puedo escribir mucho. Solo vine para decirle a Armando Ortega que MI PROFESOR DEWAYNE SHAPPLEY QUIERE QUE EL LE ESCRIBA AL E-MAIL:

Armando aqui esta el E-mail de Shappley: [email protected]

Escribele sobre el debate, pues El dice que si se desocupara un poco le gustaria leer algo de lo tuyo.

Lo otro es Armando, QUIERO ACLARARTE que eso de que Si tu fueras Mormon, Adventista o Testigo de Jehova, ciertamente Shappley no tendria inconveniente en debatir contigo y no estaria tan ocupado es: FALSO FALSO FALSO.

Debido a que el hermano Dewayne Shappley dia y noche , EL SOLO, tiene que preparar e imprimir material para ser enviado a Latinoamerica, el Caribe, U.S.A y algunas partes de Europa, estudios, tratados, panfletos etc etc.....e inclusive ahora tiene MUCHAS ORDENES DE ENVIO, se ve imposibiltado de debatir NO SOLO CON ATEOS, SINO TAMBIEN CON RELIGIOSOS EN GENERAL.
Asi que me ha dicho que le escribas y te identifiques, para ver si pueden pautar algo para el futuro cuando este mas holgado de trabajo.

Te repito el E-MAIL: [email protected]

Cuidate mucho Armando, Espero estes bien en todos los aspectos y te pido consideres a Tobi para tu debate. Pero tambien escribele a Dewayne Shappley.

Saludos cordiales,



Querido amigo: Cuando el forista Homo Erectus escribio preguntando que si en el cielo podian las personas optar por ser homosexuales o ateos por ejemplo, tu respuesta fue muy vaga, te propongo una mas contundente utilizando la misma Palabra de Dios:


"Y manifiestas son las obras de la carne, que son: adulterio, FORNICACION, INMUNDICIA, LASCIVIA, idolatria, hechicerias, enemistades, pleitos, celos, iras, contiendas, disensiones, HEREJIAS, envidias, homicidios, borracheras, ORGIAS, y cosas semejantes a estas; acerca de las cuales os amonesto, como ya os lo he dicho antes. QUE LOS QUE PRACTICAN TALES COSAS NO HEREDARAN EL REINO DE DIOS." (GALATAS 5:19)

Lee tambien en Romanos 1:18-32 ahi envuelve en ese pasaje tanto a ATEOS como a HOMOSEXUALES. AMBOS ABOMINADOS POR DIOS hasta que se arrepientan, si no lo hacen pues NO PODRAN ENTAR ARRIBA, PUES TODO LO DE ARRIBA ES SANTO. alla arriba no existira CONTAMINACION NI PECADO DE NINGUN TIPO.

Lo ultimo, la cita biblica que le diste, (Santiago 2:11) es INCORRECTA, permiteme con todo mi amor y en humildad corregirte, no para ensenarte nada, sino para que te edifiques con esto tanto como yo.


Paz de Cristo sea contigo

Para servirte siempre, en el amor de Crist Jesus:


P.D. Para quienes piensan que REALMENTE no quiero debatir, deben saber que Dewayne es uno de los 20 cristianos más "famosos" y reconocidos del mundo. Por eso quería el debate con él, o con Cristi-Ana asesorada por Dewayne.

Este mensaje captó MUCHISIMO mi atención, podría por favor darme un link de esta información, ya hay un "top-ten" de cristianos en el mundo.

Interesante. Qué criterios se utilizarán para ponerlos en ese "top-ten" o más bien "top-twenty".


Buenas noches amigos todos;

Acabo de salir de una reunion y estudio biblico y tengo informacion PARA ARMANDO ORTEGA:


Es el siguiente: [email protected]


Espero que encuentres este mensaje lo antes posible.

Un saludo para ti desde Puerto Rico

Para servirte:


Querido Rebonill LA Paz de Cristo sea contigo

Paso a darte la pagina que trabaja el Sr. Homero D. Shappley de Alamo, Evangelista de la Iglesia de Cristo, para que veas algunas de las razones del por que este varon es uno de los cristianos mas reconocidos del mundo ahora.

La pagina es:

Tiene para la gloria de Dios un conocimiento biblico extraordinario, ademas de varios doctorados en teologia. Sobre todo, predica la sana doctrina, llevando Su Biblia personal a modo de filtro a esa pagina usted podra comprobar que predica exactamente lo que dice la Escritura en su forma original, y no adulterada, como lo hace la mayoria del cristianismo apostata de hoy dia.

Espero puedas chekar su material y te sea de profundo beneficio.

El maneja una imprenta que despacha material como estudios, tratados, compendios etc a toda Latinoamerica, El Caribe, Estados Unidos y muchos paises de Europa. Esta obra es sufragada por la congregacion de la IGLESIA DE CRISTO a la cual pertenezco y en la que el Hermano Dewayne Shappley funge como Evangelista, aqui en la ciudad de Bayamon, Puerto Rico.

Un abrazo en el Senor y todo lo mejor para usted y los suyos

Sinceramente a su servicio, en el amor de Jesucristo:


Ernesto, sigo esperando la respuesta a mi preguntita: ¿QUIEN ES LUCIFER?
Armando Ortega.

Apenas puedo creerlo Ernesto Torres: en el mensaje #316 has falseado mis palabras AÑADIENDOLE "el que habla a traves de su ser" como si fueran palabras mías. Exijo una explicación. Esto es una artimaña que viola las reglas de honestidad del foro. Mira de nuevo los mensajes 308 y 316 para que veas la diferencia. ME ESTAS MOSTRANDO QUE SE VALE TODO CON TAL DE DEFENDER EL CRISTIANISMO? O ESTAS SIGUIENDO ORDENES DE JEHOVA?
Haces cualquier cosa con tal de evitar responder una pregunta tan simple como QUIEN ES LUCIFER?
Compañeros del foro: ¿estoy viendo visiones o realmente Ernesto recurrió a una trampa?
Armando Ortega.

Acabo de salir de una reunion y estudio biblico y tengo informacion...

Paso a darte la pagina que trabaja el Sr. Homero D. Shappley de Alamo, Evangelista de la Iglesia de Cristo, para que veas algunas de las razones del por que este varon es uno de los cristianos mas reconocidos del mundo ahora.

La pagina es:

Tiene para la gloria de Dios un conocimiento biblico extraordinario, ademas de varios doctorados en teologia. Sobre todo, predica la sana doctrina, llevando Su Biblia personal a modo de filtro a esa pagina usted podra comprobar que predica exactamente lo que dice la Escritura en su forma original, y no adulterada, como lo hace la mayoria del cristianismo apostata de hoy dia.

Espero puedas chekar su material y te sea de profundo beneficio.

El maneja una imprenta que despacha material como estudios, tratados, compendios etc a toda Latinoamerica, El Caribe, Estados Unidos y muchos paises de Europa. Esta obra es sufragada por la congregacion de la IGLESIA DE CRISTO a la cual pertenezco y en la que el Hermano Dewayne Shappley funge como Evangelista, aqui en la ciudad de Bayamon, Puerto Rico.

No se como la gente pierde el tiempo estudiando teologia. Que progreso humano, si alguno, ha logrado la teologia?

Los teologos son constructores de lo irreal y la supersticion.

Y si un teologo poco (tal vez nada) hace por el progreso humano imaginense un evangelista.

Pobre Puerto Rico. Algun dia alcanzara la cultura.