Looking for Spanish friend


15 Julio 2005
Hola que tal?

I'm from Holland, and looking to meet a Spanish (girl)friend. For my work I visit Spain a lot, and I'm trying to learn the language.

If you're between 22 and 30, christian and would like to like friendship with someone from Holland, let me know. E-mail is [email protected]

Hasta luego
Re: Looking for Spanish friend

Hi Sven!
My name is Lucía, i´m from Argentina, maybe i can help you with your spanish language, i don´t speak English at all, and i don´t have 22 years old, i just have 16, but maybe i can help. God bless you.
Re: Looking for Spanish friend

Hola Lucía,

You're welcome! And ofcourse you can sent a mail on my email adres!

