Re: Ellen White y el juicio de Israel Dammon
Respondo: Dios es un Dios de orden.
“El Señor quiere que sus servicios se caractericen por el orden y la disciplina, y no por la agitación y la confusión... Cuando los creyentes proclaman la verdad como está ejemplificada en Jesús, manifiestan una calma santa y serena, y no una tormenta de confusión”. Mensajes selectos (Mountain View, California: Publicaciones Interamericanas, 1969), 2: 40,41.
Aquí tienes a tus pioneritos gritando, cayendo al suelo, "riendose en el espíritu", hablando en lenguas, etc., etc.
"Singing, I saw, often drove away the enemy,
and shouting would beat him back". Ellen White 21 MR 238.1
"Last night I felt more of the power of God than I have at any one time for three years. Brethren Ingraham, Sanborn, and I were praying in another room. While a brother was anointing his wife, the room was filled with the power of God. I was standing, but with difficulty.
I fell upon my face, and cried and groaned under the power of God. Brethren Sanborn and Ingraham felt about the same.
We all lay on the floor under the power of God. We are perfectly free." James White to Ellen White, Nov. 6, 1860.
"Sunday the power of God came upon us like a mighty rushing wind. All arose upon their feet and praised God
with a loud voice; it was something as it was when the foundation of the house of God
was laid.
The voice of weeping could not be told from the voice of shouting. It was a triumphant time; all were strengthened and refreshed. I never witnessed such a powerful time before."
Ellen G. White to The Church in Brother Hastings' House, Nov. 7, 1850 (letter 28, 1850)
Sister Harris and Clarissa were set entirely free, and they prayed God with a loud voice.
The Spirit caused Clarissa to laugh aloud. James was healed every whit; the great distress he had had in his head was every whit removed, and he looked as though he had got the holy anointing. The fever and all pain left him, and he ate and was strengthened. He walked out upon his faith, harnessed his horse, and he and I went to Port Byron, one mile and a half and back. He gained strength very fast. He is quite strong today. Praise the good Lord."— Ellen White --Letter 12, 1850, p. 2. (To Brother and Sister Howland, August 15, 1850.) 5MR 239.1
"Just as the meeting closed, Sister Meade, who had been afflicted with a slow fever, requested us to pray for her. We went into a room by ourselves, Brethren Holt, Wheeler, Stowell, James, and self. After I had anointed her with oil we prayed over her, and she was healed every whit
and fell prostrate by the power of God. That night we got into a rowboat and went on the pond" 5MR 239.5
"Monday Nov. 19, we started on our journey, in full faith that God had taken Bro. Rhode's case into his own hands, and that he woul d come with us; for when God works, something is accomplished. As we journeyed on, we felt the presence of God and his attending angels. We did not have to go in to the wilderness; for Bro. Rhodes had come out a few days previous, and we found him at work in a
field, on a rise of ground on the east side of Black River. We told him that we had come in the name of the Lord to get him to go with us and see the brethren, and go with us into the Kingdom. God displayed his convincing power, and Bro.
Ralph spoke in a new tongue, and gave the interpretation in power, and in the demonstration of the Holy Ghost." HIRAM EDSON. Oswego, N. Y. Nov. 26, 1849
"There has been some division [in Connecticut] as to the time of beginning the Sabbath. Some commenced at sundown. Most, however, at 6:00 P.M. A week ago Sabbath we made this a subject of prayer.
The Holy Ghost came down; Brother Chamberlain was filled with the power. In this state he cried out in an unknown tongue. The interpretation followed, which was this: “Give me the chalk. Give me the chalk.” 1BIO 199.3
Well, thought I, if there is none in the house, then I shall doubt this, but in a moment a brother took down a good piece of chalk. Brother Chamberlain took it and in the power he drew this figure on the floor [a circle divided by crossing horizontal and vertical lines and the figures, 12, 3, 6, and 9 written in, as on the face of a clock]. 1BIO 199.4
This represents Jesus’ words. Are there not twelve hours in the day? This figure represents the day or the last half of the day. Daylight is half gone when the sun is south or halfway from each horizon, at twelve o’clock. Now go each way six hours, and you will get the twelve-hour day. At any time a year, the day ends at 6:00 P.M. Here is where the Sabbath begins at 6:00 P.M.—"
JW to “My Dear Brother,” July 2, 1848. 1BIO 199.5