18 Octubre 2008

LIMA - PERU 2008​

El Ministerio Internacional “Marcelino Salazar”, esta organizado un evento de gran convocatoria dirigido por la Profeta Yris de Salazar, denominado III Congreso Internacional de Mujeres Lima – 2008, bajo el lema “El Banquete de la reina Esther”, los días 23, 24, 25 de Octubre, en el Centro de Convenciones del Hotel “María Angola” sito, en la Calle Shell 580 en el distrito de Miraflores.

Evento que se realiza en nuestra nación, por tercera vez, y ha alcanzado una gran convocatoria a nivel nacional. En los congresos realizados en años pasados contamos con la participación de mujeres del interior de nuestra patria, y para esta oportunidad esperamos una mayor concurrencia.

Ahora más que nunca las mujeres están siendo llamadas para poder alcanzar sus sueños, y los de nuestra nación.

Tendremos como expositoras a las profetas: Alexandra Quezada (Costa Rica); Apóstol Mory de Gonzáles (Guatemala); Apóstol Marlyn Arroyo (Puerto Rico); Profeta Ninfa de Hasler (Honduras); Pastora Teresa de Gómez (Perú); Mariluz Cristóbal (Perú). Y en concierto Julissa (Puerto Rico) y Ka tty Eliza (Ecuador).

Es nuestro deseo invitarle a usted y a su iglesia a este magno evento; donde Dios soltará los remas proféticos y activará nuestras vidas y ministerio a entrar a un nuevo nivel de fe y de revelación, por lo tanto prepárese para el gran evento poderoso que Usted no podrá perderse. :yelrotflm

El costo de la congreso es de S/.35.00 Nuevos Soles (Antes del 20 de Octubre y de s/. 50.00 Nuevos soles a partir del 20 de Octubre; este costo incluye todo el material del congreso. Para cualquier información, llámenos a los siguientes teléfonos: 2248210 / 476-1234. Visítenos a nuestra pagina web : [email protected]
E-mail : [email protected] :program:


You can hardly get out of bed in the morning. Maybe you hate your job, and every day you spend there sucks another ounce of life-blood out of you. Or your relationship hasn't been fulfilling for a very long time. You are so ready for a change. But what exactly should you do about it?If you believe you need a change, you're aion power leveling probably right. But just what does that mean? Whether it's your relationship or your job, you do have options, and they are not limited to "Should I stay or should I leave?"Before you jump ship, check if it's the ship that's broken or if you simply haven't figured out how to work with it effectively.EVE ISKMaybe you really do need to leave. And if so, there are steps you can take to minimize any risk and trauma from that experience aion powerleveling and maximize your chances that you will really find the greener pastures you've been hoping for.But maybe there are simply a few aspects of your job that aren't working, and you may be able to fix them and find yourself already in the job of your dreams.The same is true for a relationship. Some relationships have been damaged beyond repair and so the merciful thing to do would be to end Maple Story mesos them and give both partners the opportunity to connect with someone who is much more appropriate for them.But then again, maybe a series of misunderstandings and hurt feelings have led to a rift that can be repaired if the partners learn how to communicate more effectively and commit to giving their relationship another chance.How will you know? Take a close look. Consider working with a coach. A coach can help you gain valuable perspective so you have a better sense as to which option might be right. She can also provide support as you work towards making the job Lineage 2 adena -- or the relationship -- you already have work much better for you. And, of course, she will hold you accountable so you will stick with the action plan you have committed to.