Cientificos católicos

2 Octubre 2005
Hola a todos:

Estoy confeccionando una lista histórica de católicos que hayan sido o sean científicos. ¿Me podeis ayudar?

Re: Cientificos católicos

Te nombre uno que me parece que era católico (muy creyente seguro) y que creo que fue uno de los que comenzó con el nacimiento de la ciencia moderna :

René Descartes.

Re: Cientificos católicos

catolicos cientificos??????
si los catolicos han siempre estado en contra de la ciencia, empezando con Galileo Galilei, anque diga la iglesia catolica que no estan en contra de la ciencia,la historia demuestra otra cosa.
Re: Cientificos católicos

ruizlalo dijo:
catolicos cientificos??????
si los catolicos han siempre estado en contra de la ciencia, empezando con Galileo Galilei, anque diga la iglesia catolica que no estan en contra de la ciencia,la historia demuestra otra cosa.

Estimado me temo que no es asi, la historia demuestra que la humanidad a dado muchos científicos católicos, mas que todo en la edad media en donde la ciencia era una suerte de rama de la teología y no existia una versión atea del conocimiento. El mismo Darwin era cristiano ortodoxo al principio.-
A lo que vos te referis es, me parece, el clero.-
No solo hay científicos católicos, sino que te sorprenderia lo que muchos de ellos opinan de algunas teorias del conocimiento.-
Re: Cientificos católicos

De científicos católicos romanos no tengo información, pero los siguientes personajes fueron hombres de ciencia cristianos evangélicos. Les recomiendo este libro Christian Men of Science

JOHANNES KEPLER (1571-1630) Astronomer and The Father of Modern Optics.
Although Johannes Kepler studied for the Lutheran ministry, he spent his life teaching mathematics and astronomy. Through Providential circumstances, he came into possession of Tycho Brahe's planetary calculations. This data enabled Kepler to formulate his three laws of planetary motion. Kepler remained a devout Christian throughout his life and refused to accept Catholicism in spite of oppressive religious persecution.

ROBERT BOYLE (1627-1691) The Father of Modern Chemistry
Robert Boyle's work in chemistry guided the great transition from alchemy to chemistry. In fact, he is often called "The Father of Modern Chemistry." As a Christian he believed his testimony as a layman could have even more impact than that of a clergyman. He wrote discourses on a variety of scientific and religious subjects and became a powerful force for combating heresy and reproving evil.

SIR DAVID BREWSTER (1781-1868) Experimental Physicist
Although David Brewster studied for the Presbyterian ministry, he did not come to a saving knowledge of Christ until he was over 70 years old. He researched light related topics and invented and improved several optical devices. His most famous invention is the kaleidoscope.

MICHAEL FARADAY (1791-1867) Experimental Physicist
Michael Faraday is regarded as the greatest of all the experimental physicists. He invented the transformer, electric motor, and the electric generator. Perhaps his most noteworthy contribution to physics is the concept of field theory. Faraday served as an elder in his church in London and occasionally preached. He was a true student of the Scriptures, and his Bible contained nearly three thousand meticulously written notations in the margins--exegetical aids, comments, and cross-references.

SAMUEL F. B. MORSE (1791-1872) Inventor and Artist
Morse began his career as a portrait painter, studying with the famous artists Washington Allston and Benjamin West. After a trip to Europe where he became intrigued with the French semaphore system of communication, Morse invented the telegraph. He was a humble Christian who was always careful to give praise to the Lord for his outstanding accomplishment.

MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY (1806-1873) Oceanographer
Matthew Maury, a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, was the first man to map the currents in the ocean and earned the title "Pathfinder of the Seas." His inspiration for ocean currents came from Psalm 8, and his idea for wind patterns came from Ecclesiastes 1:6. Maury was never afraid to confess his Christian faith in public, and he unashamedly quoted from the Bible in his writings and lectures.

