Re: disidencia catolica
porque no fueron los evangelicos sino que fueron carismaticos y adventistas los que se dieron en ecumenismo
como podras notar aqui te coloco la lista de iglesias que integran el consejo mundial de iglesias y que estan en el ecumenismo:
Iglesias que lo forman [editar] Consejo Mundial de Iglesias [editar] Iglesias instituidas en África [editar]African Christian Church & Schools
African Church of the Holy Spirit
African Israel Nineveh Church
Church of Christ Light of the Holy Spirit
Church of Christ – Harris Mission (Harrist Church)
Church of Jesus Christ on Earth by His Special Envoy Simon Kimbangu
Church of the Lord (Aladura) Worldwide
Council of African Instituted Churches
Organization of African Instituted Churches
Iglesias anglicanas [editar]Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia
Anglican Church in Japan
Anglican Church of Australia
Anglican Church of Canada
Anglican Church of Kenya
Anglican Church of Korea
Anglican Church of Tanzania
Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de América
Church in the Province of the West Indies
Church in Wales
Church of Ceylon
Church of Christ in Congo – Anglican Community of Congo
Church of England
Church of Ireland
Church of Melanesia
Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
Church of the Province of Central Africa
Church of the Province of Myanmar
Church of the Province of Southern Africa
Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean
Church of the Province of West Africa
Church of Uganda
Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil
Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East
Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Episcopal Church in the USA
Episcopal Church of the Sudan
Lusitanian Church of Portugal
Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi
Province of the Episcopal Church in Rwanda
Scottish Episcopal Church
Iglesia Española Reformada Episcopal
United Evangelical Church "Anglican Communion in Angola"
Consejo Consultivo Anglicano
La Iglesia Asiria [editar]Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East
Iglesias Bautistas [editar]American Baptist Churches in the USA
Bangladesh Baptist Church Sangha
Asociación Bautista de El Salvador
Baptist Convention of Haiti
Convención Bautista de Nicaragua
Baptist Union of Denmark
Baptist Union of Great Britain
Baptist Union of Hungary
Baptist Union of New Zealand
Bengal-Orissa-Bihar Baptist Convention
Church of Christ in Congo – Baptist Community of Congo
Church of Christ in Congo – Protestant Baptist Church in Africa / Episcopal Baptist Community in Africa
Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches
Evangelical Baptist Church in Angola
Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy
Jamaica Baptist Union
Myanmar Baptist Convention
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
Native Baptist Church of Cameroon
Nigerian Baptist Convention
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches
Union of Baptist Churches in Cameroon
Iglesias Católicas no en Comunión con Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana [editar]Igreja Católica Apostólica Brasileira
Iglesia de la Exaltación de la Cruz, Argentina.
The Evangelical Charismatic Catholic Communion, Texas, USA
Mexican National Catholic Church, México, Texas, USA
Provincia en formación Católica tradicional de México.
Iglesia Católica Apostólica Mexicana
Iglesia Católica Apostólica de Argentina.
Iglesia Católica Apostólica de Colombia.
Église Catholique Apostolique du Canada.
