the matrix


5 Diciembre 2006
His message began as follows: Destroy The Matrix. Imagine that you are playing the video game "The age of empires" and a powerful mind that wants to make you lose makes you believe that you are not playing that video game but "Enter the matrix". And you say "oh what a fool I was, now I woke up from the lie and I know the truth". But you don't see that following the rules of Enter the Matrix you are losing in The bird of empires which was what you were always playing. The second time he was fooled and not the first. Exactly that happens every time they change our faith and make us believe that traditionally the God we believed in all our lives, i.e. Yahweh, is actually an evil demiurge that made us to torture us and feed himself. Don't you see that this is basically fulfilling the most basic and elementary objective of the devil? That we lose faith, a sinequanon condition to continue on the game board. And so, without faith or love for God but now with hatred because he eats us, we are left unprotected, without escorts, vulnerable to the sadistic evil of the adversary of men. "For without faith we cannot please him" says the Word. Everything is about having faith that does not come from nothing, it is a wave that is caught.... This was the heart of the message that Elisandro Roth covered the internet and every column, wall and marquee in his city that he could after the theophany he had. And it began with the center of his message trying to neutralize the attention deficit that the same matrix injected to anyone who approached his message and not satisfied with this, he tried to erase it from the internet user's memory. The story began like this: Elisandro was on the riverbank surfing the Internet with his cell phone on the day the Matrix 4 trailer was released. He opened it and started to watch it just when the sky gained his attention because he saw that it opened, and in spirit he was transported there, where he saw indescribable colors that detailed with all brilliance, an exquisite decoration and luxury. Everything seemed to have life and not only the plants and flowers that decorated the place. In front of him there was a huge mirror beautifully framed, next to it there was a being that with a beautiful voice said: Pay attention son of man to what you are going to see now. In the mirror appeared a young man named Tomas, about 30 years old. Just like him. In a second he saw his whole life, within human errors he was a good person, more spiritual than materialistic, many times betrayed and he never took revenge, he was a serious and committed seeker of the truth. He had been in a hundred sects and from all of them he had escaped from the devil's clutches. Because his faith was unalterable but something Trojan overcame him and it was the movie The Matrix. That obsessed him from the beginning and little by little he began to accept that the metaphor of the movie was more and more literal. Under the differential threshold he began to deny the bible and the goodness of God. For if the Matrix were true, Yahweh would be the evil demiurge of the Gnostics. In his mind the forces of light showed him clearly and made him understand that he was in error, but he ignored it, rejecting the ray of light that wanted to save him. And not only to take care of the shelf where his ego sits, but because he already had great plans with that same error as the cornerstone. Blind, he could not see that in his path as a spiritual seeker he had the "lost horizons" exactly like the protagonist of that movie, and like most of the leaders of the new era, blind leading the blind. Tomas' idea was not his own but had been induced by the evil forces that used him and for years had him in their sights to trap him and with him to trap many more. And there is nothing new under the sun because this is infinitely used by the higher spheres that use their callers, like children hunting birds. The idea was to create a spiritual movement, on the Internet first, based on the movie The Matrix, in this company he was not alone but his best friend accompanied him, she had already been possessed partially before and had helped to possess him or rather to strip him of his own body. And so he went to sleep with his soul with the power of a match because true faith and love for God were the fuel that was already mortally scarce. And at the lowest point of his weakness, suddenly a horrible sensation invaded him, something wanted to get inside him and from within wanted to pull him out of himself. After a great struggle and unspeakable suffering, the evil force overcame him. The evil force overcame him and managed to push him out. Where he felt the cold, the horror and the greatest pain of his life while he heard the new owner of his body exclaim: This is superior to LSD. Outside his own body, the last place you can be thrown out of, was when he saw Elisandro and the angel behind the mirror. Why is this happening to me? he asked them. You don't know? replied the angel. Because of believing in the novelty of the Matrix, you lost faith in the true God. And you were marked and went on, aware of your mistake. Some demons dragged you away. And they locked you up in a kind of concentration camp in the etheric plane where there were thousands of souls who, by making a mortal cast with their faith and the latest spiritual world news, ended up there in a state of asininity, depressed, crying. While a usurper of the grossest lower astral took all their life, goods, knowledge, past and future. The sorcerers, the boastful homosexuals, the abortionists, the politicians who sell their people to be abducted by aliens, were the culprits of this parasitism that is occurring on the planet by the systematic destruction of faith from different angles, but they were not the worst ones, they were the "good ones" because as Luther King said: the worst of all is not the action of the bad ones, but the silence of the good