¿Chico pero tu sabes inglés?Irrelevante que no sea mía. La refutación ahí está.
Voy a poner el cuestionamiento más interesante de todas las tonteria que dicen ahi:
- The false doctrine of Transubstantiation is contrary to Bible language. Remember, the supporters of this doctrine often argue: "He [Christ] didn't say it's a representation of his body and blood." So, we will now apply this faulty "reasoning" to other of Christ's statements found in the Scriptures and see how they weigh:
By using Catholicism's own faulty "reasoning," it is easy to show the foolishness and fallacy of such quibbles. In the passages cited above, Jesus used figures of speech (metaphors) in His teachings, just as He did when He instituted the memorial supper.
- When Jesus said, "I am the bread," (John 6:41) did He mean literal bread? Remember, as argued by supporters of this doctrine, He didn't say, "I am a representation of bread."
- When Jesus said, "I am the vine," (John 15:5) was He a literal vine? He didn't say, "I am a representation of a vine." Therefore, if Christ was a literal vine, then His disciples had to be literal branches, because He said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches."
- When Jesus said, "I am the door," (John 10:7,9) was He a literal door? He didn't say, "I am a representation of a door."
- When Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12) was He a literal shepherd? He didn't say, "I am a representation of a shepherd." We might also ask, were the "sheep," the "shepherd," and the "wolf" mentioned in these verses literal or figurative?
- When Jesus taught, in Matthew 5:13-14, "Ye are the light of the world," did He mean the disciples were literal lights? If so, I wonder what kind--candles, lamps, torches, etc. Remember, He didn't say, "Ye are a representation of light."
- When Jesus said, "Ye are the salt of the earth," did He mean they were table salt, rock salt, kosher salt, or block salt? Which? Let them tell us. Remember, He didn't say, "Ye are a representation of salt."
1.- La diferencia de "mi carne es COMIDA DE VERDAD y mi sangre es BEBIDA DE VERDAD" es que Jesús está advirtiendo en esas palabras que no estaba usando lenguaje figurativo.
2.- Y se puso bastante serio cuando le dijeron "quien puede soportar esta enseñanza", ante lo cual LO REITERÓ y prácticamente los corrió de allí a los mas de 100 potenciales discípulos, y les dijo a los restantes, a los 12 ¿ustedes también quieren largarse?
Jesús prefirió perder muchos discípulos potenciales a explicarles que aquello era "figurado".