Buscando amigos que quieran mejorar su inglés

Jaime Batalla

Recién registrado
18 Noviembre 2019
Soy un hablante nativo de inglés y mi inglés es mucho mejor que el promedio. Quisiera mejorar mi español con otros cristianos que quisieran lo mismo con respecto a su inglés.

Creo yo que le agradaría muchísimo a Dios si nos ayudamos unos a otros de esta manera. No creo que le importe el tema siempre y cuando tenga algo que ver con Él y Su voluntad. Así que, ¿por qué no comenzamos con el tema más importante de todas? La salvación.

Sí sé que es un tema muy polémico. Sin embargo, mi experiencia con el aprendizaje de un idioma me ha demostrado que los temas polémicos no nos aburren. No aburrirse es muy importante cuando se trata de aprender un idioma.

Sin embargo, la Biblia dice: “El siervo del Señor no debe ser contencioso, sino afable para con todos, apto para enseñar, sufrido; que con mansedumbre corrija a los que se oponen; si quizá Dios les dé que se arrepientan para conocer la verdad” (2 Timoteo 2:24-25). Entonces Dios nos ha dado el poder de estar de desacuerdo respetuosamente.

Entonces, si no les importa, voy a empezar diciendo que no somos salvos solo por creer Jesús murió por nuestros pecados. ¿Qué opinan ustedes?

Por cierto, la mejor forma de corregir errores lingüisticas es repetir la pregunta o el commentario que va a responder. Por ejemplo, tú deberías empezar tu respuesta a mi afirmación con respecto a la salvación diciendo:

Jaime, tú dijiste: “La salvación no es solo por creer Jesús murió por nuestros pecados.”

Es mi deber como estudiante notar que él escribió “la salvación” en vez de “el salvación”. También notaré que todos ustedes hicieron lo mismo. Entonces me corrijo a mi mismo (conscientemente o inconscientemente) si pongo atención a como ustedes dicen las cosas. Funcionará de la misma manera por ustedes que leen lo que escribo yo en inglés. El hecho de que repetimos algo en nuestro propio idioma revela que algo estuvo incorrecto.

Así que, repito, el salvación no es solo por creer Jesús murió por nuestros pecados. ¿Qué opinan ustedes?
Buen día hermano, ok

How much do we believe from the heart? Draw nigh to God, and God will draw nigh to you. This means to be much with the Lord in prayer. When those who have educated themselves in skepticism and have cherished unbelief, weaving questioning doubts into their experience, are under conviction of the Spirit of God, they see it to be their personal duty to confess their unbelief. They open their hearts to accept the light sent them and throw themselves by faith over the line from sin to righteousness, from doubt to faith. They consecrate themselves unreservedly to God, to follow His light in the place of the sparks of their own kindling. As they maintain their consecration, they will see increased light and the light will continue to grow brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.

The unbelief which is cherished in the soul has a bewitching power. The seeds of doubt that they have been sowing will produce their harvest but they must continue to dig up every root of unbelief. When these poisonous plants are pulled up, they cease to grow for want of nourishment in word and action. The soul must have the precious plants of faith and love put in the soil of the heart and enthroned there.

Can we not understand that the most costly thing in the world is sin? It is at the expense of purity of conscience, at the cost of losing the favor of God and separating the soul from Him, and at last losing heaven. The sin of grieving the Holy Spirit of God and walking contrary to Him has cost many a one the loss of his soul. FW 17.3

Who can measure the responsibilities of the influence of every human agent whom our Redeemer has purchased at the sacrifice of His own life? What a scene will be presented when the judgment shall sit and the books shall be opened to testify the salvation or the loss of all souls! It will require the unerring decision of One who has lived in humanity, loved humanity, given His life for humanity, to make the final appropriation of the rewards to the loyal righteous, and the punishment of the disobedient, the disloyal, and unrighteous. The Son of God is entrusted with the complete measurement of every individual's action and responsibility. To those who have been partakers of other men's sins and have acted against God's decision, it will be a most awfully solemn scene