ones. All with arms folded. "It's the apocalypse, what am I going to do? You should do a lot because you are passively part of the problem. -But he was a good person? I asked the angel. He didn't deserve that. But the angel replied: By the reckoning of the universe all mankind is as one man and he is so far from God and his ways and his sin is so great that by collective karma even good people can perish. -But the bible says "the soul that sins that one shall die". - Yes but the dark ones are more energetic in fighting to keep the word from being fulfilled than the believers are in making it happen. If mankind moves further and further away the darkness can destroy everything. Do you see how dangerous is every person looking at pornography on their cell phone? Besides that Thomas as a second chance was told that it was a mistake, but he was so in love with his speech that he went on demonstrating how irrational he is. Pure ego. Pure emotion. You should tell all this to mankind. Why did he fall out and I fell in? It is as if the dividing line that divides the side of good and evil in the totality of souls passed right between the two of you. But it was not by your merits that you are here but you are like the product of all the good works and deeds of mankind that were enough to awaken the mercy of God and to command him to perform this blessed enterprise where you must tell all this to the world to destroy that old lie with a new mold, or matrix. To prevent everything from being destroyed as they so much desire. Of course, the matrix will not stand idly by and watch the chicks escape, they will try to block you, and we will be there blocking them, in a multidimensional war. The celestial one that is identical to the world one that is identical to the neuronal one in the brain of each one of us. Genes nefilims verdus genés of God. And I must destroy the most awaited and well promoted movie in the history of cinema with the most powerful publicity apparatus in the world?! The angel smiled. No. Humanity is full of witches, abortionists, Satanists, drug addicts, corrupt, homosexuals, adulterers, terrorists, who because their souls have already been burned must be caught, but there are also many people who are good and deserve a second chance, for that tiny amount it will be your job. And with this tiny amount will be enough for God to win the eternal dispute with the devil about the moral quality of man. You should also know that it was not only the light that enabled this mission but also the excesses of the dark ones in their eagerness that no one be saved. For they often block the light that God sends. But they only make God predestine more souls to salvation. How many times the errors of evil saved humanity. -Like when they killed Jesus. -Right. There is light at the end of the tunnel, this might seem depressing but there might not even be that light at the end. You do everything you can, the rest is up to us. Movies are never "just movies" and this one in particular is like the matriceria that exponentially destroys faith in humanity, doesn't it seem coincidental that this new installment comes out just a generation later? It's a real second crop. -You would be like my Morpheus. But who is my Smith? - "The enemies of the son of man are his own family," said Jesus Christ. - I knew it. I always knew it. -They will chase you exactly like Smit chases Neo through the matrix...
And who would be my Trinity. I asked you that I, like Tomas, never had a partner.
- "They did not defile themselves with women." In reality the people of God are the bride, Israel, The heavenly Jerusalem, the soul who is always "woman", with Whom the spirit who is always "man" marries. Christ, The spirit marrying the soul: Israel.
-A question: If God is the absolute boss, why does He allow people to be stunned so that the message does not reach them if it is His will? -He allows it so that you, being part of the same stunned humanity, will ask and demand God not to allow it anymore. And thus earn God's help, deliverance and mercy. The adversary, detractor, infernal accuser will be well silenced. Manacled. Suffocated by the same light of humanity that wants to darken. All are one. Head your message with the heart of the message will be very effective. You should also know that you can destroy the diabolical matrix to destroy humanity locked in your room. - From the Internet. - Or the internet. With your imagination. -Like the end of Dark City. -Right. Well focused. - And we can all do this? -The more holiness and perfection the more integrated you are with God and that's more power. If a sinner imagines that he will achieve nothing, if someone humanly impeccable does it, the physical structures of the illuminati facilities will crumble. They know this. -You will take and all those souls will perish. That depends on you and the reaction of the people reading this message. Heaven also uses statistics... And that is how this message got here and the end of this and what will become of the world depends on you and how seriously you take this. Don't do like Thomas, don't follow white rabbits to never never land, follow God and Jesus. They are the only true source of light. You liked the "story" do not pay us with a pagan like this: make peace with God, repent and with clear accounts imagine that God, Jesus and angels bombard with missiles of light, truth, justice and truth to the devil's machinery to destroy the souls that we could well call "the matrix". God, Jesus and the generations to come will be very grateful. As someone said Life depends on insignificant things but it is very important that one does them.... And take care of your traditional faith, the one of all life with tooth and nail, that Jesus said that in the end pure traps, Faith is the first law and the love of God. And no one changes the laws of a game on the end. Faith at the beginning and faith at the end. God bless you. praise God Yahweh and Cristorey.