Catholic Apostolic Church of Australia
Iglesia Católica Apostólica de España
Igreja Católica Apostólica Portuguesa
Discípulos de Cristo/Iglesias de Cristo [editar]Associated Churches of Christ in New Zealand
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Canada
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States
Church of Christ in Congo – Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo
Churches of Christ in Australia
Evangelical Church of the Disciples of Christ in Argentina
Iglesia de Cristo de España
Consejo Consultivo Ecuménico de los Discípulos
Convención Mundial de Iglesias de Cristo
Iglesias evangélicas [editar]Africa:
Africa Inland Church Sudan
Evangelical Alliance of Angola
Federation of Evangelical Churches and Missions of Bénin
Evangelical Fellowship of Botswana
Federation of Evangelical Churches and Missions of Burkina Faso
Association of Central African Evangelical Churches
Fellowship of Evangelical Churches and Missions in Chad
Evangelical Federation of Ivory Coast
Evangelical Churches Fellowship of Ethiopia
Evangelical Fellowship of the Gambia
National Association of Evangelicals of Ghana
Association of Evangelical Churches and Missions of Guinea
Evangelical Church of Guinea-Bissau
Evangelical Fellowship of Kenya
Association of Evangelicals of Liberia
Evangelical Fellowship of Malawi
Fellowship of Christian Churches in Mauritius
Association of Groupings of Protestant Evangelical Churches and Missions in Mali
Evangelical Association of Mozambique
Namibia Evangelical Fellowship
Nigeria Evangelical Fellowship
Evangelical Alliance of Rwanda
Evangelical Fellowship of Senegal
Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone
The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa
Sudan Evangelical Christian Association
Swaziland Conference of Churches
Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia
Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe
Special members: Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Tanzania and Uganda
Lao Evangelical Church
Australian Evangelical Alliance
National Christian Fellowship of Bangladesh
Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia
Evangelical Fellowship of India
Evangelical Fellowship of Indonesia
Japan Evangelical Association
Korea Evangelical Fellowship
National Evangelical Christian Fellowship Malaysia
Myanmar Evangelical Christian Fellowship
National Churches Fellowship of Nepal
Vision Network of New Zealand
Evangelical Fellowship of Pakistan
Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches
Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore
Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka
Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand
United Evangelical Association of Antigua & Barbuda
Barbados Evangelical Association
Dominica Association of Evangelical Churches
Dominican Evangelical Fraternity (Dominican Republic)
Guyana Evangelical Fellowship
Council of Evangelical Churches of Haiti
Jamaica Association of Evangelicals
St Croix Evangelical Ministers Association
St Kitts Evangelical Association
Fellowship of Gospel Preaching Churches (St Lucia)
Association of Evangelical Churches in St Vincent & the Grenadines
Trinidad & Tobago Council of Evangelical Churches
Caribbean Atlantic Regional Assembly of the Church of God
Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies
The Salvation Army Caribbean Territory
Albanian Evangelical Alliance
Austrian Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Alliance Flanders (Belgium)
Francophone Evangelical Alliance of Belgium
Bulgarian Evangelical Alliance
Protestant Evangelical Council in Croatia
Czech Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Alliance of Denmark
Estonian Evangelical Alliance
Finnish Committee for World Evangelization
French Evangelical Alliance
Alliance of Protestant and Evangelical Churches (FYRO Macedonia)
German Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Alliance of Greece
Hungarian Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Alliance Ireland
Italian Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Alliance of Kazakhstan
Latvian Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Alliance of Luxemburg
Evangelical Alliance of the Netherlands
Evangelical Alliance of Norway
Polish Evangelical Alliance
Portuguese Evangelical Alliance
Romanian Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Alliance Slovakia
Swedish Evangelical Alliance
Swiss Evangelical Alliance (German speaking)
Swiss Evangelical Alliance (French speaking)
The Alliance of Protestant Churches in Turkey
Evangelical Alliance of the United Kingdom
Serbian Evangelical Alliance
Latin America:
Argentine Alliance of Evangelical Churches
National Association of Evangelicals of Bolivia
Brazil National Alliance
Brazilian Evangelical Association
Evangelical Fraternity of Chile
Evangelical Confederation of Colombia
Evangelical Alliance of Costa Rica
Evangelical Fraternity of El Salvador
Evangelical Alliance of Guatemala
Evangelical Fraternity of Honduras
Mexican Evangelical Fraternity
Panamanian Evangelical Fraternity
Association of Pastors of Paraguay
Christian Association of Evangelical Churches of Uruguay
Evangelical Council of Venezuela
Middle East:
Cyprus Evangelical Alliance
The Fellowship of Evangelicals in Egypt
United Christian Council in Israel
North America:
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
National Association of Evangelicals (USA)
Evangelical Fellowship of Fiji
