9 Febrero 2001
Saludos en Cristo Hermanos

A ver que les parece esta noticia? la puse en tema nuevo para que no pase por desapercibida.


Arafat fue homosexual, no me imagino a los islamicos colgando al lider palestino, tal vez en palestina sea diferente a Iran, y alli los homosexuales no tengan problema, la pregunta sera que ira a hacer con las 62 virgenes?
las hara comadres?

Lei esta noticia ayer pero mi pesimo conocimiento para poner un link me impide ponerlo, les prometo cuando menos lo mas rapido que pueda decirles de donde salio la noticia, si alguien la haya primero pongala por favor.


La paz de Dios

Saludos en Cristo Hermanos

A ver que les parece esta noticia? la puse en tema nuevo para que no pase por desapercibida.


Arafat fue homosexual, no me imagino a los islamicos colgando al lider palestino, tal vez en palestina sea diferente a Iran, y alli los homosexuales no tengan problema, la pregunta sera que ira a hacer con las 62 virgenes?
las hara comadres?

Lei esta noticia ayer pero mi pesimo conocimiento para poner un link me impide ponerlo, les prometo cuando menos lo mas rapido que pueda decirles de donde salio la noticia, si alguien la haya primero pongala por favor.


La paz de Dios

Dios te bendiga.

saludos, no se porque aparecen hoy varios titulos con el tema homosexual, Dios tenga misericordia de los pecados y errores de Arafat


Saludos en Cristo hermanos

Aqui el reporte

REPORT: Yasser Arafat was a homosexual and actually died of AIDS
It would appear Mr Arafat won’t be kicking it in heaven with Allah. If fact, he may be going to hell according to some new reports. It turns out Arafat and Michael Jackson may have a lot in common, minus the AIDS of course. Now the big question is this, will he be getting 72 virgins? Is so, are they young boys or young girls? Or maybe he was bi-sexual? Perhaps 36 boys and 36 girls?

“A confidential medical report released to the Palestinian Authority from the French hospital in which Yasser Arafat died revealed the Palestinian leader succumbed to AIDS, said the founder and leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command terrorist group.”

Ahmed Jibril – the infamous, Damascus-based PFLP chief who at times was a close Arafat confidante – said in an interview with Hezbollah’s Al-Manar television that PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his team told him the French medical report listed AIDS as Arafat’s cause of death.

“When Abu Mazen (Abbas) came to Damascus with his team, I asked them: ‘What happened to the investigation into the death of Abu Ammar (Arafat)? The Israelis killed him. He was my colleague ever since 1965 and used to sleep at my home. He and I followed the same path.
“Is it conceivable that when (former Lebanese Prime Minister) Rafiq Al-Hariri was killed, all hell broke loose, even though he was just a merchant in Saudi Arabia, who later entered politics, whereas the death of Yasser Arafat, who for 40 years had been carrying his gun from one place to another, is not investigated? Is this conceivable?”

Jibril: “They (Abbas’ team) were silent, and then one of them said to me: ‘To be honest, the French gave us the medical report that stated that the cause of Abu Ammar’s death was AIDS.”

Jibril stressed the AIDS information doesn’t originate with him but was told to him by Abbas and his team:

“I am not saying this, they did. Now they pretend that they miss Yasser Arafat and complain that [Hamas] entered his house in [Gaza] and so on.”
Jibril’s PFLP has carried out numerous anti-American and anti-Israeli terror operations. The group is suspected by some of targeting Pan Am Flight 103 in December 1988. Jibril is believed to have been behind a massive shipment of weapons to Arafat in 2001 that was seized by Israel and used as part of a campaign to isolate the late Palestinian Liberation Organization leader.
Arafat died Nov. 11, 2004, at a military hospital in Paris. The official cause of death was not released because French law prohibits distribution of medical records to anyone other than immediate family. Arafat’s widow, Suha, has refused to divulge any details of his illness.

A copy of Arafat’s medical report was obtained in 2005 by the PA as part of an internal investigation into Arafat’s death.

A book published in Israel in 2005 quoted Arafat’s doctor stating the Palestinian leader died of AIDS.

In “The Seventh War” by Haaretz journalists Amos Harel and Avi Isacharoff, Dr. Ashraf al-Kurdi, Arafat’s personal physician, was quoted saying he knew Arafat’s French doctors found the AIDS virus in the blood.