By rebellion and apostasy man forfeited the favor of God; not his rights, for he could have no value except as it was invested in God's dear Son. This point must be understood. He forfeited those privileges which God in His mercy presented him as a free gift, a treasure in trust to be used to advance His cause and His glory, to benefit the beings He had made. The moment the workmanship of God refused obedience to the laws of God's kingdom, that moment he became disloyal to the government of God and he made himself entirely unworthy of all the blessings wherewith God had favored him. FW 21.1

This was the position of the human race after man divorced himself from God by transgression. Then he was no longer entitled to a breath of air, a ray of sunshine, or a particle of food. And the reason why man was not annihilated was because God so loved him that He made the gift of His dear Son that He should suffer the penalty of his transgression. Christ proposed to become man's surety and substitute, that man, through matchless grace, should have another trial—a second probation—having the experience of Adam and Eve as a warning not to transgress God's law as they did. And inasmuch as man enjoys the blessings of God in the gift of the sunshine and the gift of food, there must be on the part of man a bowing before God in thankful acknowledgment that all things come of God. Whatever is rendered back to Him is only His own who has given it. FW 21.2

Man broke God's law, and through the Redeemer new and fresh promises were made on a different basis. All blessings must come through a Mediator. Now every member of the human family is given wholly into the hands of Christ, and whatever we possess—whether it is the gift of money, of houses, of lands, of reasoning powers, of physical strength, of intellectual talents—in this present life, and the blessings of the future life, are placed in our possession as God's treasures to be faithfully expended for the benefit of man. Every gift is stamped with the cross and bears the image and superscription of Jesus Christ. All things come of God. From the smallest benefits up to the largest blessing, all flow through the one Channel—a superhuman mediation sprinkled with the blood that is of value beyond estimate because it was the life of God in His Son. FW 22.1

Now not a soul can give God anything that is not already His. Bear this in mind: “All things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee” (1 Chronicles 29:14). This must be kept before the people wherever we go—that we possess nothing, can offer nothing in value, in work, in faith, which we have not first received of God and upon which He can lay His hand any time and say, They are Mine—gifts and blessings and endowments I entrusted to you, not to enrich yourself, but for wise improvement to benefit the world.

I ask, How can I present this matter as it is? The Lord Jesus imparts all the powers, all the grace, all the penitence, all the inclination, all the pardon of sins, in presenting His righteousness for man to grasp by living faith—which is also the gift of God. If you would gather together everything that is good and holy and noble and lovely in man and then present the subject to the angels of God as acting a part in the salvation of the human soul or in merit, the proposition would be rejected as treason. Standing in the presence of their Creator and looking upon the unsurpassed glory which enshrouds His person, they are looking upon the Lamb of God given from the foundation of the world to a life of humiliation, to be rejected of sinful men, to be despised, to be crucified. Who can measure the infinity of the sacrifice! FW 24.1

Christ for our sakes became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. And any works that man can render to God will be far less than nothingness. My requests are made acceptable only because they are laid upon Christ's righteousness. The idea of doing anything to merit the grace of pardon is fallacy from beginning to end. “Lord, in my hand no price I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.”

1 Corinthians 10:17
For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread.

1 Corinthians 10:21
We cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.

So in conclusion the result of all this is that faith and works go together, both only possible by Grace.
Última edición:
De verdad me interesaria muchisimo formar parte de esto ya que necesito urgentemente mejroar mi ingles por algunas coonferencias de trabajo, ultimamente he estado en oxinity para poder aprender lo basico pero ahora supongo que hare el curso de intermedio para poder tener un nivel mas apto por lo mecionado y bueno la verdad me serviria de mucho esto, me encantó la info ¡Mil gracias!
Muy buena iniciativa. Que Dios le bendiga en gran manera. Espero poder aportar en su aprendizaje del español y de la misma forma yo pueda hacerlo con el idioma inglés.