Re: Nombre de un miembro de tu Iglesia entre el siglo 2 y 15...??
Sabes inglés???
The fourth error, according to Peter the Venerable, was that the Petrobrusians denied sacrament l grace, including the doctrine of transubstantiation Peter of Bruys taught that Christ had never been born in the flesh and had never truly suffered and died, therefore, the Eucharist was without meaning.<REF name?mf?> “They deny, not only the truth of the body and blood of the Lord, daily and constantly offered in the church through the sacrament, but declare that it is nothing at all, and ought not to be offered to God. They say, Oh, people, do not believe the bishops, priests, or clergy who seduce you; who, as in many things, so in the office of the altar, deceive you when they falsely profess to make the body of Christ, and give it to you for the salvation of your souls."
Tú crees eso Vayikra????.......... por qué crees que solo quemaba cruces y no todas las imágenes???
Precisamente, murió en su propia hoguera de cruces....<REF name?pl? />
Vamos Strauss. ..portate serio... necesito el link de donde sacaste eso... ponlo por favor...o dime el libro y pagina de donde lo sacaste...¿es mucho pedir?
recuerda que me quieres llevar a la verdad...bien, necesito que lo hagas paso a paso...asi es que el link o URL por favor
Sabes inglés???
The fourth error, according to Peter the Venerable, was that the Petrobrusians denied sacrament l grace, including the doctrine of transubstantiation Peter of Bruys taught that Christ had never been born in the flesh and had never truly suffered and died, therefore, the Eucharist was without meaning.<REF name?mf?> “They deny, not only the truth of the body and blood of the Lord, daily and constantly offered in the church through the sacrament, but declare that it is nothing at all, and ought not to be offered to God. They say, Oh, people, do not believe the bishops, priests, or clergy who seduce you; who, as in many things, so in the office of the altar, deceive you when they falsely profess to make the body of Christ, and give it to you for the salvation of your souls."
Tú crees eso Vayikra????.......... por qué crees que solo quemaba cruces y no todas las imágenes???
Precisamente, murió en su propia hoguera de cruces....<REF name?pl? />