Al-Kurdi played no role in Arafat’s medical care during the final weeks of the Palestinian leader’s life and refused to divulge the source of the AIDS information. He claimed the virus was put into Arafat’s blood in an effort to blur the traces of poisoning, which he says was the “real” cause of death.
Many senior Palestinian officials claimed in media interviews they are convinced Arafat was poisoned by Israel.

While Arafat was ill, some publicly speculated he was dying of AIDS.
The homosexual site, which deals regularly with issues related to HIV/AIDS, ran a piece reminding readers that for several years it had been suggested Arafat was bisexual and could have contracted the disease.
“If suggestions that Arafat has AIDS are true, it is doubtful it would be made public,” wrote European bureau chief Malcolm Thornberry.
National Review diarist David Frum suggested in a column Arafat contracted AIDS from homosexual sex with his bodyguards.

Ion Pacepa, who was deputy chief of Romanian foreign intelligence under the Ceausescu regime and who defected to the West in 1978, stated in his memoirs the Romanian government bugged Arafat and had recordings of the Arab leader in orgies with his security detail.
Arafat’s wife, Suha, mostly lived abroad and rarely saw her husband.
Teenage boys?

In a WND interview, the National Security Agency’s former analyst of Arafat’s communications said the U.S. had information indicating the Palestinian leader may have been a homosexual who preyed on teenage boys.
James J. Welsh, who in the early 1970s monitored communications for the NSA related to Arafat’s Fatah movement, said, “One of the things we looked for when we were intercepting Fatah communications were messages about Ashbal [Lion cub] members who would be called to Beirut from bases outside of Beirut. The Ashbal were often orphaned or abandoned boys who were brought into the organization, ostensibly to train for later entry into Fedayeen fighter units.

“Arafat always had several of these 13-15 year old boys in his entourage. We figured out that he would often recall several of these boys to Beirut just before he would leave for a trip outside Lebanon. It proved to be a good indicator of Arafat’s travel plans. While Arafat did have a regular security detail, many of those thought to be security personnel – the teenage boys – were actually there for other purposes,” Welsh said.

Arafat’s Fatah and PLO organizations based themselves in Beirut after they were expelled from Jordan in 1970. The terror groups remained in Lebanon until Israel’s military operations in the area in 1982.

In response to Welsh’s allegations, senior Arafat aide and chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told WND the reports are “utter nonsense and don’t merit any reaction.”


la paz de Dios

Según la ley Islámica el castigo por ello, es ser ahogado enterrado en el lodo.

Pero por lo visto "nadie se dió cuenta".

Por otro lado, esa noticia no tiene porque ser tan mala, (no es mala para los cristianos ni para los judíos), eso pone en evidencia ante el mundo la relatividad moral de esta gente de Hamas.

¿Queda aun alguno que crea en los objetivos de Hamas?

Porque esto echa por tierra su moralidad, nada menos que su lider tan religioso siendo encubierto por una de las ofensas más serias a la fé islámica.


La dirigencia palestina afirmó que la "misteriosa" muerte del líder Yasser Arafat en noviembre del 2004 fue causada por el virus de inmunodeficiencia adquirida, Sida.

Según información difundida luego de la muerte del histórico líder, muchos dirigentes apuntaban a un envenenamiento, no obstante, esta semana, el máximo dirigente palestino en Siria confesó ante las cámaras de televisión que el presidente de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmud Abbas, le había asegurado que los informes provenientes del hospital francés donde murió Arafat decían que la causa del deceso fue Sida.

Ahmad Jibril, líder y fundador del Frente Popular por la Liberación de Palestina otorgó una entrevista al canal Al-Manar del Hezbollah libanés, en la que relató que cuando interrogó a Abbas sobre la investigación del envenenamiento de Arafat, éste le dijo que había que callar: "Para serle honesto, el informe oficial de los franceses es muy claro. El Sida fue lo que se lo llevó".

Agregó que lo que en realidad quieren acallar los líderes palestinos es la larga historia homosexual de Arafat.

Argumentó que la revelación podría traer muchos ataques de los integristas y jihadistas.

El teniente general Ion Pacepa, jefe de los servicios de inteligencia de la Rumania de Ceaucescu, cuenta en sus memorias el romance del líder con un guardaespaldas.

Comentó que pese a las investigaciones sobre su inclinación sexual por parte de los servicios israelíes y la CIA, nunca pudieron obtener una sola evidencia.