JAMES CLERK MAXWELL (1831-1879) Physicist
James Clerk Maxwell is undoubtedly one of the greatest geniuses in the history of science. He made major contributions to astronomy, gas theory, color theory, electromagnetic theory, thermodynamics, and molecular theory. His electromagnetic equations paved the way for television, radio, and radar. He served as an elder in his church and his private spiritual life was exemplary. He maintained his gracious Christian testimony, even when he was in intense pain, dying from stomach cancer.

LORD KELVIN, WILLIAM THOMASON (1824-1907) Physicist, Engineer, and Inventor
Lord Kelvin is probably most famous for his work in thermodynamics and the part he played in the laying of the first transatlantic cable. He was a brilliant theoretical physicist, engineer, and inventor. He never wavered from his simple child-like faith in Christ. Throughout his life, he was an outspoken opponent of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection.

HOWARD A. KELLY (1858-1943) Surgeon
As a young medical school graduate, Dr. Howard Kelly dedicated his time and capabilities to serve the Lord through medicine. He made remarkable contributions in gynecology in an effort to alleviate the suffering of women. He was one of the founders of the Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore, Maryland. He was an extremely generous Christian, contributing large portions of his income to charities and missionary endeavors. Despite his busy schedule, he began and ended every day studying the Bible and praying for an hour.

DR. HENRY MORRIS (1918- ) Hydraulic Engineer, Father of the Modern Creation-Science Movement
Henry Morris taught engineering for 28 years. While he taught at secular colleges, he saw the need to help students accept the Bible as true and trustworthy, so he wrote his first book, a defense of the Bible. In 1961, he coauthored The Genesis Flood with Dr. John Whitcomb, the book that was the catalyst for the creationist revival of the 1960's. He later started the Institute for Creation Research and has had a profitable ministry as a writer defending the creation position.

DR. WALTER BROWN (1937- ) Mechanical Engineer, Air Force Full Colonel
Walt Brown served in the Army and the Air Force, working with the army's armament systems and teaching at the Air Force Academy and the Air War College. He became fascinated with Noah's Ark and after studying the evidence for the Flood, he abandoned his belief in theistic evolution. He retired from the military after 21 years to dedicate himself full-time to getting out the message of God's creation. His book In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood has now reached the seventh edition and is widely in demand because it is the most complete reference work covering the broad subject of origins from a scientific standpoint.

Re: Cientificos católicos

Estimado usuario :

Igual la pregunta no está bien formulada, pero creo que se entiende correctamente. Todos sabemos que la iglesia católica ha dado a este mundo personajes universales por su aportacion a la ciencia. Tambien militares, profesores, trabajadores de RENFE, de IBERIA, politicos y pertenecientes a todos los sectores del conocimiento y de cualquier otra indole. Tambien nos ha dado SANTOS, gracias a DIOS.
Mi pregunta es sencillamente el conocer de todos los cientificos que han existido y existen, cuáles profesaban la fe católica.

Re: Cientificos católicos

Contrario a la opinión popular la iglesia católica no solo no está en contra de la ciencia, como ocurre con muchísimas facciones protestantes donde se cultiva el creacionismo y la literacidad absoluta de la Biblia, google me mandó a wikipedia, donde aparece una lista extensa de católicos en diversas ramas del saber y del arte, es este link:

Y sobre científicos he aquí la lista, aunque creo que no están todos:
Re: Cientificos católicos

agrippa dijo:
Contrario a la opinión popular la iglesia católica no solo no está en contra de la ciencia, como ocurre con muchísimas facciones protestantes donde se cultiva el creacionismo y la literacidad absoluta de la Biblia, google me mandó a wikipedia, donde aparece una lista extensa de católicos en diversas ramas del saber y del arte, es este link:

Y sobre científicos he aquí la lista, aunque creo que no están todos:

El tema no seria tanto si son católicos o no, el tema seria ver si tienen el verdadero espíritu científico de reflexión, autocrítica y cambio ante la aparición de evidencias y explicaciones nuevas.-<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

Los científicos que han marcado historia son, en su mayoría, aquellos que han sabido ir en contra incluso de ellos mismos ante la aparición de nuevas conclusiones.-<o:p></o:p>

Saludos. <o:p></o:p>