National Council of Evangelical Churches of Papua New Guinea
Samoa Evangelical Fellowship
South Sea Evangelical Church (Solomon Islands)
Tonga Evangelical Union
Amigos (Cuáqueros) [editar]Religious Society of Friends: Friends General Conference
Religious Society of Friends: Friends United Meeting
Comité Consultivo Mundial de la Sociedad de los Amigos
Iglesias luteranas [editar]Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Boliviana
Christian Protestant Angkola Church
Christian Protestant Church in Indonesia
Church of Norway
Church of Sweden
Church of the Augsburg Confession of Alsace and Lorraine
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brunswick
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oldenburg
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Württemberg
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mecklenburg
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony
EKD – Evangelical Lutheran Church of Schaumburg-Lippe
EKD – North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad
Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY)
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Austria
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia
Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil
Iglesia Evangélica del Rio de la Plata
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Chile
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Congo (ELCCo)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
Evangelical Lutheran Church of France
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania
Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Romania
Indonesian Christian Church (HKI)
Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad
Lutheran Church in Hungary
Lutheran Church in Liberia
Malagasy Lutheran Church (FLM)
Nias Christian Protestant Church
Protestant Christian Batak Church
Protestant Church in Sabah
Sínodo Luterano Salvadoreño
Silesian Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the Czech Republic
Simalungun Protestant Christian Church
Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia & Montenegro
Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida
United Evangelical Lutheran Church in India
Iglesias menonitas [editar]Mennonite Church in the USA
Church of Christ in Congo – Mennonite Community in Congo
Mennonite Church in Germany
Mennonite Church in the Netherlands
Congreso Mundial Menonita
Iglesias metodistas [editar]African Methodist Episcopal Church
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Iglesia Evangelica Metodista en Bolivia
Evangelical Methodist Church in Italy
Evangelical Methodist Church in the Philippines
Iglesia Evangelica Metodista Argentina
Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga
Methodist Church
Methodist Church Ghana
Methodist Church in Brazil
Iglesia Metodista en Cuba
Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma
Methodist Church in India
Methodist Church in Indonesia
Methodist Church in Ireland
Methodist Church in Kenya
Methodist Church in Singapore
Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas
Methodist Church in Zimbabwe
Methodist Church Nigeria
Iglesia Metodista de Chile
Iglesia Metodista de México
Methodist Church of New Zealand
Iglesia Metodista del Perú
Iglesia Metodista de Puerto Rico
Methodist Church of Samoa
Methodist Church of Southern Africa
Methodist Church of Togo
Iglesia Metodista en el Uruguay
Methodist Church Sierra Leone
Methodist Church, Upper Myanmar
Protestant Methodist Church of Benin
United Methodist Church
United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast
Consejo Metodista Mundial
Iglesias moravas [editar]European Continental Province of the Moravian Church
Moravian Church in America
Iglesia Morava en Nicaragua
Moravian Church in South Africa
Moravian Church in Tanzania
Moravian Church, Eastern West Indies Province
Consejo de Unidad Morava
Iglesias viejas católicas no en Comunión con Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana [editar]Catholic Diocese of the Old-Catholics in Germany
Old-Catholic Church in Austria
Old-Catholic Church in the Netherlands
Old-Catholic Church of Switzerland
Polish Catholic Church in Poland
Conferencia Internacional de Obispos Viejos Católicos
Iglesias ortodoxas (bizantinas) [editar]Church of Cyprus
Church of Greece
Ecumenical Patriarchate
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania
Orthodox Church in America
Orthodox Church in Japan
Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Orthodox Church of Finland
Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Poland
Romanian Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church
Serbian Orthodox Church
Iglesias ortodoxas (orientales) [editar]Armenian Apostolic Church (Holy See of Cilicia)
Armenian Apostolic Church (Mother See of Etchmiadzin)
Coptic Orthodox Church
Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East
Iglesias pentecostales [editar]Association The Church of God
Iglesia Cristiana Bíblica
Evangelical Pentecostal Mission of Angola
Iglesia de Misiones Pentecostales Libres de Chile
International Evangelical Church
Iglesia Pentecostal de Chile
Misión Iglesia Pentecostal
Fraternidad Mundial Pentecostal
Iglesias reformadas [editar]African Protestant Church
Association of Evangelical Reformed Churches of Burkina Faso
Christian Church of Central Sulawesi
Christian Church of Sumba
Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa
