Hay iras que son buenas ...

19 Febrero 2001
Now They're Killing Teenage Girls

Last week, Palestinian militants linked to Yasser Arafat forced a boy to denounce his mother as an Israeli collaborator. Then they dragged the mother of seven into the street and shot her like a dog. Evidently, they enjoyed the experience so much they picked out an 18 year old Palestinian girl and charged her with collaborating with Israel. As in the case of her aunt, the Palestinians seized her brother first. After he implicated her, he was released. The victim, 18 year-old Rajah Ibrahim was the niece of the woman murdered last week. Her sister, who is the mother of the two arrested Thursday, was also interrogated, but was released after admitting her collaboration with Israel. She said that the admitted to the charges after being tortured. The 18 year old niece was taken to the street by members of the al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade, where she too was shot down like a rabid dog. The silence of the internatinonal community is deafening.


Los valientes "guerrilleros" palestinos matan ahora a jovencitas y mujeres.

¿Dónde están los reclamos airados de la comunidad internacional (ONU, U.E., Amnestía Internacional, etc.)?

Oramos por la conversión de los asesinos. Y si no se convierten, decimos ...

"¡Ah, miserables! Dios les pague conforme a sus obras, a los asesinos y a los que callan".

Seguimos esperando el día de la venganza de Jehová.


PD: ¡Uuups! Este mensaje debería haber sido puesto en la sección de profecía, donde hubiera quedado escondido por los siglos de los siglos.
No creas, Pablo
Esa sección la lee no poca gente
Más que Amnistía Internacional, debería ser Amnesia Internacional



Es importante mostrar estas noticias :O para que asi vean que la ira y la violencia y barbarie estan en ambos bandos

Para que nadie use a Dios como pretexto politico