
Richard Brothers
Richard Brothers (1757-1824), British religious fanatic, was born in Newfoundland on Christmas day, 1757, and educated at Woolwich. He entered the navy and served under Keppel and Rodney. In 1783 he became lieutenant, and was discharged on half-pay. He travelled on the continent, made an unhappy marriage in 1786, and again went to sea. But he felt that the military calling and Christianity were incompatible and abandoned the former (1789). Further scruples as to the oath required on the receipt of his half-pay reduced him to serious pecuniary straits (1791), and he divided his time between the open air and the workhouse, where he developed the idea that he had a special divine commission, and wrote to the king and the parliament to that effect. In 1793 he declared himself the apostle of a new religion, "the nephew of the Almighty, and prince of the Hebrews, appointed to lead them to the land of Canaan." At the end of 1794 he began to print his interpretations of prophecy, his first book being A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times. In consequence of prophesying the death of the king and the end of the monarchy, he was arrested for treason in 1795, and confined as a criminal lunatic.

His case was, however, brought before parliament by his ardent disciple, Nathaniel Halhed, the orientalist, a member of the House of Commons, and he was removed to a private asylum in Islington. Here he wrote a variety of prophetic pamphlets, which gained him many believers, amongst them William Sharp, the engraver, who afterwards deserted him for Joanna Southcott. Brothers, however, had announced that on the 19th of November 1795 he was to be "revealed" as prince of the Hebrews and ruler of the world; and when this date passed without any such manifestation, what enthusiasm he had aroused rapidly dwindled, despite the fact that some of his earlier political predictions (e.g. the violent death of Louis XVI.) had been fulfilled. He died in London on the 25th of January 1824, in the house of John Finlayson, who had secured his release, and who afterwards pestered the government with an enormous claim for Brothers's maintenance. The supporters of the Anglo-Israelite theory claim him as the first writer on their side.

¡O sea que el don de la profecía no existe más!

¡O sea que el don de la profecía no existe más!

Por supuesto que existe, y esta mas vigente que nunca, porque los dias se estan acortando, y el que a de venir vendrá y no tardará.
Lo dijo Jehova mi Dios:
Derramarë de mí espiritu sobre toda carne, y vuestros hijos y vuestras hijas profetizaran. Notese lo que dice: Hijos e hijas, no habla de un hijo o de una sola hija, como dicen algunos por ertos lados, y que enseñan en sus templos, que el Espiritu de Profecía, esta en una mujer, a quien tienen por profeta. Doctrina falsa.

Así se descubre a si misma como falsa, esta que se llama y a la que llaman profeta:

"Al coincidir varias o muchas infracciones similares contra nuestra herencia divina de la libertad, cuyo principio supremo es el amor a Dios y al prójimo, se va construyendo nuestro destino según la ley de siembra y cosecha. No es nuestro prójimo el que manda lo que nos pasa, no es él el que nos transmite algo que no nos pertenece, sino que todo lo que nos pasa es la consecuencia directa de lo que hemos introducido en nuestra alma, en el cosmos material, y también en los astros de los planos de purificación, donde vivirá el alma después de la muerte del cuerpo físico. Por lo tanto, cada hombre está en comunicación con sus propias emisiones o grabaciones, con las constelaciones planetarias correspondientes al volumen de sus frecuencias. Si un alma va a encarnarse saliendo de su contexto causal en los planos de purificación, que es su hábitat actual, entonces en los diferentes planetas, que se juntan en constelaciones planetarias especiales condensadas, y que van a un punto culminante, se activan las grabaciones de su vida terrenal anterior que constituyen el camino del alma a la encarnación. En el alma que inicia una nueva vida terrenal empiezan a activarse paso a paso estas grabaciones que son energías. Esto constituye entonces la cadena causal del alma y en lo sucesivo del hombre en el cual se ha encarnado".

Se trata de Gabriele, de Vida Universal...http://www.universelles-leben.org/cms/es/profecia/publicaciones/cuadernos/nr-6.html