Christian Evangelical Church of Sangihe Talaud
Christian Reformed Church of Brazil
Church of Christ in Congo – Evangelical Community of Congo
Church of Christ in Congo – Presbyterian Community of Congo
Church of Christ in Congo – Presbyterian Community of Kinshasa
Church of Scotland
Congregational Christian Church in American Samoa
Congregational Christian Church in Samoa
Congregational Christian Church of Niue
Congregational Christian Church of Tuvalu
Cook Islands Christian Church
Czechoslovak Hussite Church
East Java Christian Church
EKD – Church of Lippe
EKD – Evangelical Reformed Church in Bavaria and North-Western Germany
Evangelical Christian Church in Halmahera
Evangelical Christian Church in Tanah Papua Evangelical Church in New Caledonia and the Loyalty Isles
Evangelical Church of Cameroon
Evangelical Church of Congo
Evangelical Church of Gabon
Evangelical Church of the Helvetic Confession
Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola
Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa
Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Egypt Synod of the Nile
Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Iran
Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Portugal
Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Togo
Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana
Evangelical Reformed Church of Angola
Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches
Greek Evangelical Church
Hungarian Reformed Church in America
Indonesian Christian Church (GKI)
Javanese Christian Churches
Kalimantan Evangelical Church
Karo Batak Protestant Church
Kiribati Protestant Church
Lesotho Evangelical Church
Maohi Protestant Church
Mara Evangelical Church
Mission Covenant Church of Sweden
National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon
Pasundan Christian Church
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian Church in Rwanda
Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
Presbyterian Church in Trinidad and Tobago
Presbyterian Church of Africa
Presbyterian Church of Aoteroa New Zealand
Presbyterian Church of Cameroon
Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia
Presbyterian Church of East Africa
Presbyterian Church of Ghana
Presbyterian Church of Korea
Presbyterian Church of Liberia
Presbyterian Church of Mozambique
Presbyterian Church of Nigeria
Presbyterian Church of Pakistan
Presbyterian Church of the Sudan
Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu
Presbyterian Church of Wales
Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada en Cuba
Protestant Christian Church in Bali
Protestant Church in Indonesia
Protestant Church in South-East Sulawesi
Protestant Church in the Moluccas
Protestant Church in Timor Lorosa’e
Protestant Church in Western Indonesia
Protestant Church of Algeria
Protestant Evangelical Church in Timor
Reformed Christian Church in Serbia & Montenegro
Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia
Reformed Church in America
Reformed Church in Hungary
Reformed Church in Romania
Reformed Church in Zambia
Reformed Church in Zimbabwe
Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine
Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria
Reformed Church of France
Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana de Guinea Ecuatorial
Remonstrant Brotherhood
Iglesia Evangélica Española
Toraja Church (Gereja Toraja)
Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East
Union of Welsh Independents
United Church of Christ - Congregational in the Marshall Islands
United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe
United Free Church of Scotland
United Presbyterian Church of Brazil
Waldensian Church
Consejo Ecuménico Reformado
Alianza Reformada Mundial
Iglesias unidas y en vías de unión [editar]Church of Bangladesh
Church of Christ in Thailand
Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM)
Church of North India
Church of Pakistan
Church of South India
EKD – Bremen Evangelical Church
EKD – Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Oberlausitz
EKD – Evangelical Church in Baden
EKD – Evangelical Church in Hessen and Nassau
EKD – Evangelical Church in Rhineland
EKD – Evangelical Church of Anhalt
EKD – Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck
EKD – Evangelical Church of the Palatinate
EKD – Evangelical Church of the Province of Saxony
EKD – Evangelical Church of Westphalia
EKD – Pomeranian Evangelical Church
Evangelical Church in Germany
Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
Korean Christian Church in Japan
Protestant Church in the Netherlands
United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
United Church in Papua New Guinea
United Church in the Solomon Islands
United Church of Canada
United Church of Christ
United Church of Christ in Japan
United Church of Christ in the Philippines
United Church of Zambia
United Congregational Church of Southern Africa
United Protestant Church
United Protestant Church of Belgium
United Reformed Church
Uniting Church in Australia
Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa
Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa
Iglesias libres e independientes [editar]China Christian Council
Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren in Nigeria (EYN)
International Council of Community Churches
Philippine Independent Church
Polish National Catholic Church
lastima pero casi todas son de las sectas evangelicas
si notas que por alli no esta la iglesia adventista?