-----Mensaje original-----
De: Gershon Salomon [mailto:gershon@templemountfaithful.org]
Enviado el: lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2001 18:27
Para: tmf@topica.com
Asunto: Sukkoth 2001 Event
With the Help of Gd
The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful MovementJochanan
4, P.O.Box 18325 Jerusalem, Israel Tel: 6251112 Tel/fax 6251113
You are
invited to participate in
Laying and Annointing
Two Cornerstones for the Third Temple
Feast of
Tabernacles, Thursday 4th October 2001, 09:30 AM
We shall meet at the
Western Wall plaza close to the western (Mugrabi)
gate of the Temple Mount.
You are invited to march with The Temple Mount and Land of Israel
Faithful Movement to the Temple Mount and to participate in the ceremony
of the anointing of the two cornerstones for the Third Temple.
The cornerstone for the Third Temple which The Temple Mount Faithful
brought to the southern wall and gates of the Temple Mount on Tisha b'Av
aroused great fear in the enemies of Israel, shocked them and caused an
"earthquake" in the Middle East and all over the world. At the same time
it excited everyone in the world especially those whose eyes are lifted
in love to the G-d, the people and the land of Israel, Zion and
Jerusalem. All of this again showed that the destiny of the people and
land of Israel and all the world will be decided on the Temple Mount.
The godly historical campaign of The Temple Mount and Land of Israel
Faithful Movement will continue with the help of G-d and His presence
even more intensively until the victory will come, the end-time temple
of G-d will be built and He will dwell there among and in the midst of
His people and all the world. This great moment is soon to come.
The weight of each of the cornerstones is 4.5 tonnes. They are marble
very similar to the stones of the Second Temple which have been prepared
without the use of iron implements. The Movement's architect will
present the first plans for the Third Temple as well as a large model.
The golden altar of incense will also be carried and vessels for the
Third Temple. Priests dressed in the original Biblical garments will
lead the event followed by Levites playing musical instruments and then
many pilgrims and marchers.
This exciting event will start by marching to the Temple Mount, a holy
day gathering and prayer and swearing faithfulness to the G-d and land
of Israel. After this we will all march to the City of David in front of
the southern gates of the Temple Mount. In the same palace where King
David anointed the Ark of the Covenant for the First Temple we will
anoint the two cornerstones and present the plans for Third Temple, the
vessels and other items to the public. There we shall pray the same
prayers of King Solomon when he dedicated the First Temple in an
exciting ceremony. From here we shall march together with the
cornerstones to the Pool of Siloam to perform the Biblical Ceremony of
Nisuch Ha'maiim. In Biblical times the pilgrims, priests and kings
marched to the Pool of Siloam to draw water which was then poured out on
the altar in the temple and praying for a year with rains and G-d's
blessings. It was one of the most exciting events during this feast in
Biblical times.
This historical event will take place on Thursday 4th October 2001, the
third day of Sukkoth, at 09:30 AM. We shall meet at the Western Wall
plaza close to the western (Mugrabi) gate of the Temple Mount.
The event has the approval of the Israeli authorities and will be
protected by the Israel security forces.
Israel, the Chosen People of Gd, is now living in the most exciting and
critical time in their history. These are the godly, prophetic end-times
and Gd is redeeming the people of Israel. The biggest dream and vision
of the Gd and people of Israel is becoming a reality in the great time
in which we are living in the sight of all nations. The attacks of the
enemies of Israel cannot stop the determination of the G-d of Israel to
bring about all His prophetic end-time plans with the people and land of
Israel. Soon they will be defeated and punished under the judgement of
G-d exactly as happened to all the enemies of Israel over the last 4000
years since G-d called Abraham, the father of Israel, to this eternal
vision and mission. In G-d's end-time agenda with regard to the land of
Israel there is only place for His people, Israel, and not for any of
its enemies who want to steal the land from the people of G-d.
Blessed are the friends and allies of Israel from all over the world
whose hearts and eyes are open to understand and accept what Gd is doing
with Israel at this great time. The G-d of Israel will bless them richly
exactly as He promised Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you." When
Gd said to the nations "Love Me through My people, Israel", He knew how
much it would be needed and especially in our time when Israel is again
surrounded by so many enemies who are trying to destroy this great
prophetic end-time dream and vision. Together with you we shall tell
them that they have no chance because only the Gd of Israel controls the
destiny of Israel and He is determined to accomplish His end-time plans
with the people and land of Israel and then with all the nations. The
foundation of the State of Israel in 1948 opened this godly end-time
scenario and prophecy became a reality, also when Gd started to regather
the Jewish people from all over the world to the land which He gave to
Israel in an eternal covenant. Now it is the time to rebuild the House
of Gd on the holy Temple Mount, the location of the First and Second
temples. Gd is ready for this and He expects Israel to re-liberate the
Temple Mount from the pagan Arab worshippers and to rebuild His house to
again be the heart, soul and focus of Israel and all the nations. The
Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement has decided to wait no
more and to bring the Gd of Israel back to His rebuilt house on Mt.
Moriah in the midst of the life of Israel and all the world and to make
the word in Isaiah a reality in our lifetime:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the
Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall
be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. And many
people shall go and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his
ways, and we will walk in his paths; for from Zion shall go forth Torah,
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the
nations, and shall decide for many people; and they shall beat their
swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation
shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any
more. O house of Jacob, come, and let us walk in the light of the Lord."
(Isaiah (2:2-5)
Come and see for yourself what Gd is doing with Israel at this great
time and be a part of this major vision end-time event. The G-d of
Israel promised: "My house will be a house of prayer for all nations"
and He expects you to be a part of the campaign for the rebuilding for
the house of G-d at a time when it is so needed. We are looking forward
to meeting you on this godly event.
Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement
P.O. Box 18325
Yochanan Horkanos 4
Jerusalem 91182 Israel
http://www.templemountfaithful.org <http://www.templemountfaithful.org>